Chapter Ten : But She

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Hours later we're on the bed watching shows, I may or may not have giggled through them.

He cuddles with me and holds me closely, my stomach feeling better and I don't think I have to go to the bathroom again.

I like how he makes me feel, I don't have to worry about anything at all. I mean honestly nothing. Maybe about him changing me or him having sex with me but I mean I don't know what else I need to worry about.

I bury my face in his shirt and I lay there as I cannot do anything else. He always pats my bottom and just curls me closer to him when he gets bored with the show.

"Tomorrow Daddy has to go to work. Jesse will be here though. If you're a good girl, she might take you out."

How would that work out? I can't walk.

"Are you hungry Princess?"

"No Daddy."

"You sure Baby?" My stomach says it's own reply and I mentally curse it. "That's what I thought."

The truth is; I don't want to eat cause last time I did, I got sick.

"It's okay Baby. I can make you a sandwich. Just a pb and j sandwich," he reassures me.

"Okay . . ." I mutter.

He leaves me on the bed and heads into the little kitchen area. I can't really see what he's doing from my position on the bed, but I do hear silverware being clinked together.

I just sigh and when I do I accidentally wet myself. I hold it halfway through and then I just let it go as I can't control it anymore.

I don't know what to think anymore about this situation. Truthfully I don't.

You just pissed yourself Spencer . . .

I know! I know!

If that doesn't tell you that you're being turned into a literal baby then I don't know what will.

Shut up.

No! I'm tired of you! I'm in control of my own self.

Obviously not your bladder.

Precisely! That's why it's okay for me to be his baby.

That did not go as I hoped it would.

You're right, it backfired on you. So go away.

Or what?

Or else I'll cry and make you go away when he comes to comfort me.

You wouldn't.

I so would.

What the hell am I doing?! I'm arguing with myself!

The president comes back and sets the plate on the nightstand. He then lifts me up, sets me in his lap while we both face the TV. He grabs half a sandwich and hands it to me.

"Eat sweetheart." So I munch slowly on the sandwich that has been made for me. I love the taste of food after I puked mine up earlier.

I eat until my tummy is full. Then I just chill back, but realizing that I had wet myself earlier and I need a change.

The president grabs in between my legs to pull me up towards him even more. He feels the warmth and I swear I can hear his smile.

"Did you go potty Baby?"

"Yes Daddy . . . " I mutter.

"Well Baby, I'll change you later. You can stay in your dirty diaper."

What . . .



He rests his hand there and I don't like the feeling I have in the pit of my stomach from his touch.

He still keeps his hand there when he flips through shows.

"I wish Daddy could've brought some of your toys Baby Girl. But silly Daddy forgot them. We could've played. How about I promise to play with you when we get back home?"

"Okay Daddy."


"Princess, wake up so Daddy can say bye bye." I rub my eyes and find that I'm in the sleeper, where he put me last night at like 3 a.m.

He stayed up, which made me stay up. I was grateful cause I wasn't tired until I started yawning at 2:15.

He then put me in another footie and put me to sleep. I didn't sleep until a little while after the lights went out.

Now, I rub my eyes and stare up at the president who is putting on a tie.

"I'm sorry I woke you up Princess, I have to go to work. Can you give Daddy a kiss?"

He helps me sit up. He kisses my forehead and he gives me his cheek. I absentmindedly kiss it slightly and he grins.

"Jesse will come in and take care of you. She'll change your wet diaper and then change your clothes."

"Daddy no!"

"Yes Baby. I'm sorry. Daddy doesn't have time."

"Can you change me please Daddy?"

It'll be so embarrassing to be changed by someone else, especially to the lady I told I wouldn't be a baby. And yet, here I am.

"Okay Princess." He lifts me out and sets me on the floor. He rolls up his sleeves and unzips the footie revealing a full diaper.

He undoes the diaper and then wipes me down. He puts a new diaper around me and tapes it up. He then zips up the footie and throws the mess away before washing his hands.

He then lifts me back up and sets me in the sleeper again. He turns on the TV and positions me so I can see the screen.

He turns on Nickelodeon and Spongebob is on.

"Okay Princess. I'm gonna leave this on. Try to go back to sleep, it's only 4."

I only got like an hour of sleep?

He opens the door and leaves. I watch the show for awhile and then realize I have to go number two. I hold it in and then slowly fall asleep while I'm in the sleeper.

I awake to a shuffling noise. I look up to find Jesse standing there, light fills the room.

"Hi Spencer." I rub my eyes and just lay there with my eyes closed. "Do you want to get out?"

"What about your children?" I ask, remembering that she has kids and that they need their mom.


"Your children, why are you in England without your children?"

"I'm not without them. They're actually here, in my room. They always travel with me."


"I told them that you were naughty and for your punishment, you are being treated like a baby. And I threatened them with the same punishment. They believe me so you're okay."

"Oh," I speak softly.

"Yeah, do you want to meet them?"


"They're 9 and 6. Abby is the youngest and then Tyler is the oldest."

She lifts me up and holds me on her side.

"Did you go to the bathroom?"

"No," I mumble.

But I have to go. I'm holding it though . . .

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