Chapter Nineteen : The Princess

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"Oh sh sh Baby Girl. C'mon Princess. Don't wake Mommy up now. What's wrong? Did Daddy wake you up? Or do you have a wet bottom?" He bends over and feels the soggy and damp diaper around me. "Okay Baby. I'll change you." Daddy lifts me up and carries me to my room. He lays me on the changing table and changes me. He seems very very tired and so am I.

He wipes me down and tapes a new diaper on me before washing his hands and then lifting me back up into his arms. The pacifier is still in my mouth making me feel calm.

He rocks me in the rocking chair and I fall asleep soon after. When I awake in the morning I'm in the crib and I hear running water. I also see Peyton on the bed, sitting there. She looks over to me and smiles. Then I see Oliver on the bed as well.


"Yeah Spencer it's a kitty. You want to play with him?" I nod. She slides off the bed and heads over to me. She picks me up and sets me on the bed where Daddy normally lays. I'm sitting up and I smile as Oliver gets up and lays in my lap. I pet his face and then scratch under his chin. He starts to purr and I smile even bigger.

Daddy then comes out of the bathroom and grins at me and Peyton. "Well some Baby is up now isn't she?"

"She really likes the cat."

"Olver." I lisp.

"What's his name Princess?"


"Olver?" I shake my head. He takes my paci out of my mouth.


"That's adorable Baby! Here, I have something for both of you girls."

"What are you talking about Grant?" Peyton asks. Daddy puts the pacifier back into my mouth.

Daddy leaves for about 10 minutes. I don't mind and just play with Oliver. He comes back with a bottle and a glass full of something.

"Grant I'm not-"

"Just drink Honey. I already had mine this morning. Chef Frank said it was healthy for us and for the baby."

"You sure?"

"Yeah, come on. Just drink." Then she takes the glass. Daddy sits behind me and pulls me to lay down on him. He makes me lay in his lap and I stare up at him. He takes my pacifier out and then puts the bottle with a yellow substance in my mouth.

It's like a smoothie or something. It tastes like apples and peaches, so pretty yummy indeed. Daddy coos at me as I drink this yummy drink.

Daddy holds me tightly as I drink the last of the yellow substance. Peyton finishes her drink and then when I'm done, Daddy burps me. I am still laid down upon his lap with my pacifier back in my mouth.

I don't feel sleepy but I wanna lay here for awhile. "Princess, do you wanna go swimming today?"

I nod my head. Daddy smiles at me and then lays me down on the bed near the kitty.

I feel like my muscles are relaxed, like I can't do anything about it. But I like the feeling, it comforts me.

"Is my little Baby Girl hungry?"

I nod. He smiles and lifts me up, he carries me out into the dining room area and sets me in the high chair. I sit there waiting for Daddy to bring me something to eat.

Daddy comes back out with a little plate of pancakes made into smiley faces.

"Do you want syrup?"

"No Daddy." He pulls up a chair and then takes a fork. He cuts the pancakes up and feeds me. I gratefully eat from him and relish in the fact that my stomach is filling up.

The plate becomes empty so Daddy goes and then puts the plate in the sink. When he comes back he lifts me out of the high chair and sets me on the ground by the play pen. I see Oliver and I smile. I pet him and he purrs.

Then I see Peyton come in. She grins at me and kneels in front of me. She pets Oliver too.

"Spencer, we're gonna go on the beach. You can't really swim since you have your cast on so you wanna just go and put your hands in the water?"

I nod. She lifts me up and then carries me into my room. She lays me on the table.


"Princess?" Daddy coos. The water touches my hands and I giggle out of nowhere.

Then Daddy picks me up. "Nn."

"Sh Princess I'm just setting you in the water."

"Grant, she can't go-"

"It's a waterproof cast hon."

"Oh." Daddy sets me in the water up to my chest. I giggle and splash. Daddy sits next to me and holds my body from behind. It feels good to cool off. The water comes up and gets my face. I spit out the water and giggle.

Daddy plays with me and by the time Daddy wants me to get out, I don't want to. I start to cry and I don't realize it.

"Daddy has to change your diaper Princess." Change my diaper? I don't remember going potty.

He takes me to a blanket and starts to pull down the swim bottoms. He checks the diaper and sure enough a smell of urine fills my nose.

I peed?

"Yeah, Princess pee peed her diaper." He changes me and pulls the bottoms back up. He then helps me "walk" to the water again. I sit back down and splash Daddy. "Come on Mommy! Come over here."

"I'm fine sitting alone!"

"Mmy," I say. Wait, what?

"Honey! She said Mommy!"

"She what?"

"Mmy!" I shout cause it seems to give a positive connotation.

"She said it again!" Peyton comes over and I can't help but squeal. I try to talk but I can't seem to get the right words out.

I start to mumble things.

Why can't I speak?!

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