Chapter Twelve : Her Mom

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"How about another bottle?"

"No. Please no."

"Then go potty for me Spencer."

"I can't."

"You can't, or you won't?"

"Please no more bottles."

"Well, I have no choice but to make you drink and drink."

"No please."

"See I also know you have to go poo. So I'm going to make you drink more water and then the formula will get though you and you'll go poo for Daddy."

He walks away to fill the bottle again. I struggle against the ribbons. He comes back and I don't open my mouth for him. He plugs my nose and I hold it for as long as I can. But then I can't breath so I open my mouth to take in air. He shoves the bottle in making me choke a bit.

"Drink," I follow my orders. He simply holds the bottle and rubs the diapers in me. Pressure builds immensely and then the first bottle somehow got to me.

It starts to leak and I try my best to hold it but I can't as the urine flows out of me. I relax my muscles making me feel the urge to go poop.

Might as well right?

So I let go. Of everything. And to be totally truthful, I haven't felt this good in a long time.

I feel tears down my cheeks as the water goes down my throat. I'm so full just on water, I don't want to drink or eat anything else.

"Did Baby go potty? That's a good baby." He pulls out the bottle and smiles at me. He unties the ribbons and I rubs my wrists.

He lays me on the ground as I wipe my tears away and sniffle. He hands me a teddy bear and puts the pacifier into my mouth. I suck on it, making me comfortable. I hold the teddy bear close to me and hug it tightly.

The president grabs a new diaper, wipes and powder. He undoes the dirty diaper around me and lifts my legs up as he proceeds to clean me off.

I still hug the teddy bear and suck on the nipple of the pacifier that's in my mouth. He tapes a new diaper on after putting baby powder on me. He then snaps the onesie together and proceeds to put some sort of pant on me I guess. Not like I can feel it anyhow. He picks me back up and sets me on the bed again. But he props me up against the headboard.

"Baby Girl?" I look up at him. "New rule. This will only last for a bit, it's your punishment."

Uh oh, Daddy has a punishment for me . . .

Did you just say Daddy?!

Shut up . . . I wasn't talking to you.

"Your punishment is that now you have to ask to go potty in your diaper since you decided you wanted to hold it. And if you don't ask, and just go potty without my permission, then you will get spanked. Got it?" I nod in acknowledgement. I don't want to get spanked.

I can try, I mean I did hold it before right?

"Good. Now you shouldn't need to be eating or drinking anything for awhile. But Daddy's hungry. So I'll eat. You can watch TV Princess." He turns on Nickelodeon and Spongebob is on.

I love Spongebob!

He watches me as I watch the screen. I hold the stuffie tight and suck on the pacifier. He eats his food slowly.

I don't notice anything but the screen, when the episode is done my bladder is full.


"What did you say?" He asks.


"Uh huh. I will make you only use baby words."

"No Daddy."

"Okay. No more cussing." I feel my bladder become really full. Then the phone rings and he has to take it.

"Shit," I mutter behind the pacifier.

He talks for awhile. So much that I have to go to the bathroom even more than I did.

Damn bottles.

"Daddy," I whisper.

No answer.

"Daddy," I dare to speak louder.

He looks at me and smiles. Then he holds up his finger at me. I start to wiggle a bit and hold my crotch. I literally just went to the bathroom, but these stupid bottles.

It takes a whole other episode for him to get off. When he hangs up I'm about to talk when suddenly thunder rumbles and lightning cracks, making me jump...and pee myself.

"Oh fuck."

"Spencer! That's it! Spanking time."

"Daddy no!"

"Too late." He locks the door and then heads over to me. I cover myself up but then he realizes I have a wet diaper. "Oh, so Baby Girl decides to piss in her diaper without my permission. More spankings. That's twenty spankings Spencer. And not on your bum."

Not on my bum?

He flips me over his lap. And then takes the pacifier out of my mouth. He does something to it while I lay there with my eyes scrunched up tightly.

Oh God what's gonna happen?

He puts the pacifier back in but then he ties something behind my head making the binky stuck in my mouth.

He then pulls down the pants, rubs my back thighs and then I feel a large stinging as I hear a loud SMACK.

Son of a bitch! That fucking hurt!

He does it again.


"I told you Spencer!"


"No cussing!"


"And no going potty in your diaper without my permission!"


"I hate-"


"-doing this!"


"I'm sorry-"


"Baby Girl."


"I still love you."


He pauses for a bit. And my legs are on fire. FIRE!

My eyes are filled with water from the pain.

Is he done?

"I'm not done yet baby. That was just for cussing."

Fuck a fucking duck.

I wipe my tears and prepare for the next set of 10 smacks. He rubs my legs again and then I receive more slaps to my upper thigh while crying.

This set of slaps hurt even more than the last as my legs are already on fire.

He finishes them and I'm sobbing with a wet diaper on. And now I have to go again.

He pulls up the pants, sets me back up and holds me close to him. He rocks me back and forth while cooing to calm me down.

"Okay Baby Girl. Let's change you and then we can put some cream on your thighs."

He moves the bangs out of my eyes and then stands up. He unties the back of the pacifier and I let it fall from my mouth.

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