Chapter Seven : Was Forced

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I'm calmer now as we go along, the president feeds me another bottle as I'm swaddled up tightly. I don't think there is chemical in this one, or maybe there is.

I start to become sleepy soon after he feeds me. The bottle is now empty and laying beside him. "Is my Baby Girl sleepy?" He coos.

I feel the plane slowly start to descend and I want to freak out but all I can do is lay here.

"See, with Daddy you are okay. You are okay Baby Girl. You don't have to feel afraid anymore." He smiles at me. We touch ground and I become sleepier. "Jesse?" He calls.

"Yes sir?"

"I need you to take Spencer to the hotel room alright?"

"Okay." He hands me over to Jesse and I feel the need to relief something. I hold it in.

I moan a bit and the president kisses my forehead. "I'll see you soon Baby Girl." She holds me like the president had done before when he was trying to calm me down.

She just holds me with both hands. I become so sleepy my eyes shut for another time today.

I awaken to being jostled around. I'm placed into a sleeper/play pen. I stare up at Jesse and she smiles,"Hi Spencer. He told me to put you in here. He's going to come back soon."

I nod and rub my eyes. My eyelids want to close again so they do, putting me back into slumber.

"Baby Girl," I hear cooing sounds. I open again and find the president over top of the pen and staring at me. "Let me get you out of this." He lifts me up and I notice the dim lighting of a bathroom. I grumble. He places me on the bed and then suddenly reaches behind me and unzips the dress. He takes it off of me and then sets it to the side.

He then takes off my socks, I believe. He then proceeds to take off the diaper making me feel a breeze down in that general area. I don't move my hands as I'm too tired to do so.

The last thing he does is reach behind me again but to unclip the bra. "No!" I yell grabbing his hands.

"You do not tell Daddy no young lady!" He removes my hands and then takes off the bra leaving me bare naked. He lifts me up and brings me into the light of the bathroom. I see a tub filled with water and soap. He sets me down in it and rolls up his sleeves.

I want to cover up my body but I know he had already given me a bath and I have to deal with this.

He has a cup in his hands. He dips it in the water and then puts his other hand up to push my head back. He pours the water on top of my head, wetting my hair down.

He does it again then puts shampoo into the palm of his hand and rubs my head. It feels good so I close my eyes and just let his hands take over.

He rinses that out shortly afterwards and puts in cream rinse, or conditioner. Then I feel a hand go down my body and my eyes jolt open. "Calm down Baby Girl, Daddy has to wash you." He touches me and it reminds me of the nightmare I had before. This time I'm not tied up and I can actually feel his touch.

He rubs down there and I want to smack his hand away but his other hand holds both of mine in place. I struggle but then I don't because it's useless. He rubs even more than he's supposed to and I feel pressure down there.

When he's done, he rinses out the conditioner and I just wait it out. He then drains the tub and I shiver. He grabs a towel then lifts me out, wrapping the towel around my body in the process.

He smiles at me and takes me to the bed, laying me down with the towel underneath my cold and still wet body. I hear a bag being zipped open and clothes being shuffled around. My body feels so bare I close my eyes and just wait until I am clothed once more. I hear the crinkling of a diaper and I realize that I need to go. Badly.

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