Chapter Three

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Kiyotaka would've responded if the man hadn't stormed off. Instead, he let out a breath, slowly sitting down and attempting to calm himself.
He's right, it is just a word...
But then why did it hurt him so much?
"He seemed pretty gonna be okay there, Taka?" Soda spoke up, taking notice of his slightly disheveled state.
"Nothing to worry over Soda. is just a word, I can not get so hung up on it. I just hope he learns to be nicer." He leaned over onto the table, rubbing his face in an attempt to clear his mind.
"Yeah-..." the mechanic gave a small laugh, nervously rubbing his neck. "...Being offended isn't a bad thing though. You can at least stand up to it..." he mumbled to himself.
Ishimaru gave a small smile, "You are speaking from experience." It did feel good that he was defending someone other that himself. "I take it you have a hard time calling the behaviour out?"
"W-What? No no, I-I'm not-! It's nothing like that-..." an embarrassed flush grew over his face, turning away slightly. Was he really that bad at hiding it? Kiyotaka laughed at the boy's response.
"It is alright Soda. I have nothing against it."
"Still- come on man, I'm not open about it, how is it obvious?"
"For one, you just admitted to it," he gestured towards the boy, his smile not faltering, "and do not think I didn't notice your response to the little argument." Kazuichi sunk in his seat. Yeah, that would be one way to tell.
"Just don't fuckin' tell people alright?" He pulled on his beanie, trying to rid the thought from his mind.
"I have no reason to. It's alright, I can keep your silence." Kiyotaka figured the boy was quite sensitive. He seemed to go into a state of nervousness at a small comment, which did also mean he could easily utilise him.
Have the ultimate mechanic on your side...that does sound like a good investment...

Meanwhile, Gundham had taken note of the two boys talking amongst themselves, and immediately got up out of his seat to leave. "No better than now." The overlord muttered to himself. Leaving the dining hall, he made his way to Mondo's dorm, knocking without hesitation.
"The hell do you want?!" The biker snapped, swinging the door open, looking down at Gundham.
"To talk, dear sir." He didn't even flinch, simply looking up at the much bigger man. Mondo stood idle in awkward silence before he eventually stepped aside.
"Fine.. what do you want?"
"You're too soft." Tanaka interrupted him. He took a seat on the bed, the biker following soon after to sit beside him. "You let your emotions speak before logic, and that person you slept with last night is going to use that against you."
The fuck is he on about?
"What the hell do you mean?" Mondo glared at the darker male, confused and a bit irritated.
"Kiyotaka Ishimaru is the mastermind to put it in simple terms, you idiotic man." The breeder growled, grabbing hold of the other by the sleeve of his jacket. "He's using your fragile mindset to lure you into his grasp! Have you ever wondered why he acts so nice yet has odd moments where he's the exact opposite? He's using you."

And he would be right.

Kiyotaka took immense pride in how easily he could sway someone to his favour. Such a thing came with his natural leadership skills. Which is the only reason he sought to converse with Soda in the first place.
"I have heard those remark you as a coward, correct?" He went on, leaning on his hand.
Kazuichi groaned in response, "Alright, that's just an insult-."
"Which exactly proves the point - you are one." Well, he got him there. Soda never liked to admit to it, but he was easily terrified. He turned his attention away from Ishimaru, tracing shapes on the table. "Nothing to be ashamed of. I just wonder how you're handling all of this." The raven haired boy continued to stare at him with a look that almost seemed like innocent curiosity.
"What-? The killing game? It''s really fucked up. I barely had friends in the first place, but this? You never know who to trust anymore, it's so damn stressful!" Kazuichi was always one to overshare. No matter who it was, if you pressed the right buttons, he'd tell you everything he was thinking.
"You feel isolated? You want people to feel safe around. Support."

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