chapter 21: magic by magic

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"you're here" Reema cupped his cheek as he land in front of their tent ,her purple eyes are full of worry , Eileen and her were waitting for him. 

Lusty pushed his cheek deeper on her skin, he looked around, he must have been gone for hours, the sun was dawned low at the of the horizon, the world glowed in faint twilight.

"Where have you been?" Eillen asked. Her eyes locked with Lusty's.

"I've been in the cave" he answered her and slowly faced Reema.

"What happened?!" Reema checked his face, she gasped when she noticed the faint red tinge on his cheek, she pulled his wrist close to her face, red lines ran across it, where the rough ropes wrapped around earlier.

" long story, but I was knocked out by the dwarves" he looked at Reema and Eileen that looked at him strange "yes there were dwarves in the cave, they knew my mother and agreed to let the dragons stay there.

"now that is insanity" king Licrun pushed himself into the conversation. His voice is so cold like eyes heavy and hard as stone. 

Lusty held his breath, he tried hard not to give him sharp stares

" you have the nerve to come back, you even brought a piece of junk news with you" the king growled, he turned his back to him "oh well, what could we expect from a piece of junk such as yourself" he said in the most poisonous tone.

Lusty's cheek heatened, he summoned his wand and pointed it threateningly at his back. king Licrun snapped and drawed his own blade. Weapons pointed at one another,they exchange venomous stares.

"Stop!" Reema growled,  the King remained stiff,  Reema roared like she never did, that was the loudest roar Lusty had ever heared. Lusty lowered his wand, his grip loosened, his arm flailed downwards. King Licrun mirrored him, his eyes were wide as he stared at Reema, unable to believe what had happened.

"That was unacceptable at any level" said king Licrun heated. He balled his fist and turned briskly at Lusty

"you did that to her, she is a princess, a royal! but she's acting like a savage beast" he swayed his sword to Lusty, it nearly hit his face, Lusty jumped back holding his wand in front of him.

"Pah stop!" Reema screamed at them.

" fight like a real man, don't rely on your stupid toy" he eyed his wand distastefully.

Lusty took the challenge and threw his wand in the air, he morphed into his dragon, extreme agony enveloped him ,pain bit all his bones.

He stood on four feet and stared at king licrun , he was as tall as his shoulder.

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