Chapter Twenty : Stay With

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**Several months later**

"Daddy! Daddy!" I giggle and run up to him.

"Come here Cuddle Bug!" He lifts me up and sets me in his lap. He kisses my neck and I giggle some more.

There's a knock on the door.

"Let's play hide and seek Princess okay? You hide under Daddy's desk remember?" I nod and climb down. I curl into a ball and hear someone familiar talk.

Someone I knew before but I can't quite recall.

"Hello? Sir?"

"Come in Miss Downs."

"Call me Karen, please."

"Okay, come in Karen."

Karen? Karen Downs? That, that was my last name. And Karen, she was . . .

"Sir, yes. We have a problem. There have been way too many kidnappings lately. And the state of Ohio, has the most. They won't allow the government to get involved with these. Then there's a town that people have discovered and it's very odd."

"A town? Where?"

"In Ohio sir."

"What is in this town?"

"It's . . . It's weird sir."

"How weird?"

"Mr. President, have you heard of a lifestyle called DD/lg?" Suddenly I can feel Daddy tense up.

"N-no. I have not. Why? What is it?"

"Well it stands for Daddy Dominant and little girl. You might want to research it. There is even a school there sir. They call it DD/lg University. Actually, my brother lives there."

"Your brother?"

"Yes sir. They just recently moved there. Sir, I think we may need to infiltrate this place."

"Thank you Karen. Leave the folder please."

"Sir I-"

"You may leave." He stands up and ushers her out. I want to so badly come out and see her. So I peek a bit and I see the back of her head. Sure enough as I suspected.


Daddy shuts the door and smiles at me. "You were a good Princess. You may come out now." I then climb out from underneath and smile at Daddy. He picks me up and holds me on his hip.


"Yes Baby Girl?"

"That was, that was-"

"That was your old Mommy yes honey. Let's go see if we can find Mommy and Jesse huh?"


"Cause Daddy has work to do and Princess needs to eat some lunch." He bops my nose and I giggle. Then he carries me to the door. He peeks around to see if my old Mom is still there. Then he walks with me down the hallway with my finger in my mouth.

"Oh Mommy!" He says when he walks into my room. There she is taking care of clothes. She's folding them as she has nothing better to do since she's pregnant.

She got pregnant a couple months ago. Daddy felt bad about giving her some medicine to allow her to not have babies. It took a little while before she trusted him again.

She still wanted me to be her baby though. She loved having me as hers. Daddy told me that the bottles I drank with yellow liquid made me more baby like.

So Mommy and I stayed at the beach house while Daddy went back to work.

Mommy and I got a better relationship and sometimes she allowed me to be my actual age. I grew closer to Mommy like I am with Daddy.

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