Chapter Nine : A Baby

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I lay in his arms, feverish and drained of all the energy I once had. If this was my one opportunity to escape the president , I wouldn't be able to as I am too weak to do so.

Maybe I don't want to escape.

Shut up.

Ugh, why do you have to come in and ruin everything?!

Shut up okay? God you're such a baby.

Uh, precisely. I am a baby. His baby.

Shut up! We are not his baby.

What ever happened to you thinking maybe this wasn't bad?!

I changed my mind . . .

Go to Hell.

"Baby Girl, you need to drink some Gatorade." My eyes flutter, closing as the muscles in my eyelids need to rest. He stands up and lays me on the bed where I become cold so I start to whine.

"Daddy . . ."

Why am I calling him this?!

Why not?

Shut up.

"I'm coming Baby, I'm coming. Give me a second," he coos. I'm still cold when he comes back.

He has another bottle in his hands, or so I hear from the sloshing of liquid. I then feel a warm blanket surrounding me. It feels super soft and fuzzy and I think I like it.

My eyes open to find a baby blue fuzzy blanket wrapped around my body. He swaddles me and has me drink the Gatorade resulting in a cooled down throat and a full tummy.

"Is that better Baby?" His voice rings like a soft lullaby.

"Yes Daddy . . ."

"Good thing I have today off. Or else I would've had Jesse take care of you."

He cradles me tightly and then stands up so he can bounce me around, patting my bottom. My eyes close and I can smell a baby scent on the blanket. I'm glad I smell that and not vomit.

I really hope I don't puke again. He still bounces me and I feel a little lightheaded and almost like I'm floating.

I go back into slumber, as my body seems to be doing a lot lately.

I dream of a crazy place. There's a party and I have two cousins who are lesbians together. One of them is related by blood, to me I mean. Then there's this guy who wants a dragon's egg but he can't get it cause we hid it. Then the world turns into chaos as he starts to chase us. One of my cousins, who is white, stabs him twice and I cower in the corner. Then I hear two gunshots. I scream and run away.

I find my old high school and run inside to find all these people still having class while the world is falling apart. Then we run down through a tunnel system and the kids are now all girls, and princesses with rings that have power.

We finally stay in this secluded area and protect ourselves after I fight off this old lady who is trying to kill me. I kill her, but she can't be killed?! I run away with blood all over me as I sob. Then there's a knock on the door. I open it and there is my science teacher wanting to talk to me.

I yell at him to go away because I know he's the devil. He smiles evilly and says I'm smart. Then he tells me about my cousins who I called my Mom's. So I run out the back and go to them once again. They're in a field and they're building a helicopter to get all of us out. They find the egg and secure it.

I wake up with a strong sense to go to the bathroom and without thinking I pee myself. It's like it's now programmed into my mind to use the diaper.

Well there goes 13 years of being potty trained . . .

I feel sweaty but comfortable. I'm on the bed and the pacifier is laying right next to my mouth. I can't get to it without using my hands, and they are swaddled up.

I shift my head a bit to find the president working on his speech, next to me.

I watch him in silence. He then turns over as I yawn.

"Is Baby Girl awake? Hi Princess," he coos.

He smiles at me and then checks my forehead, his hands feel about the same temp.

"All better. Just some electrolytes and sleep got you feeling better huh? Well do you want another bottle sweetheart?"

"Daddy . . ." I don't know if I should tell him I peed. Cause it's still embarrassing. The warmth surrounds my lower areas making me feel a bit . . . I don't know the word for it. But it makes me feel innocent, I guess. Small maybe? Baby like?

"What's wrong Princess?" I'm afraid he's gonna want me to ask for another change.

"I-I peed," I muffle my voice.

"That's okay Baby Girl. I'll get you another bottle." He sets his paper down on the nightstand and I hear water running after a minute. When he comes back, minutes later, he has a bottle filled with milk.

I thought it was going to be water, from the sound of the faucet. Maybe he just rinsed it out . . .

He lifts me up and sets me in his lap. His right hand crawls underneath the blanket and grabs the area the diaper is covering. He unsnaps the onesie and just places his hand there.

He puts the bottle to my lips and I drink it, realizing it's formula. I drink it slowly as he starts to run with his right hand. He pushes the diaper into my crotch and I feel immense pressure. He pushes some more and rubs it around. I close my eyes as it feels really good.

He still rubs me as I drink the bottle.

I feel as if I have to go to the bathroom again.

But I just went!

I can't hold it in any longer as he rubs still.

"That's a good girl, pee for Daddy. You pee your diaper like a good girl."

Now the diaper is full and I need it changed badly. I drink the rest of the bottle and he sits me up, burping me. My arms are still pinned to my body.

"Baby Girl, you need a diaper change?"

"Yes Daddy." I bow my head down in shame.

"Don't be ashamed of it Princess. You are a baby after all. And babies go potty in their diapers like good littles."

He lifts me up once again and then sets me down on the ground. He slowly unwraps the blanket and I feel a little cold.

I shiver as he undoes the diaper. It looks full when he wraps it up. He wipes me down and it feels good. He puts a new diaper on me.

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