Chapter Seven

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Several hours later, at least a little while after the nighttime announcement, there came knocking at Gundham's door. Though, it was more of a forewarning, because before any response was given, Kiyotaka entered the room. The sudden noise caused him to awaken from his sleep, dazed and confused at first until he sat up and gazed upon the one who had entered his room. The moral compass stood there, the door locked behind him, all straight and pristine in his uniform as always, his eyes locked onto the breeder. "You've caused a lot of trouble today Tanaka." He sighed with a smile, though his eyes showed a thousand shades of anger.
"Have I now?" the other groaned, still trying to process everything as he shook off the drowsiness. "You have your boy toy, don't you? You have your two hounds wrapped around your finger and yet you come knocking at my door at this hour? What has Hell sent you for this time..."
"Hmm, you don't understand, do you? I told you to play nice and nothing would come of you, and this is how you repay me? My precious prizes both upset because of your actions? Not the most thoughtful thing in the world." He gave a half hearted laugh, standing about a meter away from the bed. "I didn't take you for a sadist but you clearly have a thing for pissing me off."
"Prizes? You'd put a bullet in their head in a heartbeat if it meant success." Gundham scoffed, emerging from his bed to stand tall in front of him. "You mere mortal scum will never be worth weeping over. I'll perish if it means you go down with me."
"Perhaps I would." He said, ignoring the last statement he'd made. "But as much as you hate it, that time is yet to come. They're too valuable at this current time." He grabbed Tanaka's face, keeping to eye contact between them. "I can't say the same about you however. I tried to be nice, but you insisted on being a little pest. And you know what happens to pests don't you?" He took a step to the side, a spike going straight through the other boy's thigh. Gundham knew he would try something during his visit, but didn't expect him to get physical. He gasped in pain as the metal object pierced straight through his leg, blood immediately seeping out to stain his clothes and fall to the floor. "Damnare! Why you insulting fly-!" The breeder's expression turned twisted and angry as he sucked up the pain he was in and took one clean punch at Kiyotaka's nose, falling to his knees in the process. The other took a few steps back due to the force, putting a hand below his nose and breathing in hard. If it did end up bleeding there wasn't a whole lot he could do right now. His angered expression at the retaliation quickly faded as he bent down, taking Gundham's chin in his hand again.
"And what was this about not kneeling to me, hm?" Ishimaru wore a wide smile as he leaned in closer. "You know, I almost forgot! I have a present for you."
"Just because I am wounded doesn't mean I'm at your mercy." He hissed before he took a wad of saliva and spat it in the moral compass's face.
"That is mildly disgusting." His smile faded as he wiped the spit away, slapping Tanaka across the face, the spear retracting itself in the process. "You continue to show disrespect even after all of this. You truly are the resilient one." Kiyotaka reached into his pocket as he spoke. "But I do think you'll enjoy this gift." He pulled out the small object, using the pin on the back to weave it through the skin on the wound, pushing down on it for a moment so the metal would cause more irritation to the tissue. "A little bird told me that you might appreciate something from the late princess." He hummed into the man's ear. Gundham was too dazed from the pain to realise what he was exactly happening. It only took a moment, however, as the all too familiar blue-jewelled broach stuck out from his oozing wound. no no no! 

He didn't say a word but instead hollered in pure anguish as he latched onto Kiyotaka and dragged him down onto the floor with him. He barely managed to crawl on top of him before he went on to grab hold of the spike from earlier and yank and pull for its release.
"Die, you vile hell-spawn!"
Kiyotaka punched Tanaka's face, kneeing up into him in an attempt to get him off. "You disgusting little brat!" he growled swinging at him again, "Your impure hands are not to touch Gungnir!" Grabbing his shoulders, he rolled to two over to switch positions, continue to hit Gundham's face over and over again. "You have no place here! Vile, thieving, lying child! You are not fit to be here on earth, nor in the world of my creation! Your body shall be hung for all to witness your decay, you demon." He pinned down the breeder's hands, making eye contact. "Everything you love will die in front of you, and I will revel in your defeat. Save yourself the despair and kill yourself now, maybe then you'll actually feel something."
All the sounds and constant beating just grew to the point in which the breeder didn't see a reason to keep fighting back. His grip weakened just when Kiyotaka pinned his arms back, but he didn't cry out or object during the whole ordeal. He just laid there, taking it all and praying the boy would have had his fill and leave. It didn't matter anyway, as he eventually ended up blacking out, the other watching him drift into unconsciousness. Ishimaru stayed in place for a few moments until felt the liquid dripping out of his nose.
Great- it is bleeding...
Forcefully pushing himself off Tanaka, he wiped the blood away from his face, staring at the red smear and then back down at the breeder. Perhaps finally he would learn a lesson and stay out of his personal matters. Though he didn't think the other two would 100% agree with his decision, it just had to be done. He left the room in a huff, kicking the unconscious boy on his way to the door.

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