Chapter One

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What the hell just happened? 

Another death and another trial washed away behind them as the remaining students who had been blessed with another chance walked away to their respective rooms or comfort areas to recollect themselves. Some took their chance to avoid others in the process.
Mondo stood out in the hallway of the dorm area, puzzled and dazed at all that happened. Knowing the word of warning Gundham and even a few others had passed to him before the trial stuck to his mind. At the time of hearing the statements, he cussed them off in pure disregard to the matter.
Kiyotaka isn't like that, right? He's my man! Everything...
"I presume you have come to realise..." Gundham voice suddenly rang, breaking the silence as he approached Mondo from behind and took place at his side. "Hear my words, I only warn you of a dangerous path because it could lead to your doom. You may care for someone deeply, but you don't care for them to the point of ruin." The overlord's gaze turned soft yet stern at the sight of the taller man. "He isn't what you think he is. Don't let your emotions brainwash your understanding of reality." Owada could only stare back at him, unsure of how to take everything he was being told. He didn't want to believe him, no matter how serious Tanaka always took everything. He just couldn't accept that Kiyotaka might not be all he seems.
"Ah! There you are!" As if on cue, the man in question called out to the two of them. Clasping his hands together, Ishimaru moved himself to form a triangle between the three of them. "I know I usually do so at the morning gathering but-...with less and less people showing up, it's just easier to do it now. I may not have been as involved in this last trial, but I still feel it important to check up on my fellow classmates." He gave a smile despite the obvious discomfort in his eyes. He sighed, straighten his jacket when he was only met with silence in response. "What I mean is- we're still alright? I know that you two are the least likely to tell me honestly long as we're all here, we may as well keep ourselves stable." He tried to make his words sound as comforting as possible, but he honestly didn't think either of them would find any use in it. Especially with the way Tanaka had been looking at him as of late, he wondered if he should just move on without a response. Besides, he was almost done this self imposed chore, so it wouldn't make a difference to him either way.

"I'm doing fine." Gundham plainly answered the question, his gaze never straying away from Mondo's. "I must be going now. These horrific trials have caused me quite the drowsiness." More like he just wanted to get away from Kiyotaka as fast as possible. He prayed Mondo listened even a little bit, giving him a small nudge to his side as he left, hoping to remind him of their previous conversation. Mondo watched Tanaka make his leave for the dorm room before looking at Kiyotaka. "I'm as fine as one can be." The biker smiled even though it was staged. He was hoping to avoid any suspicion. "You doing good? I swear these trials get more fucked up each time!" Mondo wrapped an arm around Ishimaru's neck and messed up his hair as he usually did.
All these rumours were just lies. Kiyotaka is still...well Kiyotaka. They're just a bunch of self imposed assholes!
The shorter boy gave a breathy laugh as he pat Mondo's arm. "Yes, I'm's just the uneasiness of death everywhere, you know?" He pulled himself out of the grasp, turning to face the man once more. "Moreover, it's a relief that people close to me aren't gone yet, or myself. I know it sounds a little selfish, and while it is important to mourn the dead, I can not help but to find a sense of...peace if you will, knowing that people like you are still with us." His smile seemed to grow wider as he made eye contact, placing a reassuring hand on the biker's arm. While he had concerns over whatever conversation Owada was having with Gundham prior, he dare not express it, at least not with his friend. Mondo stared at him in silence for a good moment before he smiled once more. "I never planned on dying!" he laughed.
He's still the same...thank god.
Sure, he'd imagine Ishimaru being a bit more upset over the death of people around them, but he didn't question it. "All this dogshit mess has got me beat," Mondo eventually sighed, placing a hand on his hip while looking away into the distance. "Imma head to my room. You probably should too, okay? It's almost midnight, anyways, such bullshit." It was odd for the biker to express concern over someone, but anyone could tell by that point that he had grown quite fond of Kiyotaka. It's what kept him sane throughout this hellhole of a place.
"Really?" The moral compass checked his wristwatch, a little surprised it had already been so much time. He'd hardly seen anyone go to their dorm, and plus so many people were still awake. "Ahh I suppose with all this stress, it's understandable to become tired faster. Sleep does sound nice."
Mondo gave a small chuckle, patting Kiyotaka on the back a bit roughly before turning to make his way towards his dorm. "See ya' bud."
Ishimaru watched him for a few moments before his eyes drifted towards his own dorm. "Sleep well Mondo! Refresh yourself and we shall face another day head on!" That was his attempt at optimism. Even before all this, he doubted he was very good at it, simply following his own moral code and expecting others to do the same. Though, they never did.

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