chapter 24: blood by blood

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A large dragon with the whitest scales entered the cave.

"Reema" Eileen stand in the very front.

Reema stared at her and slowly opened her clawed hand.  Lusty grunted heavily. Carefuly , she slid him down into the ground.

"Revirdeah" Kuruba kneeled beside Lusty clapping his cheecks with his big hands. His orangy eyes scanned him, catching the boils , cuts and slits that almost covered his exposed skin.

"he was hit in the stomach" Reema now back to herself said, she gently handed the staff to him. Lusty's shirt wrapped around it loosely,.

Kuruba teared Lusty's shirt,  gasps escaped him, Lusty's stomach had darkened and turned purple,  sweat covered him making his skin shine in every edges.  His grunts grows weaker by the moment.

Kuruba unwrapped the staff and let the light of the orb hit his skin. Pink and green light swelled from the orb , melting and slowly flowing down into his injury. 

Kuruba waited breathless but the staff's magic did nothing.

He turned to Reema and glanced her a weak eye. 

"The staff can do nothing to help" 

"oh Revirdeah"

"but what should we do? We can't just let him perish, he had done nothing but protect me , protect the dragons,  even though they did not treat him well, he was harmed fighting for creatures that never respected him" tears obscured Reema's vision.

"Revirdeah has the purest of hearts" it is true ,  ever since the prince had arrived he never treated the dwarves any lesser to him but equals,  just like his mother. "I may have failed to help but you can" Kuruba wrapped Reema on his tangerine gazes.

Reema swallowed.  She will help him. He had done so much for her. She wiped the tears on her cheek and kneeled beside Lusty. She reached for his hands, they were icy cold, his lips had drained colour, his skin reduced to gray. Reema pushed her forhead on the back of Lusty's hand. Reema sang the loudest she ever did.

in a world full of hurt,
Cuts and wounds come like rain,
Bring back time to heal all pain,

Lusty let out the most painful scream, sweat and tears wet his face.

Turn the clock , turn it back,
One turn two turns three,
From hurting you'll be free,

Her voice cutted through the still silence and rung through the cave.  Her eyes closed ,Reema wished for Lusty's recovery. This is all she could do for him, she deeply blame herself for this,  if she was just stronger she could have defended herself , Lusty shouldn't have been hurt this much.

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