Chapter One : Once

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My breaths come in short gasps as I try to catch it but it seems as if it's way over my head and out of the ballpark. Home run . . . I wish I could go back home where I was probably hours ago.

I literally was at home, outside, watching the stars after my mom and I had a fight. We don't fight often but when we do we need to be away or else we'll hurt each other physically and mentally. It's too much estrogen in this house with just my mom and I living here.

No siblings, and my father died when I was young.

So I'm outside, just sitting there in shorts, a t-shirt and my favorite pair of shoes. I glance up at the barely visible stars and I see a shooting one.

So I smile and make a secret wish to fly away. Far away from here.

I mean it's not like my mom truly cares about me right?

I close my eyes and feel the summer breeze blow on my face and surround me with its comfort and promise of fun and laughter.

I then suddenly hear somebody drive down the street.

Two cars? Wait, why does it even matter?

I open my eyes and barely make out two sets of headlights blip past my line of sight.

I close my eyes once again and I think nothing of it. Then I hear a crinkling noise behind me, in my backyard.

My eyes bolt open and I quickly rise to my feet. I peer around the house and over the tiny, metal gate.


My curiosity peeks and I just have to go into the backyard. I open the latch on the gate and I take five steps onto the soft earth from the concrete.

Let's hope it's just a raccoon. Not some psychopath.

"Hello?" I ask. No response. "Hello? Anyone out here?" Once again, no response.

I shrug my shoulders then when I turn around I collide with a strong body. I bounce back a bit and about apologize when I realize, this is my backyard and I don't know this person. It is definitely not my mother. And it's 11 at night. What on Earth is someone doing in my backyard?!

I stare up and back away from this figure. Then I bump into someone else.

"Mr.President," says one man to the other.

"Sh. You're scaring her," the man in front of me speaks. Apparently the president?

Of what?! The United States? How is this even possible?!

"It's all alright Spencer." The man caresses my face and I push it aside and back away. I'm about ready to scream when suddenly a cloth is being shoved into my face. I claw at the man holding it there but it's no use.

I awake in a car. I rub my groggy eyes and notice someone in front of me. By the dim lighting I can recognize the face that I've seen on TV, it is the President of The United States of America. Question is, why am I in this car and why are we stopped?

Oh God he's going to kill me. God please don't let him kill me.

I notice he's not looking at me. And I can also barely make out that the doors are unlocked. I'm quite surprised that with my panic and me just waking up, I can make out specific details.

I take a look at him then at the door as I lay in the seat. I move my head slightly not to attract attention to myself and notice it's just him and I in the back of a large car.

The next thing that happens comes so quick I don't even realize I'm doing it until the door is open and my legs are carrying me out and away.

I book it to the woods, for safety? I'm not even sure. The storm presumes overhead as I climb the tree and slow down my heart because I swear he can hear it.

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