Chapter Fifteen

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It had been a few days since Mondo had supposedly woke up for the first time in this hellhole of a school. He found it odd how everyone talked to him as if they knew him, but even so, he barely talked to anyone besides Kiyotaka whenever he came around. Honestly, he felt a lot better when he did. Though the thought of Daiya being out there somewhere while he was stuck in this prison haunted him.

One morning, one of the more odd students he tried avoiding eventually approached him. Though he'd dreaded the idea that she may even strike up a conversation based off whatever he managed to overhear alone, at the time he hadn't really minded.
"Auta and I have noticed your struggle." The girl spoke from across the cafeteria table, almost chiming. "Peace of mind is important you know."
She ended up offering to mediate with him and speak to her god in all but good faith. He hardly understood or believed the nonsense she was spouting, but ended up agreeing regardless. What could go wrong?
And so now, sitting in an empty classroom with the desks shoved to the sides, he sat across from the girl apparently named Angie with his legs crossed. 

Her hands were propped up, fingertips barely touching each other as her eyes closed shut. Angie took in a deep breath and soon sighed. "Auta senses a great struggle in you." She repeated. Her eyes then fluttered open and an odd smile came across her face. "It's about your dead brother, no? I'm sure he lives on in Auta's guarded sanctuary as we speak!"
Mondo looked rather confused at the girl's statement. "What the hell are you talking about? He's alive." the biker argued, obviously not impressed with how this was going.
"Mmmm...nope!" Angie exclaimed with her usual horribly timed bouncy behaviour. "You do not know? I assumed you did since it was your fault!" Owada just grew progressively more pissed and confused by every word she spoke.
It's your fault! You were suppose to die, not him.
All of these words blinded his sense of reality.
"It is sad that his fate was written at the sudden decision of-." Angie's speaking soon dared to stop as Mondo interjected with an irritated yell.
"Shut up, you whore! He's not dead!" He exclaimed, jumping on top of Angie and grasping his hands around her neck. Yonaga's expression instantly fell, contorting into that of a confused fear, grabbing his wrists to try and pull him off in a reflex. She tried to scream for help but it was no use with the firm grip the boy had. Mondo then repeatedly slammed her head against the floor below, a pure confused rage fuelling the action. It didn't take long for the girl to be knocked unconscious, blood beginning to stain her white hair. And it was only when she grew still that Mondo truly registered his actions.

"...what happened here?" A familiar voice asked from the door what felt like an eternity later, vaguely pointing towards Angie as he stared directly at Mondo with a confused expression. If the guy just committed homicide, then he had a backup plan. Of course he had a backup plan, this is Ishimaru we're talking about. He just needed to assess the situation first. Mondo didn't even reply. He just stared blankly at Angie's lifeless body in his grasp, regretting what he had done. Though he did eventually take notice to Kiyotaka and immediately shot his head up to look at him.
"P-Please...I didn't- I didn't mean to." The biker muttered, a few tears forming at his eyes as he stood up. Spots of blood managed to sprinkle his face and hands, though he was too distraught to notice. Kiyotaka got onto his knees next to Angie, pressing his ear up to her chest. "You haven't killed her. Not yet anyway. She will need medical attention if she's going to survive." He stood back up before turning towards Mondo. He gave him a soft smile, stepping towards him and gently holding his face in his hands. "It's alright, I understand. Please calm down." He wiped the few stops of blood off of his face, staring up at him for a moment.
"But what if she remembers...?" Mondo ushered out, silently panicking at all of the consequences this would cause for himself.
"...I'm going to need you to tell me what happened for things to go that far."
Clearing his throat and trying to regain himself, Owada placed his hands on top of Ishimarus's and held them comfortingly. "She kept saying that I killed Daiya-. I wouldn't do that! She's lying, right-?" He looked at the other with desperate eyes. It all had to be one big lie.
The moral compass stared for a long moment, some kind of surprise spreading over his face. "Of course you wouldn't do that." He gently caressed his cheeks, giving him a soft smile. "You couldn't do that. You love your brother dearly, don't you?" Though, Kiyotaka wondered what exactly Angie was doing discussing Daiya's death with him. How did she even know about it? She did seem to know a lot of things she shouldn't so he decided she was just nosy. Mondo had spilled a few tidbits about him every so often, so perhaps she pieced it together from there. "I know you didn't mean it. It's okay, look, I'm here."
"Thanks..." Mondo sighed, leaning forward to hug him. What was even going to happen to Angie? What if she remembered what happened when she woke up? What if she never woke up?
"What are we gonna do?" The biker eventually asked softly, shifting to rest his head against the shorter boy's chest. Kiyotaka ran his hands through Mondo's hair, thinking for a moment.
"Well, I suppose we patch her up. You don't happen to know your way around bandages, do you?" Honestly, he had no idea who would be able to do a good job at that, and given Mikan's passing, they likely wouldn't be able to get a proper read on the situation. He sighed, unclipping his armband and holding it out to the other. "Perhaps you should start with making sure the bleeding as stopped." He gently lifted Owada's head up to face him, pressing their foreheads together. "It'll be alright. One step at a time."
Why was this so comforting? Honestly, it was more than that...addictive and needed. How much Mondo just wanted to be held by him despite knowing that couldn't happen with the situation at hand. A flush of red came over the biker's face, and when he noticed his own embarrassment, he immediately pulled away from Kiyotaka's grasp.
"No, I don't." He finally answered the question softly. The other boy hummed, twisting the arm band around in his hand.
"I wonder who would then...perhaps Pekoyama but you'd likely get an earful from her superior..." he simply thought out loud, kneeling down next to Angie as he lifted her head up, pressing the cloth against the wound. He could feel the indent through it, observing the mess on the floor now that it was uncovered."You are actually quite strong when you wish to be. I wouldn't be surprised if you broke a hole through the floor." He laughed slightly, moving the girl to lay on his lap. Kiyotaka gave Mondo a smile as he processed his thoughts. "...perhaps we should take her to the nurses office."
"Then what...? Everyone is gonna come after me and shit-." He exclaimed, turning away and crossing his arms. He wouldn't be surprised if they locked him in a room with restraints or whatever. They couldn't execute him since Angie was still alive, but the fear of it kept creeping in.
"Who says they have to know it was you?" Ishimaru was quick to answer that, staring up at him. "Think about it, if she lives, she's not likely to remember anything. You've probably cause significant brain damage." He wasn't sure if that was at all comforting but he continued despite it. "You can't be executed if she doesn't die. No one can kill you without dying themselves. And even if they do turn on you, I'll always be here."
"I guess you're right..." Mondo muttered. The words lacked comfort, yet his fear did seem to slowly leave him. It was strange - like despite it all, he trusted this man. "Can we just move her already? I'm getting sick of being in here." He sighed, heading for the door. Opening it slightly, he peaked outside to see if anyone was there, and to his surprise no one wasn't.
Calm down, Owada. They'll sure as hell think it's you if you keep panicking like a little bitch.
"Right, yes." It took Kiyotaka a moment to get a proper grip on Angie, turning her body to be able to carry her bridal style. It was always tricky to stand up from that, but he managed it, standing a few feet behind the other. "If we are going to move her to properly tend to the wound, you're going to have to move."

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