Chapter Eleven

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A look of confusion crossed Gundham's face as he turned towards him. It was just a bit odd that they just became friends and yet Kazuichi was already wanting more intimate things from him. "I suppose." The breeder softly huffed before pulling the other into his embrace. Soda wrapped his arms around Tanaka, pressing himself against him. His grip was tight and stiff, screwing his eyes shut to admire the contact. God he'd been wanting a hug for a long while.
"Thank you..." He almost whispered into the other's chest, somehow tightening his arms around him before finally loosening himself a little. While the hold was still quite firm, now he was being more conscious about accidentally hurting him. Gundham couldn't help but watch Kazuichi for a moment. All the fear and anxiety this man had just seemingly disappeared by the simple act of a hug, but then again, all people worked differently. The breeder had a feeling he wasn't going to be freed from this situation anytime soon, and so he nuzzled his face into the pink hair and closed his eyes. Being so close, he could suddenly hear the mechanic's breathing. It was comforting in a way. His soft hair Gundham's head was pressing against was as well, even so to the point he ran his fingers through it. Twirling strands of hair around his finger and overall messing with it, Gundham simply entertained himself while also getting tired from the stimulation. While Soda did initially squirm at the hand in his hair, leaning into Tanaka with a dissatisfied noise, he did seem to grow used to it quite quickly. Kazuichi's muscles allowed themselves to soften as he found himself moving into the hand, though he still kept the man locked almost protectively in his grasp.
He couldn't help but admire what was happening. He couldn't remember the last time he hugged someone like this, and it was probably the most comforting thing he'd ever experienced. With the added stress and anxiety of their situation, feeling this sense of warmth and safety calmed the mechanic immensely, and for once everything in his world was still.

 However, the hand slowly halted and instead held the other's head against his chest as Gundham began to drift off into sleep. Despite the comfort of sharing an embrace with someone, as the night progressed, his mind started to play tricks on him through his dreams. Recalling the horrid events and pain of what Kiyotaka had done to him, both attacking and taking away his dark queen, disturbed his mind. He mumbled out odd phrases and small cries of help as he remained on unconscious until his body began to jerk and shift. While Kazuichi had been slightly disturbed by Gundham's small movements, it wasn't until he felt the nails in his back that he became fully aware, just in time to hear the man start screaming bloody murder. Arching himself with a curse of pain, he looked up at the breeder with growing fear and concern. He didn't think he'd ever heard such pure anguish, especially from someone like Tanaka. The taller man was grabbing and pulling at whatever he could, either the bedsheets below the two or (more commonly) Kazuichi's hair and clothes.
Soda had no idea what he was supposed to do. He'd never been put in the situation that he'd have to see someone having a nightmare. He sat there for a moment in distress trying to figure out what might work. Kazuichi took in a deep breath, trying to calm himself and his muscles. He moved a hand to Gundham's hair, doing his best to create soothing motions on his back. While he was still having to deal with the screaming and pain from the other's tight grip, he was doing his best to bring some form of comfort. It was the only thing he could think to do.
Please please please please work...

The nightmares and his reactions continued until he managed to wake up from it all. His screaming turned into panting and whimpers while his grip and nails ceased to what they had been doing. Dazed by all that happened, it took him a moment to realise Kazuichi was still in his arms. "A-Apologies..." the breeder muttered. He felt awful both mentally and physically, but also for Kazuichi, since he was the one putting up with this mess. He shifted to muzzle his face into the mechanic's chest as he continued to whisper apologies, he himself still shaking.   
"H-Hey no, it's okay." Kazuichi spoke, continuing to make soothing motions on the breeder's back. "Just- try to calm down..." he pressed his face into the other's hair, pulling him closer as if to shield him from everything. He could feel overwhelmed tears brimming his eyes - he'd been so scared hearing such terrible screams from the other, and now he just needed a way to get it all out.
Soda ran fingers through Tanaka's hair. He really wasn't sure if he was doing the right thing - he'd never actually had to comfort someone before. More over, he just let Gundham do what he needed to calm himself once more.
"You think you're gonna be okay?" He sniffled, running fingers over the prickly shaved hair on the other's head.
How could Gundham answer that with a yes? Even once all this mess was taken care of, he'd still be limping and the trauma would linger forever in his dreams and waking moments.
"I'll try to be..." he replied, his voice hushed and coursed. He moved around, wanting to relieve some pain from his leg, and laid more on top of Kazuichi. The breeder was practically wrapped around him, legs and arms tangled up in holding each other.
"Yeah, okay..." Kazuichi said with a shaky breath as a blush slowly formed over his face. He was not prepared for anyone to lay on top of him. In fact, it wasn't until then that he really took notice of their closeness, a part of his mind shouting at him about it. Despite it, he still held onto him comfortably, trying his best to give Gundham a sense of care with his actions.
"Hey," Soda moved his hand from the hair to cup the other's cheek, "you need anything? We could go get you some water, that usually helps me when I have nightmares. fine staying like this?"
Tanaka's eyes opened to look at the mechanic. "Could we just stay like this?" he asked after a pause of silence. He moved up onto the other more and rested his head on his shoulder. It'd been a while since he's been so close to someone and he really never wanted it to end.
Kazuichi simply stared at him for a moment. "Yeah, sure!" He gave a smile, trying to regulate his breathing again. He ran the hand back through the breeder's hair, gently holding the longer strands. "Anything you need...tell me if there's more I can do for you right now." He squeezed him before quickly relaxing himself, moving his other hand up and down Gundham's back.
"I'm good for now, rosefinch..." he softly ushered out as he closed his eyes again. Focusing on Kazuichi's breathing, the breeder managed to lull himself back to sleep.
Kazuichi hummed a reply, calming his mind enough to be able to slowly drift back into sleep. He wasn't sure if he really wanted sleep at this point, but there was no way he could fight it with such a warm and safe atmosphere between the two of them.

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