chapter 13: dragon of stars

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"She left this all?  To you? " Reema asked as her gaze travel the insides of the wooden cabin.  Books had scattered everywhere. Some neatly arranged on the shelves, some stacked in the corner in a much more rowdy manner. 

"I-i guess so" Lusty said as he bend down the fireplace, resting both of his hands on his knees, a small blue fire with purple tips danced inside a jar that had been placed in the center of the fireplace, the fire was small but not the light it emitted for it's light travelled throughout the cabin. 

"Amazing" he uttered. 

The hut was so warm to the eye, a small table was placed at the side near the window. A large red velvet chair was placed facing the warm light of the fireplace, a basket of yarnballs with the needles poked on it sat on the floor, the winding stairs that leads to the upper floor was covered in climbing vines that bloosoms in small pink flowers that came in clusters.

Lusty looked into the stack of books, it was almost as tall as him, he brushed his fingers on the covers, examining it closely, he walked towards the handsome shelf filled with books, others clearly old with filthy spines and stained covers, others seemed much younger but not as young to be deemed new. 

A small book captured Lusty's eye. It had a reddish leather cover dulled by time, a small purple gem was stuck in the cover. Lusty carefully removed the gem and caressed it with his thumbs. 

He raised his palm in the air, his wand materialized into his grip. Lusty draw circles in the air with the tip of his wand, liquid gold appeared out of nowhere, the gold hardened and formed a small fine chain, dropping into Lusty's hand.

Lusty placed the chain on the gem, he tapped the gem gently with his wandtip. A gold wire ornately wrapped around the gem, incasing it safely. 

"That is why you don't operate In gold" Reema lowly muttered. 

"Not everyone can make gold though, its not about how powerful a wizard is . Others just can and others just can't" Lusty said as he place the necklace around Reema's neck. 

"It's beautiful " Reema said, a demured smile was stretched on her lips. She held the gem on her fingers, observing it's purple surface as it shine on the light. 

"Nothing is more beautiful than you" Lusty whispered and placed a quick kiss on her forehead. 

Lusty returned to the book and scanned it's pages that had been yellowed by time. It was Luria's own book about dragons. Lusty pulled out an odd leaf that resembles human lips. He placed the leaf above the cover . The book rattled  as the leaf slowly attache itself. The book opened it's first page. 

"Dragons are creatures of the magic world, these creatures resides on an ancient city called tenipee" the book narrated on Luria's voice. 

Lusty laid a quick look to Reema to see how was she. His seeing and unseeing eyes widened. Reema was sitting on top of the table, clutching her chest. 

'What happened? " Lusty asked, his voice raising into an unnatural tone. 

"I-i,  I dont know" Reema replied, her voice pained. Reema collapsed, He was fast enough to catch her.

Lusty slowly laid her on the floor patting her cheek sofly. 

"Reema?  Reema. Wake up" he patted her more nervously. 

Reema moaned and arched her back, he supported her with his arms and turned her to her side. Lusty felt her back growing spiky bones through her clothes. He teared a hole on her dress to see what's going on. 

Spikes were growing out her pale skin, and with a fraction of a second, a pair of wings sprouted from her back, her teared skin was bleeding, blood slowly stained her white dress. Lusty's chest was pumping, he wiped the blood off to see that there was no wound there, like her skin had forgotten a pair of wings just sprouted from it. 

Reema turned so hot that lusty let go off her, thin white smoke rised from her body until it covered her . A ball of light shooted from her and hit Lusty's left eye. It was so strong he fell down, he clutched his face as he felt it burn. The pain slowly vanished, he heaved a deep breath and pushed himself up. 

He looked around, both of his eyes can see now, his sight came to him. 

The smoke slowly dispersed and revealed Reema, her eyes glowed purple as she stared at him, her hair became white once more, horns protruded from her head. 

"You got sight!, Reema your eyes !" Lusty said, finally being able to smile now that he's sure she was alright. 

"You lied to me" her voice thundered. 

"Wh-what? "

"You kept everything from me, I remember it all now" 

"I -I wanted to protect you, it would hurt if you knew your own father cutted your wings " he said lowly. 

"No! " Reema forcefully shouted and ran towards the door. She stood on the beach not looking at him. Reema spread her wings and took flight. 

"Reema!  Please! " Lusty cried. "No" he sunk on his knees staring at her figure as she slowly flies away. 

He never wanted this to happen. He just wanted to protect her. 

"Dragons of stars-these creatures were born blind, they lack fire, all this because these creatures are born without gems,  the mother will break it's own gem and share it to it's offsprings, just then the offsprings are blessed sight and fire. The gem will slowly attach itself on the dragons chest becoming one with it, growing as the dragon grows" the book continued to discuss. 

Lusty snapped the book shut, and sat on the floor burying his face on his knees, tears slowly drips down his chin. 

Reema's chest was in pain. She can't believe he lied all this time, but what if he was just trying to protect her? 

She Shook off the thought and flapped her wings to fly faster, the pain on her chest gets worse as she gets further from him, she ignored it, but a very sharp wave of pain enveloped her, she clutched her stomach but it's not the only thing that's hurting, all of her bones were hurting as if they were breaking,her sight fogged and darkened she lost feel and her wings became numb,Reema fell down to the ground like a rock. Half of her body burried on wilted leaves. She felt herself passing out. 

"Bound Together Forever" her father's voice rung on her head. 

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