Chapter Eighteen : Which Made

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I am slowly rocked back and forth while I suck on Peyton's tit. It's a calming thing to do. The milk goes in my mouth and down my dry throat. It seems I can't get enough.

Then I feel my diaper become a little wet. I must have peed while nursing, normal right?

What am I talking about?! Peeing in a diaper is not normal for a 16 year old!

But it's soothing.

Oh shut up!

I've been kept quiet while you try to figure out things missy. So I suggest you keep drinking and peeing and shut the hell up.

Jeesh, I didn't do anything.

Yes you are! You're telling me to shut up when clearly you're the one wanting to suck on her boob and drink from it.


Then I am turned to her other boob where I suck some more. My eyes close again and I feel Peyton patting my bum while I'm still being rocked back and forth.

She then starts humming something familiar but I can't quite recall it. It soothes me even more and then I find myself sleepier than ever.

I slowly drift into sleep. I have a nightmare about being pushed back out into the world and I wet myself by accident. Everyone laughs at me. Daddy doesn't want to see me, nor does Peyton. They don't want me anymore cause they have an actual baby now. I start to cry and I wet myself again.

When I awake I'm in my crib, in my nursery. It seems light out still but I'm not too sure.

I sit up and wipe away my tears, then I realize I peed myself in my sleep. I don't want to be left alone!

I want to stay here! I start to sob and I lay back down. I then can hear a door opening and the cooing voices of Daddy.

He turns me over. "Princess what's wrong?" He asks me. I still cry and he lifts me up. I lay my head in between his shoulder and neck and I just weep.

I don't want him to leave, I want him to stay and I want to stay. He rubs circles into my back and I calm down some. Then he shuffles me around like he would if he was shushing a baby, and embarrassing enough it works. I'm calmed down and about ready to fall asleep again.

But Daddy feels the dampness of my diaper. "Princess wet herself didn't she? Did she have a nightmare?" I slowly nod. "Well let's change the Baby." He lays me down slowly on the changing table and undoes the diaper. He takes a baby wipe and lifts my legs. He wipes me down and proceeds to take the dirty diaper off of me.

He then puts a new one under me and throws the wipe away. He puts baby powder on and then tapes the diaper back up. I close my eyes and just let him do it.

After he sanitizes his hands he grins at me and picks me up again and holds me like before.

I close my eyes and rest there while he rubs circles into my back again. I then feel him move out into a colder space. I shiver and he notices. I then feel a blanket surrounding my body, making me extremely warm.

He then sits in the rocking chair and starts to rock back and forth slowly. My heartbeat matches his and I feel blissful. I can then hear Oliver moving around and mewing.

Then I feel soft fur touching my skin and I realize it's the cat. I open my eyes and look down, finding Oliver in my face mewing at me. I giggle and pet him. He purrs and then lays down on Daddy's lap as well.

I close my eyes again and lays there relaxed. "Hey Honey," I hear Daddy whisper.


"Can you put Spencer's crib in our room please?" I hear footsteps leave and then I feel a kiss on my head while I'm still being rocked back and forth. I then hear rolling on the ground from the crib. Minutes later I can hear her come back.

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