Finale, Part 1: Whispers Silenced

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"My child."
The First set the seal in her hands down gently.
Realia stood up on her feet, and smiled. "You have changed so much, yet so little."
The First, What seemed like for the first time in an eternity, smiled. "I've missed you, Mother."
The two exchanged one of the greatest mother-daughter hugs in history.
All the Wielders smiled, and chuckled.
"All's well that end well." Lyte nodded.
"What a journey." Gail laughed.
"Ae, it was easy. I dunno what you tal-" Shard boasted, prior to being smacked in the back of the head by Darla.
"Cram it, Shard." Darla said. Her voice sounded more happy than ever.
Ning breathed deeply. "That's a story for my nephews, huh? Fighting the very first Queen of Feral... Hah! What a Tale, amiright?"
Darla simply made a small smile at her.
"We did it again, Emerald. We saved the world once more." Ruby said.
"Are we even bigger than heroes, now? I wonder..." Emerald chuckled.
Realia looked over the Wielders. "The Wielders. That title goes back to the days of ancient Feral. The title given to the greatest warriors in Feral, each one harnessing a unique power. Light, Wind, Ice, Lightning, Shadow, Forest, And Fire... my child, you have led them wonderfully. Never have I had doubts about that when I first created you."
"I wouldn't have made it this far without them. Especially these two." The First pointed at Emerald and Ruby.
"Aah. These two. I can sense a strange energy from you two. You were not gifted your ability to use magic like the other Wielders, were you?"
"N-no, your highness. We sorta just, unlocked them, by caring for each other." Ruby said.
"Incredible. Pure, unfiltered, uncontaminated love which awakens the power itself. These were only rumors, even in ancient times."
"They have achieved the impossible, mother. But that's a long story. Everyone here... Lyte, Gail, Shard, Ning, Darla, Emerald, Ruby... they all played a major role in saving you." The First picked up the seal. "And now, the fiend, this "Whisper"... what shall we do with it?"
Realia put her hand out, as sign she wanted to hold the seal. The First handed it over without fighting. "I shall hide this artifact deep in the caverns beneath Feral, where no one shall ever find it. This wisp of darkness, that has brought madness on everyone it meets, even the ancient Elves, shall no longer hurt anyone." She put it away. "Now, come on everyone. Let us greet the outside. I have not breathed the outside air for so long."
Realia and The First walked through the ship and sought to go outside,

Realia was talking to the Queens at the palace ground. The sun shone high over City Fera.
"I deeply apologize for any suffering I may have caused. I am truly sorry about everything." Realia apologized in the deepest way possible.
"Do not worry yourself, ancient queen. You were in a position you could not control. You are not to blame." Aradia assured.
"Don't worry about the palace, we were going to refurbish it anyway." Delilah chuckled.
"What about you, Realia? What do you intend to do?" Aradia asked.
"I do not intend to return to the throne; I've had my time on it. I've always wanted to live life as a commoner, not a monarch. And besides, me And Madeleine, we have a lot to catch up on."
"Madeleine?" The First Asked.
"It is the name I am giving you. How does it feel?"
Madeleine paused, then smiled. "I love it."
The Wielders were talking with Diamond.
"While we doubt we can make up for who-knows how millions of likes spent on your complex machinery and troop, is there anything we can do?" Lyte asked.
"There is nothing to forgive. If anything, I ask for your forgiveness, for causing so much trouble." Diamond said. "and as such, I grant you this: when that Spark Therapy Clinic finally opens here, I will give you all one free operation."
The team looked pleased with that offer.
"No, wait. Even better: slight discount." Diamond changed her mind.
Everyone sighed in dissatisfaction.
Diamond got onto an airship and flew off.
"You know, she wasn't that bad, all things considered." Gail said.
"There are definitely worse Sparks out there." Lyte said, looking at Shard.
"What?" Shard asked.
The team walked down the path, meeting with Wakai and Gertah.
"So, now that this is over, what do you all intend to do?" Lyte asked.
Emerald and Ruby looked at each other. "Like we said, see where we go from there." Emerald said.
"What about you all?" Ruby asked.
"Lady Madeleine has disbanded us, so to speak. We are still Wielders, but we are now free. We can finally go back to our sanctuaries, and be social." Lyte replied.
"I have a collection of Zella games that need replaying you know." Gail said.
"H-hey Ning..." Darla got her attention.
"I was wondering. Maybe this weekend, do you wanna... g-go out with me?" Darla blushed.
Ning blushed. "I have no objections. Sure! Maybe a nice dinner at someplace expensive?"
"T-that would be beautiful."
"I got me an ice collection to finish sculpting when I get back." Shard said.

The team were at the Rat Wall by the entrance.
"Mossa Gata tur dama!" Gertah said, holding a camera.
The team was posing for one last picture as the Wielders.
"Alright, mon ami, stay still, like that..." Wakai said, examining the picture.
"Everyone look good... and... snap!"

Author's Note: yeah I know the image sucks ass, but hey, almost done with this beautiful mess

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Author's Note: yeah I know the image sucks ass, but hey, almost done with this beautiful mess. Stay tuned for next two finales and stay feral!

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