chapter 14: bound together forever

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"Reema! " Lusty jolted upwards, he don't know why, but he knows she's in pain. 

Lusty took out his hips belt with pockets and put it around him. He shoved everything he thinks he'll need, from different stones, to herbs, to his vials of various brewed potions.. 

He stormed out the cabin, closing the door briefly and and running towards the woods, he last saw Reema was headed. He paid the cabin one quick look to see it had disappeared from sight, hidden again by a ciff of sharp Stones. 

Lusty set out in a run, the wind blowing in every inch of him as he leap and skip over rocks and logs. He's heart was pounding, she's hurt, he needs to find her. 

She is alone in the woods, with no one to take care of her, she's in grave danger, he thought. Especially now that she's a dragon. 

But why now?  Why did she turned back into a dragon?  Lusty's eyes widened. 

"The pendant!  It was a dragon's gem, the gem of the dragon of stars. " he thought. 

Dragon of stars, born blind, born without fire, born gemless. 

"Just like Reema! She a dragon of stars! " Lusty cried, and hastened his already hastened running. 

He don't know why, but his heart pointed her direction to him.  He trusted what he felt and followed an imaginary line of thread that he believes will take him to Reema. He knew it would take him to Reema.

Lusty's heart pounded inside him, his arms brushing against the rough bark of trees, wind blowing on his face-whooshing lowly on his ear. 

"Reema! " he shouted. 

He can see her from afar, she was laying on the ground, her white silvery hair shining brightly on the faint light of the forest floor, her wings spread widely by her sides. 

"Reema" Lusty bend down and helped her get up, gently supporting her weight on his chest. 

"Go away Lusty, I'm going home" silent words barely escaped her mouth. 

"No" Lusty said stiffly, "I'll come with you"

"You can't!, you-you are not a dragon, fa-father would kill you"

"I don't care, I'll make him change his mind, I'll be his slave if he wants me to, just so I can be with you"

"No…… "

Lusty helped her stand on her feet, supporting her by the waist. He cupped her cheeks and looked at her. "I will do everything for you" he slowly placed his lips om hers, Reema didn't pulled away. He closed his eyes. Blinding light covered them, he felt afloat like all his weight had gone. 

"I love you Reema" he whispered. 

"I-i love you, Lusty" she whispered back. 

Lusty opened his eyes and shock own him. He looked behind his shoulder. He had wings, he tried moving it. Lusty can fell all the bones and muscles that tugs om his command, he spreaded his own pair of wings, his green scales reflected the Forest's colours, he had horns the colour of fresh moss. 

"Ho-how? " he heared Reema utter under her breath. 

"Could this be because of the dance? "

"I don't know" Reema said, she took a deep breath and straightened her back, she walked towards him examined his wings, from it's base where the scale and skin transitions, to the curved claws at the tip of his wings, to the greenish skin that makes up his wings. 

"You have beautiful wings " she said. 

Lusty looked at her and examined her wings too. 

"Dragon of stars"

"What? " she asked puzzled. 

Reema's wings had grown white, small speckles of dots scattered throughout her wings like stars on a white sky. 

She looked at her wings ,her eyes widened at she stares at it. 

"I-it changed "

Lusty knodded, and slowly walked closer to her, he wrapped his arms around Reema and rested his chin on the top of her head. 

"Please don't abandon me, my heart cant live without you" he lowly plead. 

"I won't" her arms slowly wrapped around his torso. 

"I'm sorry I had to lie, I wanted to protect you"

"I know.  I know now"

Dragon DanceTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon