chapter 18: the cave

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"You shouldn't have brought that human to our world Reema" King Licrun's voice thundered  as he points a blade on lusty.  Reema hid him on her back. 

They were standing in the middle of a crowd, But Reema didn't care. 

"He helped me get home pah!" Reema shouted, lunching herself nearer the blade. 

"Humans can't be trusted! " King Licrun snapped, pulling back his weapon. 

"Said the man who cut my wings" Reema chuckled bitterly. " Lusty took care of me when I was so weak because of the wound you've caused me"

"A dragon can't be with a human, it is better to throw you away without memories as a dragon, maybe one day you'll get back and pick your kind over a puny human" The King said frustratedly. 

"I could have died!" She shouted "But he found me, gave me sight,gave me fire. He treated me as equal ,not as someone so fragile,  he protected me, and if he'll be killed for doing that.  Then kill me too"

Blood rushed up King Licrun's face. He clutched his jaw tightly and marched away. 

The crowd parted as he made his way. They avoided both Reema's and the King's eyes. 

From the crowd rised a middle aged woman, she had tanned skin and dark hair.  The woman walked towards them. Reema didn't paid too much attention as she checked on Lusty, inspecting his skin and taming his hair. 

"Princess Reema, dear?,  I'm so glad you're back" the woman said as she approached them, there were tears in her eyes. Reema recognised her voice. 

"Eileen?  Is that you? " she asked. 

The woman knodded smiling. Reema lunged herself into her and wrapped her arms around Eileen. 

"I never lost hope you'll return" Eileen broke away from the hug and held Reema's hands.  "I vowed to refuse to die until your return"

"Lusty helped me" she whispered. 

Eileen paid Lusty a long warm look and walked to him "thank you for taking care of her" She gently cupped his cheeks as she stared at his green eyes. 

"I.. I,  you are welcome " Lusty can't think of anything to say back. Eillen was the only one who didn't paid him a sharp glance "thank you" he whispered very lowly that even he can't hear himself. 

"You are a such fine man" she added before looking at Reema "I saw how you two look at each other" now talking to her.  Eileen held both of their hands, she slowly brought it together and said " I wish you two to be happy"

"Thank you Eileen" Reema said. 

'Thank you" Lusty seconded. 

Eileen took them to her tent, hers was at the farthest of the bonfire. 

"I wasn't a soldier,  nor a someone with great abilities to help the camp to be given the best spot" she said as she dust off a moldy bed. 

"Lusty, you can stay here with me. Away from everyone, it will be easier for you" 

Lusty nodded "I will, thank you for taking me in"

Eileen smiled and stacked the pillows neatly on the side. "Why dont you sit for a while, I'll brew you some tea" she pulled them into the bed and reached for a brass kettle from under it. 

"Now, where is the firewood " she muttered looking around. 

Lusty looked around too, but found nothing, except for a dry large log on a distance. 

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