chapter 23: fae magick

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The cave was still, but Lusty knew everyone's chest were pounding. Pride's attack had destroyed the houses, all makeshift tents and beds, and the fires that  provided them heat. They took almost all of the dragons, except for a few women and children that haven't participated at the fight.

"we need to follow them, they took my people" Reema said , she clutched Lusty's shoulder,  her amethyst eyes glued on Lusty's emeralds.

"It's too dangerous" he said holding both of her hands.

"we need to Lusty!" She cried. "they took my father, they took my brothers. I'm afraid of the things they might do to them"

Lusty trapped her in his arms, pushing her deeper in his chest. "no they'll be alright" 

"how do you know!? " Reema said heatedly,  she pushed herself free from Lusty's arms,  tears flooded her eyes that rolled down her chin. 

Lusty opened his mouth, what did he want to say?  He know he can't say anything to asure her,  her father was taken and she couldn't do anything,  he knows Reema is in pain. He let out a breath and lowered his head. 

" I will follow them" Reema wiped her face with the back of her palm. 

"no! " Lusty reached a hand , Reema pulled away "it's too dangerous"

"those are my people they took Lusty" she motioned to the direction that Pride took earlier as he and his rakahars escape.  "those are my family"

Lusty balled his fists,  eyes on Reema's back.  "Kuruba"

"yes. Revirdeah" the dwarf said moving closer. 

"your staff took down a rakahar in an instant" Kuruba knodded and agreed to his observation "lend me the staff" Kuruba's eyes were hinted with shock,  he hid it very well. 

"yes,  yes of course" the dwarf held the staff by both hands,  "as you wish Revirdeah"

Kuruba gave the staff, which is no longer than Lusty's arm.  "thank you,  Kuruba"

"but as her child you don't need the staff,  your mother's blood runs through you,  I know it,  a nymph like you holds powers stronger than any noble elf, stronger than any winged fae"

Warmth crawled over Lusty,  he wish he is as strong as his mother,  from the stories of Kuruba,  her mother was indeed a very powerful Queen. 

"you'll stay here" he looked at Reema holding the staff in his hand,  keeping it the farthest he could from her. "I'll go"

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