Chapter Eight : To Be

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The knock was a man bringing in the food. The president had gotten up and brought in the tray as he didn't want anyone else to see me in my current state with a pacifier and a tear-stained face.

The president shuts the door and scoots the tray towards his side of the bed. "Baby Girl, you hungry?" I shake my head. I'm not, I'm still embarrassed about the earlier act that he forced me to do.

"Okay, the soup has to cool down anyhow."

The rest of the night is considerably calm and soothing. He feeds me the soup and then he eats himself. When we're done he holds me up so I can brush my teeth and then he does the same.

We go back to the bed and he sets me down. He puts me under the covers and tucks me in. He locks the front door and then climbs in next to me. He wraps his left arm around me and flips channels with the other hand. The light is now off and I'm sucking on the pacifier again as he put it back in after I brushed my teeth.

Is this comforting?

I told you that it's okay.

Maybe . . .

It is Spencer . . . so what? You went to the bathroom in a diaper again. What's wrong with that?

It's just, you're 16 not a baby.

We don't have to be 16 Spencer. We can be his baby . . .

He rubs my arm with his left hand and decides upon a show that I haven't seen before.

My eyes become heavy after watching the TV for awhile. I can barely hear the president speak to me but I do hear him.

"Tomorrow I'm not doing anything. I'll spend all day with you Baby Girl. How would you like that?"

I mumble some sort of reply. "Daddy," is what I think I say.

He chuckles lightly making my eyes close. The next time I open them, I realize there has been a time lapse as now he's watching the same channel but different show. I breathe in deeply and he glances at me.

"Go back to sleep my Baby Girl." So I simply follow orders. My eyes close again and the next thing I know I'm dreaming.

There is a doll sitting on a chair and I look at it with extreme curiosity. It's hair starts to move then I realize it's not a doll? It's a cat in a box now. I giggle and run to the cat to hug it but it disappears.

Then when I back up I fall over but I fall into a pair of arms. When I am lifted up I see the president's face there. He smiles at me and I smile back with my dimples showing.

"Hi Baby Girl." I apparently start to cry and he comforts me then places me in a crib. He leaves and I feel a sense of emptiness then the scene changes to an empty room.

I awaken to a hand down by my crotch. My eyes shoot open and I notice I'm facing the president's body. My head starts to hurt a bit.

He's smiling at me and I notice that the footie I'm wearing is unzipped all the way.

I glance down and notice his hand down there but he pulls it back slowly. "Someone wet their diaper." He grins again and then gets up. I feel extremely hot.

I did not . . .

I didn't even know I did it . . .

This is so bad.

You're telling me?!

Oh my God this is bad. I went to the bathroom and I didn't even know it.

He grins at me before heading to the other side of the bed to pick me up. He then sets me on the ground and changes the wet diaper. My cheeks turn as red as my hair.

He finishes and leaves me laying there on the ground. When he comes back he holds up a larger onesie that's purple, with long sleeves, and has a blue flower on it.

He bends down and takes the footie off of me and replaces it with the onesie. I'm less hot than I was previously, but I still feel hot.

The president feels my bare skin and notices something. "Baby Girl? You okay?" My head still beats like a heart. There is a small pain in my stomach but I don't know what it's for which worries me.

I close my eyes and I don't feel good whatsoever. I place my hands above my head and I just rest.

"Baby?" His hand touches my head and it feels cool, really cool. "Let me take your temperature."

He leaves once again and comes back with a kiddy thermometer. He sits me up which makes my stomach feel worse.

How did this suddenly happen? Like am I sick? How?!

He has me open my mouth to take my temperature. And I am reminded of when my mom used to do this. Then I start to miss her a bit. I hope she misses me. It's been a couple of days now, I just kinda hope she misses me as much as I miss her.

It beeps and he pulls it out revealing in a gasp. He sets the thermometer down and actually picks me up. He lays me on the bed and walks into the bathroom? I don't know.

Then I feel something deep in my stomach. It wants to come up and I can already taste it. I try to sit up slowly and I don't know what to do.

I see the president come back in with a little bucket?

Oh God, I need to-

He quickly puts the bucket underneath my mouth as I do vomit. I also feel something exiting my other end and I don't know how to feel.

Tears well up as the gagging doesn't cease. The president gets behind me and rubs my back as I feel squishiness underneath me. I don't like the uncomfortableness as I puke and go to the bathroom at the same time.

This hurts my throat badly. "Sh Baby, it's alright. It was that soup, what was in that?" He talks to himself as he wonders what was in the meal I had previously eaten.

My head hurts after I am done puking my brains out. My stomach hurts as well. I wipe the tears away as he sets the bucket down.

"Baby Girl, are you okay? Lemme feed you a bottle of water." He grabs me and I feel so extremely uncomfortable with the mess in the diaper.

His hand touches my bottom and he feels how squishy it is. At this point I don't feel good and tears are still streaking down my face.

"Baby made a mess in her diaper didn't she? That's cause Baby doesn't feel good."

He doesn't change me and I don't like it one bit. Instead, he fills a bottle with cold water and then goes back to the bed to lay me down on his lap.

"Open up Baby Girl." So I do and I try to ignore the fact that I'm still in a messy diaper. I suck on the water gratefully. I want more when I am finished. "Baby Girl, do you want me to change your diaper?"

I nod.

"No Baby Girl. You have to ask Daddy for a diaper change or else I will have you stay in that."

"Please . . ." I cry, staring him in the face.

"Ask Daddy Spencer."

"Please . . . change me . . . Daddy," that takes all my energy to say that.

"Good Girl. I'll get you another bottle after I change you." He lays me down on the ground and finally changes the mess. I feel it again in my stomach but I just burp slightly, making my throat burn.

"Daddy . . . bottle please . . . " I cry out again.

He snaps the onesie back up, and holds me as I feel so much better in his arms and with a clean diaper.

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