Chapter Sixteen : Daddy Had To

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He shows me around the little beach house. He shows me my room with my toys in it as well as my crib and changing table.

Then he shows me his and mommy's room.

"You might be able to sleep with Daddy and Mommy one of these nights.

"Mommy?" I ask.

"Yeah Mommy's here with us. She tried to get you out of the car but she couldn't."

Mommy? Does he mean the First Lady? The one who tried giving me back to my mom and best friend?

"In fact Mommy is in the shower." I can hear the water running actually. "Okay Baby Girl, the numbing will subside soon. After that I can only give you some pain relievers. According to the doctors you'll be okay."

I want to feel my arms again, I mean I can deal without my legs, I've been dealing without them.

"You're gonna feel some pain because your legs are broken but other than that you should be okay. You know what's good Princess?"


"Mommy actually wants to be your Mommy. She'll love you and take care of you just like I am. Now, is Princess hungry?"

"No Daddy," I lay on his shoulder still.

"Well it seems as if someone is a little wet."

Did I go to the bathroom? I mean I know I can't feel anything but . . .

"That's okay. We'll change the little baby." He brings me to my room again and sets me down on the changing table. I can't move at all so he doesn't have to worry about me not wanting him to change me.

He undoes the diaper apparently and then lifts my legs to take it off. He wipes me and puts a new one on after putting powder on me. He then tapes it back up. He pulls down the dress that I just realized I have on.

I also notice my legs are in a cast.

He grins at me and then I can hear Peyton's voice from the hallway.


"In here Honey!" Daddy puts a pacifier in my mouth and I look up to see the First Lady. "Well here's our baby. I'm glad you agreed to this Peyton."

"Well, I love you and if you love something . . . why not try it too?"

"That's the spirit. Okay now you want to hold her?"

"I don't really know how to hold-"

"Okay. Well just pick her up gently," he lifts me up, holding my head with on hand and lifting my butt up with the other. "Then you put her head in the crook of your arm. Then hold her body like this." I look up at Daddy and then he smiles down at me.

He looks over to his wife and she holds out her arms like he is. He sets me gently into her arms and she smiles down at me.

What changed her mind? Have her help me leave again! Or do I want to leave again? I don't even know anymore.

I have to lay there because I can't move whatsoever.

She then walked around and cooed at me, which made me feel uncomfortable. I scrunched my face and then made a few noises. Get me out of her arms.

"I don't think she likes me Grant."

"It's okay Honey. You have to give her time. She might hate you though."

"Why would she hate me?" She sounds appalled. "Who could hate me?"

"A lot of people Honey. Listen, you're new to this so it's okay. She is fond of me more than you. So give it time."

"How long?"

"Depends on how she feels." Daddy stands behind her and caresses my face. I want to sleep, I don't know why.

I close my eyes and just listen to the water on the beach. I hear the seagulls in the distance as I travel into my mind to dream.

I awaken to cooing. Female cooing. I don't like it, I want Daddy.

Then I feel my arms. They hurt like hell. And I feel my legs, they hurt the most.

I start to whine a bit and then I can feel tears down my face. I open my eyes to see me laying down on the ground, on a blanket.

My hip hurts now and I need to go pee. So I let go. I start to moan and then I start to cry because the pain is a lot.

"Grant, she's crying."

"Then calm her down Honey. I'm busy."

"Hey Spencer, it's okay," she coos. I don't calm down. I need something to stop the pain. "Grant-"

"Check her diaper."

So she puts her hand down by my crotch and she feels the dampness.

"She's wet!"

"Okay, change her." Peyton lifts me up slowly and it hurts so I cry even more.

"It's okay, I'm going to change you." She heads to my room and sets me on the hard table which worsens the pain, making me sob.

She changes me but does so to where it's too painful for me. So I still cry. My body aches and I need to get rid of that feeling.

She lifts me back up and I still cry. She walks to Daddy in his office. "Grant she got changed but won't stop crying."

"Try a bottle," he shooed her away.

"Grant help me!"

"God bless fucking America! Give her to me then!"

I am set in Daddy's arms but my body still hurts.

"Sh Princess. What's wrong Baby Girl? Tell Daddy sweetheart."

"P-pain," I sob.

"Oh shit. Honey get the pain reliever."

She runs away as he gently coddles me. She comes back and then he tells her to make a bottle. So she leaves again.

She comes back later with a bottle for me. Daddy sets me up a bit as I slowly wipe my tears away. Slowly because of my bruised arms.

He then has me open my mouth. He puts the pills in and then he is handed the bottle. He tips it back and puts it into my mouth.

I suck on it and let the pills go down my throat. He then lays me back as I suck on the bottle.

"There you go Princess." I suck on it letting the formula in my mouth and swallowing it.

I close my eyes and then let him rock me back and forth. The pain is still there but I'm more focused on the bottle that's in my mouth.

I hear a little mumbling going on then I quickly finish the small bottle. Suddenly the bottle is taken out of my mouth and is replaced by another.

I get formula on my mouth but it's wiped away. I am still being rocked back and forth when I realize I have to pee again.

But I did it not even like five minutes ago!

My muscles are so relaxed I just go. Daddy feels it too.

"Well someone is a tinkler. Did you go potty for me Princess? Here, you finish that bottle and then I'll go change you."

I finish the second bottle and immediately a pacifier is put into my mouth.

I open my eyes to see the ceiling of my nursery. I also see Daddy above me. He's caressing my face while someone else changes me. Peyton.

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