chapter 2: lusty

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Lusty, a young man of dark hair and greenish eyes stood on his front porch, he glanced around him, the sky is starting to fade, faint orange tinge was painted on the sky.

Lusty walked around his small hut. A book of leather cover dyed in Violet followed him hovering on his head. He ran towards the kitchen,  pulled out a single corn on a cob, and picked the kernels by hand as he made his way out his hut.

Lusty reached his back garden, thorny bushes climbed his walls, their red berries hanged down their woody vines, big thorns curved upwards from the Woody thin branches like red horns of the dragons he read on his books. 

There was a small coop at his back yard, bathing in the weak light of the afternoon sun, it's roof was made of grass straws tied together in bundles, the walls are made in the same manner but with larger grass stems. Lusty softly knocked on the small door of the coop with his finger. 

A small group of fowls,  five to be axact climbed down the coop as Lusty had pulled the door downwards to act as a slooping bridge. The fowls had white plumage and red combs, one of them has a very big one, it's deeper red in colour too compared to the others. The fowls had sharp claws, gray scales covered their legs, their feathers were the cleanest shade of white, it covered thier faces from their yellowish eyes down to their neck ,to the body and ends with the back, but instead of a bundle of long plumage for a tale like most of birds have, these fowls had white scaled serpentine tails ,it's shiny white scales slowly transitioned into a faint gray at the end. 

The fowls gathered around Lusty as he sprinkle the corn kernels on the ground, the fowls happily picked the corns up with their beaks. He sank down, the fowls huddled inside his arms. Lusty playfully rubbed their foreheads with his fingertips. 

"Take care if yourselves while I'm gone, I may won't come back after a couple of days" he said to the fowls. The fowls stared at him with their yellowish gazes. 

He smiled and slowly stood up, the fowls slowly marched into the thick bushes that connects to the woods, their tails dragging on the ground, slithering in a wavy motion. 

Lusty waited until he can no longer see their white colours before running back inside his hat.  The book still hovering at the level of his head. 

He pulled out an old rucksack, and a waistband full of pockets from a wooden chest. He attached the waistband around his waist ,most of the pockets were empty except for a couple that contains items for fleeing, like light vials and storm obrs. 

He raised his arm aloft.  A dark, thin ,rather rough looking wand flew to his direction. He pushed the wand on one of his belt loops and flicked his fingers to the things he needed, one by one the items livitated towards him - fake gold ,self brewed antidotes and small vials of healing liquids for small simple wounds. 

He loaded his waistpockets with the items and marched out his hut. 

He shut the door close and placed a lock over it, the lock was engraved with strange symbols,  Lusty pulled out his wand and redraw the symbols on the ground. 

door lock, lock of door, 

Do not open for any visitor, 

Clasp with might, as you should, 

Keep this safe, keep unharmed this abode, 

Light incircled the hut as the lock burned red, smoke came out from it's surface, it slowly melted as the door it was connected seemed to grow and connect itself into the walls until there was no gap visible. 

Lusty pretended to dust off his palms and stared proudly at his hut. He dropped his wand but instead of landing on the ground it simply had vanished. He snapped his fingers and the Violet book fell on his hands. Lusty pulled out a silvery leaf ,the leaf was shaped like a pair of thick lips, he licked the leaf and placed it on the front cover, he snapped again and the book hovered on thin air once more.

"Tree of worlds" he said and started walking. 

The book opened and shifted pages. When it found the correct page, Lusty's own voice came out from the book " the tree of worlds ,known as ikalayo to the beings of magic, connects this world into the land of magic-the first land to have ever swelled from the womb of time" the book narrated. It continued on the subject as Lusty climb a low hill, at the very top of the hill is a tree stump and a small Berry bush. The stump was covered in brown and green moss. The Bush had pecular pink leaves growing on it, it was big enough to be compared to a small tree, bright purple berries was attached to the buds under the leaves. Lusty picked a handful and shoved it into one of his waist pockets. He picked another one and placed it on his mouth. The Berry too was pecular, unlike other birries it wasn't soft at all but Woody, a small crack was heared as Lusty chew on it, as he chews it ,the Berry melted inside his mouth. 

"I'll be back soon" he said very lowly staring blankly at the Bush ,smiling as he did so. 

"Pink moon" he said aloud, the book rustled as it shift page by page looking for the requested page, Lusty grasped the straps of his rucksack and begun his long journey going to the tree of worlds

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