Chapter 12: Frigid Winds

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Diamond's airship flew through the armada and made it to the big airship. She then ordered one of the cannons to destroy the side of its hull, and put the bridge to its side.
"Prepare to board!" Diamond yelled.
Emerald created a vine bridge and the team ran across into the broken side of the ship.
The Queens, Diamond, Azure, And Luka stayed behind on the ship.
"We'll stay behind. But we know you can do it!" Diamond said.
"Don't die for a third time, E!" Azure yelled.
"Or a second, Ruby!" Luka said.
"Wielders, we wish you luck against the enemy!" Aradia said.
"Show that Whisper that it messed with the wrong Feral!" Delilah cheered.
"Wielders! Move out!" The First ordered.
The Wielders ran though the halls of the underdeck.

The Wielders ran into a hallway, and several goons ambushed them.
"A trap, eh? Well you all are about to pay for that mistake!" Ning said, holding an axe.
"For the Queen!" All the crooks yelled, charging at the team.
The team fought with all their effort and managed to vanquish the guards.
A werewolf however tried to steal the seal the First had with her.
"Hand it over!" He screamed, trying to take it.
"No!" She screamed back.
Emerald impaled the werewolf in the back with sword, causing it to topple.
"Thank you."
"Don't mention it; let's go!"
The team continued their mad sprint through the halls.

After fighting through several paths, twists and turns, the team made it to the deck. The deck was covered with crooks, each one looking very menacing.
Shard froze the ground, causing them all to slip, with Darla using her magic to make all the crooks go to sleep.
"Huh. I didn't know you could do that." Ning complimented.
"Th-thank you."
"More guys!"
One of them had a bow and fired it a high elevation.
It slightly grazed Emerald, but it still hurt him.
Ruby noticed this, and immediately snapped. She immediately threw her spear at the archer, and used her magic to burn all the crooks surrounding the team, while screaming "NO ONE HURTS MY EMERALD!!"
The team just watched in horror, seeing Ruby just go berserk on the crooks, even Emerald.
One straggler tried to crawl away, but Ruby immediately pounced on him, and threw the spear down, blood splashing on her face.
She panted, and had done the dark deed, looking at Emerald.
"" Emerald said.
"How was that?" Ruby smiled.
"Works for me." Shard said.
"Can't compete with crazy." Gail said.
"I'm good." Darla said.
Ning clapped her paws, smiling.
"Now I look pathetic, compared to you." Emerald said.
"Don't say that, you're just as strong." Ruby complimented.
"If we're done with the psycho romance, we have a mission here." Lyte said.
Ruby wiped the blood off of her face, and the Wielders ran forward.
Gail slowed down and stood by her side. "Damn, girl. Now I know what you mean when you say you'd anything to make him happy."
"Can't bear to see him in distress, especially after he died twice, now."
"Also, you wouldn't mind if I attended the day you two get hitched, right?" Gail asked.
"Not at all."
The team continued running across the deck, and entered a door on its far end.

The Wielders were met with more hallway, and more crooks. They were getting close.
"Enemies on sight!" A squad of guards yelled, and charged at the Wielders.
The team fought them with their weapons, but Ruby was left vulnerable for a second, causing the enemy to stab her side, hurting her.
Emerald heard her yelp in pain, and gasped. He then growled, and summoned several vines, grabbing each guard in the room, and throwing them into the hallway.
A shinigami got up, but Emerald immediately impaled them with a sharp vine. He then slammed the vine across the hallway, slamming and crushing other guards in the hallway with the vine rapidly, all while screaming "YOU! WILL! NOT! TAKE! MY! BE! LOVED! RUBY! NO! MATTER! WHAT! THIS! WORLD! MAY! PULL!"
Everyone watched. "Hmm. Violent love on both ends." Ning nodded.
Ruby was impressed by Emerald and smiled. "We're both crazy sparks."
"That does it. I don't intend to fall head over tail for someone as crazy as you." Gail said. "Or maybe not, hehe." She then thought, smirking.
Emerald then finished his barbarous assault and retracted his vines, causing the impaled and beaten up shinigami to fall dead.
Emerald inhaled and exhaled deeply.
"Y-you good?" Ruby asked.
Emerald snapped his head around, bearing a creepy and exhausted smile.
"Yeah. Yeah, I'm good I'm good." He turned around and sat down. "Just a little on edge, that's all. Cause it's been quite a year hasn't it like oh you know the apocalypse and me DYING AND ALMOST DYING AGAIN AND YOUBEINGALMOSTDEADANDBASICALLYTHISWHOLETRAINWRECKTHATESCALATEDLIKEWHYDID"
Emerald continued going through a mad rant, shaking his head.
"Oh, he is NOT fine." Darla shook her head.
Ruby sighed and walked up to him. She then quickly kissed him on the side of the head, instantly making him stop, his pupils shrink, and formed a blush.
"Thank you." He said calmly and sheepishly.
Emerald got up and followed the rest.
"Ruby's homemade remedy; it always works." She said to herself as she began following.
The Wielders continued their march.

After some exploring, they came across as menacing door. They would hear ominous whispers emanate from it.
"She's in there. I know it. Mother's in there." The First said. "Wielders. This is it, without a doubt. Are you all ready?"
"We'll strike like a flash of lightning." Ning said.
"Swarm in and banish the evil to the shadows of oblivion." Darla said.
"Let's whirl up a fearsome gale!" Gail said.
"Les' cool down dat Queen!" Shard said.
"We'll bring her back to light!" Lyte said.
"Show them the flames of our determination." Ruby said.
"Let the leaves of peace And boringness sweep over Feral once more." Emerald said.
The First nodded. "Very well. Wielders! Forward!" The First pointed her blade forward, and all of the charged through the door to the final battle.

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