chapter 20: child of Revirdeah

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Lusty woke up in a dark cave, everything was dark and blurry, ecept for the glint of fire that burns at his back.

Ropes were wrapped around him,keeping him from moving.

"Where am I?" He asked himself,looking around the dark cavernous cave,he started struggling trying to free himself.

"You can't break that" a high but throaty voice thundered.

The owner of the voice came to light,he was a dwarf ,with tan orangy skin, he had wide shoulders and had the size of a small child. The dward had a huge mane of matted hair .

More fires ignited, lighting the cave.Lusty let out a very audible gasp,there were dwarves all around him.

"Kill him!" A female dwarf shouted. 

kill him,kill him,kill him

The dwarves chanted as they point their weapons at Lusty, there were wooden spears that are slowly coming for him, small silver swords just a bit longer than a dagger, and bows others loaded with arrows of  feathers others are loaded with arrows that has leaves.

"Please no, I-I never meant any harm" Lusty begged as he jiggled and wiggled to loosen his ropes.

An elderly dwarf came foward,he had greying hair that almost touch the ground. "How brave,tresspassing to our territory" he had a very low voice that sent ice spikes to Lusty's inside.

"I never meant to tresspass, I was- I was ….wandering" 

"This is our territory,no one should dare venture into its depth" the elderly dwarf waved his hands into the walls of the cave,Lusty saw it for the first time. The walls of the caves were adorned with gold stones that glowed faintly, so faint it wont be too noticable even in the dark.

The elderly dwarf stared at him, and gave him a quick slap with his wide and rough hands.

Lusty's eyes watered as the pain bit his skin, he breath heavy and clutched all of his body. " I'm sorry"  he said in a constricted voice.

The elderly dwarf smiled at him,  "very well,  you shall experience the painless death"

"Please no ,I beg of you" Lusty wiggled more trying to slip out his palm.  

One of his palms is finally free, Lusty summoned his wand and hid it on his back. 

"Get my staff" the elderly dwarf comanded. 

Another dwarf came running holding a wooden staff with it's tip covered in rug.

The elderly dwarf pointed the miniscule wooden staff at Lusty. The rag that was draped at the Staff's tip fell off, it glowed faintly in green light, the light was warm on his face as it hit it. Lusty used his wand to burn the rope on his hands. He broke free and raised his wand on the air, Ready to defend himself. 

The dwarves stared at him unmoving, the light of the staff reached their faces so as Lusty's. 

The elderly dwarf sunk down into his kness, Lusty made a small jump, his wand at the ready for anything. 

"our Revirdeah….. Our Revirdeah is back" the elderly dwarf cried. 

The other dwarves followed him and sunk on the ground, "Revirdeah " they chanted. 

Lusty looked at their Bent figures, is it possible?  Could that be really true?  That one time they were trying to kill him, then another they are bowing upon him. 

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