chapter 4: in the dungeons

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"Pah!  What have you done?! " Reema shouted as King Licrun sat on his throne. 

"I did what should be done, that should teach him some lessons" King Licrun murmured

"And you!" He pointed. " Reema, I've told you to never dance with any dragon"

"But he is not a dragon!, he's a wizard. He even gave his one eye to me!, no dragon can do what he did" Reema squeezed her knuckles as she steps back and forth. 

"That is even more ridiculous!, dragons should never touch humans" the King said very firmly. 

"Why?  Because we're different?" Reema scoofed and let out a bitter laugh. 

The King placed his palms on his head, massaging it in circles. He breathe slowly and said, "Please, go back to your room, wait there until I call for you" 

"No! " Reema screamed and turned back, running away from her father. She ran until she got out the throne room. 

"Guards!  Get her" her father shouted, fast footsteps echoed inside the castle,along with the voices of the guards.

Reema just ran and ran, didn't even stopped to breath. She ran between the dark stone corridors of the castle, small amounts of light seeped from the high gaps on the ceiling. 

She ran to the back of the castle where she can now see the exit, just a couple of doors away. 

But a guard caught grip of her thin arm and pulled her quite harshly. 

"Let go off me! " she demanded, wiggling herself free. 

"I'm sorry princess" the guard said, he knodded to the others ,one of them held Reema's other arm, while the other two tailed behind. 

The guards had to literally drag Reema to her Room located at the highest tower. 

"Let go off me or suffer my wrath! " she threatened, her voice roaring, hitting every walls, along with her voice is a very unearthly screeching sound she made with her throat. 

The guards gulped but didn't budged. They reached the room and one of them opened it. They softly lifted Reema to put her on the bed. Two of the Guards exited the room to guard outside, while the other two observed Reema from the inside. 

Reema looked around her room for a way to escape but the guard are for more stronger than her, she knew that. 

As the guards seemed to relax, Reema saw it as the chance to escape but failed as the guards both held her by the hands and threw her back to the bed. 

"Fine!  I get it!  I can't leave. " Reema placed her palms on her face angrily and collapsed on her bed facefirst. 

How would she escape now?, how would she help Lusty?  The boy gave his own eye to her, and her family threw him on the dungeons. 

"This is unfair" she frustratedly pointed at the guards. Her gaze jumped on thier uncomfortable faces. But she caught something else. A splash of gold shone at the corner of her eye.  Yes, that's it!  The harp!. 

Reema gently slid down her bed ,not taking her eye off the guards. She sat on the bench in front of the harp and started playing it, feeling every string vibrate with the slightest touch. 

Over the years she had spent on her harp, she had composed a song that could make someone asleep, she was confident it would work. It had worked multiple times to Eileen. Her voice filled the room, smooth as a pearl's surface, soft as the clouds of summer. Even she herself, was getting sleepy hearing her own voice vibrating on her ears. 

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