Chapter 2: The Wielders

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"Ay, wassup?" The blue senri asked to the two cowering lovers.
Emerald and Ruby were essentially holding each other with their paws, still shaking in fear, trying to comprehend what just happened. The didn't even mutter a syllable.
The golden dragon walked up to the two. "Hey. Don't worry, we took care of your assailants. You're safe."
Ruby closed her eyes and put her head into Emerald's fur, deeply exhaling. She felt that feeling one would feel after a very close 'life-or-death' situation.
Emerald looked around at looked at the chaos. Three murderous crooks... Sparks in hoods... what the hell was happening?! He thought.

"W-w-w-h-h-h..?" Emerald could barely find what to say. "What h-happened?! W-who are you all?!" He asked, panicking.
"Are you all here to kill us, too? Did you those guys so they couldn't take your kill?" Ruby asked. "Well, if you're gonna do it, make it painless."
The dragon looked at shinigami. "Darla?"
The shinigami nodded and walked towards the two. She got onto her knees and held out her hand.
"Calm down, we don't wish to hurt you." She said, with purple energy coming off of her hand. She tapped Emerald and Ruby's forehead gems with her finger.
The two's eyes turned purple for a second. The two then exhaled, and were eased by the strange magic.
"I... feel better somehow." Ruby remarked.
"Me... me neither."

"I suppose some explanation is warranted." The dragon said. He put his claw into a fist and put it on his chest. The others did a similar stance. "We are the Wielders. Feral's secret defenders of peace against enemies of great stature. I am Lyte, the Wielder of Light." The dragon said.

He pointed to the werewolf. "This is Ning, Wielder of Lightning."
"Hello! It's good to met you!" Ning greeted. Her antlers then released a small shock.

Lyte pointed to the Shinigami. "This is Darla, Wielder of Shadow."
"G-greetings." She said quietly. She didn't look much for conversation, it seemed.

Lyte pointed to the senri. "This is Shard. Wielder of Ice."
"Æ, wassup?" He said, lowering his sunglasses and smiling.

Lyte pointed to the kitsune. "This is Gail, Wielder of Wind."
She smiled and closed her eyes. "Hello, friends."

Emerald looked at them. "Secret defenders of Feral? Are you related to the Feral Royal Guard?"
Lyte chuckled. "Fair assumption, but no. We are not bound by the two Queens of the land or their will. The Royal Guard operates within these realms. We cover that, and beyond."
"That's... awesome, actually." Ruby said, amazed.
"You're welcome for that saving by the way... Emerald and Ruby." Lyte said.
The two's ears perked and their attention snapped onto them.
"Wait. How do you know who we are?"

"We've heard about you two for a while." Lyte began to explain.
"Two Sparks... a green kitsune with the power of the forest. And a pink senri with the might of fire... two Sparks that brought an end to the reign of the Dark Sparks, the Dark Lord Daran... honestly, I'm surprised you're not, like, celebrities."
Emerald was confused. "So, wait. Why did... those guys try to kill us?"
"We don't know. My best guess? They see you two as threats. You two possess formidable power. We've been after these scums for a month or so. They see us and our powers as threats."
He then pointed at the two. "With the power you two have, it's no wonder they're scared."
The two looked at each other in confusion.
Lyte walked towards them and lowered his head's elevation to the two.
"Which is why I ask you something. Tell me, Emerald and Ruby. Forgive my intrusion, but what future do you two wish to have?"
The two paused and looked at each other. "Be with each other. See where we go from there."They both said at the same time.
Lyte nodded. "I see. But considering what we're dealing with... you two, and everyone else, there may NOT be a future for anyone."
The two gasped silently.
"We may be formidable, like you two, but this is beyond our league. Which is why I ask you two this."
Lyte held out his claw.
"Will you join the Wielders? Assure that everyone gets to live happily once more? Yourselves included?"
The two were silent. They've already lived with the stress of saving Feral once. But can they do it again?
The two sat silently, until...
Ruby stood up, and put her paw onto Lyte's claw. Ruby looked at Emerald.
Though hesitant, Emerald put his paw into Lyte's claw. He shook his claw with their paws.
"Thank you, you two." He nodded.
"So what do we do?" Emerald asked.
Lyte pulled out a strange blue crystal and held it high. A bright light enveloped the backyard!
When it dissipated, they were gone.

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