chapter 9: stars turned to stone

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Pride was venturing the white plains of a snowy mountain, his long silk robe flapped with the wind, like an expensive purple banner. He was climbing the mountain of pinakataas, the highest mountain of ikalayo. 

The air was thin and scarce . The chilling wind currents could mean cold death for someone who's not prepared. The ghostly wind blew on his ear, whispering the sounds of another world. 

Pride marched on the ankle deep snow, he was like that for days now. He needed to get to the peak, he glanced at it. The peak is creeping nearer, light danced at it's tooth like tip. But he still needs to walk further. His knees were trembling, bobbing up and down uncontrollably, shaking vigorously that they might pop out. 

The air was too thin, he can barely breathe. He pulled in air deeper than usual, breathing hard as best as he could, he blew off a breath, white smoke came from his mouth. 

The cold was bone rattling, it slowly seeped through his layers of clothing. He smiled as he hugged himself, lucky for him, he brought heat stones and put it on the pockets of his clothing that he strategically placed all over his body. The heats stones felt warm to the skin, keeping him alive against the harshest of the elements.

The winds got stronger,the snow fell thicker, a storm is brewing, it could arrive at any moment. He straightened his back and pulled his gigantic backpack back up his shoulders. Pride looked around, he could see white plains that stretched into forever, melting at a very far distance even his eyes can't reach. There was a small low Cliff that formed a Dent between the stones of the mountain. 

He slowly walked to the small Cliff for shelter. The Cliff's dark wall welcomed him like an embrace, snow can't reach it's surface, it was free of the powdered frozen water. 

Pride breathed out slowly, closing his eyes.  His chest although hidden under his robe rised and fell with every small sound he made. He finally removed his backpack and placed it on the hard ground. He grunted and sat beside it,  staring outside, the snow was growing thicker by the minute. It fell weightless but hastily on the ground, stacking slowly, making a thick white carpet. 

Pride Rummaged through his gigantic backpack, and pulled out a Clay mug, dents present on it's brim, it had a broken handle. The mug's inside glowed red, because of the fire stones he placed in it.  Firestones, are stones that look like cinders at first glance but it never loses heat, it as well hotter than the heat stones. 

Pride scopped a hanful of snow and dropped it on his mug, soon enough steam started to rise from his mug. He pulled out a few dried berries from his pocket and put it on the steaming mug.  He slowly sipped on it, sighing all his tiredness out.  The warmth brushed his chest down to his stomach, warming him from the inside. 

Pride grew sleepy ,he crouched himself in the cliff's wall. Covering his head with his hood. The harsh shriek of the winds played on the background. He hugged himself deeper, and without him knowing sleep slowly took over. 

Pride woke up, everything was silent. The storm had passed and no wind is heared.  He looked around as he push himself up, uttering a small grunt as he rise. Pride pulled his backpack up his back. 

The sky outside was already dark. Stars lined the sky, twinkling at thier own rhythm.  He mused at the dark sea of space, no clouds had strayed on the sky. 

The peak is nearer than ever. He decided it's best to continue walking, he can't afford to waste any time. If he sleep the night pass, he still have to wait for the next night to get what he wants.  Tonight he'll get it. 

Pride walked the cold night, his chest expanded facing the world. He looked at the peek determined, locking his eyes at his destination. It took him hours, a few hours he believe ,before he reached the peak. 

He grinned, looking at the world below. The air was so thin he had trouble breathing, but he didn't mind.  He dropped his backpack absent-mindedly,  and ran to the highest spot he could see.  Which is a small mound that protrude from the mountain's surface. 

Pride raised a hand in the air.  A wand manifested right into his palms, he took grip of it. His wandtip glowed pink and green, drawing lines on thin air as he waves it. 

Pride draw strange symbols on the air, which casted rays of light onto the sky. 

Dark skies, where the dragon lies, 

Hidden from view, I came for you, 

Stars and dragon as one, 

Present yourself, the request is done, 

The strange symbols he Drew flashed brighter colours, the stars on the sky twinkled brighter, and like star showers, the stars seemed to fall off the sky, gliding towards Pride's direction. 

A colossal dragon appeared right before his eyes ,it had white scales that seemed to glow softly for it contrasted on the dark night,some of it's scales were the colour of space that twinkled lowly appearing like stars on a white sky,a crown of glowing orbs revolved around it's head,it's mane which seemed to be made of light swayed and waved slowly. It's giant wings stretched widely covering the sky. The beast flapped it's wings but no sound nor air came from it. A purple gem flashing on it's chest. Pride stopped  into a low bow as the dragon lands gently on the snow.  The dragon was so large, it's claws were as long as Pride's whole body. Pride pulled out a large amethyst and offered it with both hands, his head sunken in a small bow. Pride gently placed the amethyst on the snow. The dragon observed the purple stone ,slowly tilting it's head. The dragon appeared to accept it, and sunk into a bow. 

Pride grinned widely and pointed his wandtip at the dragon's gem. The wandtip ignited with pink and green light that shooted towards the dragon's chest. The dragon screeched, it's large fangs showing as it cries in agony. Pride laughed wide eyed as the gem on the dragon's chest started to crack. The dragon froze as it slowly lose colour, the twinkling scales on the dragons body lost it's shine, it's mane dropped lifeless and flat as it's light started to dim. The gem on it's chest shattered, it's pieces dropping on the snow, as the last shard of the gem fell on the cold surface of the mountain ,the dragon had turned to stone. Pain still evident on it's stoned eyes. The shards that laid on the snow, started to melt into blood, dyeing the fresh snow bright red. 

Pride laughed, his voice echoed through the dark cold night. " there's nothing that can stop me now"

He pulled out a cloth pouch from his pocket ,he untied the string that closed the pouch and scooped a handful of bluish ash. He incircled himself with it, drawing by ash on the snow. He then pulled a pair of small red stones and cracked it, small red cinders sparked from it as he smacked the Stones. The sparks reached the ash, fire swallowed him, and he disappeared without a trace, just the once giant dragon which is now a grim large statue made of stone that stood at the very top of the cold mountain of pinakataas. 

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