chapter 19: a puny excuse for a dragon

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Lusty was frustratedly scribbling notes on his parchment, the tip of the quill made noises as it scratch on the yellow surface of the parchment. 

His features were hard, brows crossed ,his nose wrinkles. 

The King doesn't like him very much.  He let a muffled groan as he examine the gills of a blue mushroom he found. 

 A soft pair of hands landed on his back. He immediately loosened, Lusty immediately knew it was Reema, her touch always pleases him. 

He breathed deeply and faced her, to see a pair of striking purple eyes staring back at him. 

"How are you feeling " she asked him,  placing a quick kiss on his cheek. 

Lusty shrugged and pulled her close to his side.

"I'm sorry,  about what happened " Reema said as she leaned back and rested her head on his chest. "I know he's rude, but please have more patience" she meant her father. 

"I'll try to" Lusty said lowly, his thumb went back and forth ,sliding on Reema's arm. 

"So?, what have you learned? " Reema asked energetically to change the subject.  She pulled the parchment and brought it near her face fo read his notes. 

"Nothing big, I don't have equipments to test their properties " Lusty replied, examining the blue mushroom on his hands, it had white spores that fled into the air. "Aside from the obvious fact that they aren't too poisonous "

"Not too poisonous? "

"Yes,  this mushroom has some toxic juices in him, but not strong enough to do harm " Lusty sat the mushroom down. 

"Let's have a break shall we? " Reema giggled and pulled Lusty,  she gripped his hand tightly as she childishly runs into the woods. 

Lusty playfully rolled his eyes and let her, he smiled as he tailed behind Reema. 

"Close your eyes" she instructed and placed his hands on his eyes. Lusty obeyed and stood waiting. 

He heard the cracks of twigs moving around him. Then a gust of wind hit him. Everything went silent. 

"Reema? " he brought his hands down. Looking around.  

Lusty scoofed and started looking around. The forest was thick dark and cold. He cought a flash of her silvery white hair behind a tree.Lusty crept closer. 

"A-ha! " He jumped to surprise her, but she wasn't there. 

A giggled swelled from the air above him. He looked up and saw Reema sitting on a large branch,  her wings spreaded on her back. 

Lusty grew his wings too and followed her. 

"You're getting good at this" Reema said, making a spot for him. Lusty softly landed beside her and took a seat. 

Reema stared at his wings, she traced the patterns of his scales with her fingers. "Do you ever regretted that you danced with me that night? "

Lusty eyed her widely. What kind of a question is that even? 

"Not once " he pulled her close and wrapped his arms around her .   "that night was a blessing for me, if I have to do it all again, even if this time it's twice the hardness and pain, I'll do it again . Just to be with you"

Remma coiled her thin arms on his waist. " I love you Lusty, I love you now I'll love you till the end of time"

Lusty kissed the top of her head and hugged her tighter. "I love you Reema, I'll love you always"

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