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The sun is set high on the purplish skies of tenipee. The soft sunlight seeped through the stained glass windows of the royal castle. Wind blows ever so gently making the thin curtains flutter and sway in ghostly movements. 

Reema looked at Lusty as he dressed himself in front of a mirror.   His green eyes contrasted to the cool bluish gray of his shirt. His hair was so dark even shadows can blend in it. 

"haven't you seen a man dress up before?" he smirked playfully through the mirror. 

"well" she raised a hand to her chin "I was blind for the most of my life" Reema sat on the edge of the bed and played with the laces of her sleeve. 

Lusty pulled his shirt up over his pants and gave one last look on his reflection. He sat beside her and reached for her hands.  Slowly he brought her hand near his lips and planted a quick kiss on it. Reema wrapped her thin arms warmly around Lusty's neck. It was one of the best sensations.  Her touches brings all kinds of warmth and joy. 

Reema pulled back gently,  a demured smile drawn on her face,  he could look at that smile for hours,  Lusty placed a hand on Reema's cheek,  she pushed her skin deeper into his palms, it was warm like the smile of the sun in the afternoon. Lusty smiled back at her,  his eyes stared at hers lovingly. 

The door of their room bursted open,  they pulled back instantly.  King Licrun eyed the both of them. 

"I told you they're here" Eileen pushed pass him and looked at their startled faces.

"apologies" the king cleared his throat "but everyone is ready to see you off" 

After Lusty defeated Pride, broke his wand, And sent him back to his world. Lusty rescued the dragons and helped rebuild Tenipee. The king slowly grow to accept Lusty.

"now , come along children" Eileen pulled King Licrun's arm, he followed like her most loyal pet, he showered Eillen with bright and tender gazes, a small smile twitched at the corner of his lips.

Lusty stood up before he pulled Reema , his arm wrappped around her waist as the both of them followed king Licrun and Eileen.

"when we reach home ,we'll just get the cockatrices and fly back here" Lusty whispered.

A large bright smile lightened Reema's face , "but..but what about your hut? Luria's cabin? Your books ? Your life there?" Her smile weakened into a worried look.

"its just a hut" Lusty looked at the bright sky outside through the pale stained glass windows."and a cabin. My life is where you are. And maybe i could ask a few hundred guards to help me move my books" Lusty chuckled.

Reema breath slowly, and laid her head on his shoulder.

"Revirdeah" The dwarves chanted as they approach the stairs, there were news that this is the first time in years the dwarves have been seen in the open. Their wide tanned shoulders shined under the gentle light of the sun, thier tangerine eyes smiled at Lusty.

Lusty took a bow a grinned at them "you came!"

"of course, we'd hate to miss our prince's departure" Aretheo said loudly, he wrapped an arm around Heder's shoulder.

"its just for a few days"

"then be back soon Revirdeah" Kuruba stood in front of Lusty, he looked up at him. Lusty smiled and bend down to match him.

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