Chapter Seventeen : Kill Her

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She changes me while Daddy distracts me. He smiles at me then he bends down and kisses my forehead.

"We're gonna try some new things while we're at this place okay Princess?"

New things?

"Grant I don't know-"

"She has to learn."

"I'm willing to do it but I mean I don't know if she's ready."

"I told you while she was sleeping Peyton. She has to learn. You want to do this, so now you have to try."

"Okay, okay. Later, when she's thirsty."

What are they talking about?

Daddy then lifts me up and holds me close to him. He takes me out to a little porch area. It has a play pen on it and a little play area.

It has a baby jumper too as well as a baby blanket and a little baby play mat.

He lays me down on the mat. Above me is little dangling toys that'll keep me quiet.

I look up at Daddy who now smiles at me. He turns on the music on the mat. There are little elephants and monkeys and lions hanging down.

I reach my arm up and touch it. It twirls around and I smile to myself. I hear Peyton talking to Daddy.

"Okay so she's gonna sleep next to us tonight?"

"Yeah she is. We'll take her crib and put it in our room."

"Oh," she sounds relieved, "okay."

"I still can't believe you're doing this with me."

". . . I can't have kids anymore Grant. This is the closest to a child that I'll get. It's gonna take me some time though."

I start to whine because I'm bored. This mat is so boring.

"Aw what's wrong baby?" I still whine. Daddy comes back over and lifts me up.

He sets me in his lap and rubs my back. I see Peyton sitting there, reading.

She sets down her book and looks at me. She looks at me with a sweet smile and kind eyes. Eyes that make me want to curl into a ball and sleep, eyes that make me want to be the cutest thing in the world for her.

But I have a question:

When did she realize that she couldn't have kids?

She then sets her book down and comes over to me on Daddy's lap.

"Can I take you Spencer?"

I raise my arms to be lifted up by Peyton. She takes me off of Daddy's lap and then he gets up. He kisses my forehead and then leaves.

"Daddy," I mumble.

"Don't worry Spencer, he's just gonna go work. Let's go change you into something that's fit for the beach huh?"

The door is then knocked upon. Peyton sets me down in the playpen and I whine.

"Mr. President? We have the thing you asked for."

I turn around to try to see what's going on but I can't.

I groan and whine. As soon as I hear the door close and Daddy, I stop.

"Honey, put Spencer on the blanket." Peyton bends down and lifts me back up like I'm nothing. She sets me down in front of Daddy who is holding a cage.

An animal cage.

"Baby Girl, you wanna see what Daddy got?"

What's in that?! I hear little whining noises.

What in the world could be in that?

He sets the crate down and then bends down. He looks at me and smiles.

I can't see what's inside still. Peyton smiles at me and so does Daddy.

"Okay Princess. I got this for you cause we needed an animal and I thought he would do perfectly for you. I got him cause I love you Spencer."

The pacifier still is in my mouth so when he opens the cage and the animal comes out, you could barely understand my squeals let alone me telling Daddy that I love him.

A yellow, tabby comes out of the cage with a cute collar on him. I squeal even more and pet the confused kitten.

Daddy then smiles and kisses my head. "I didn't expect it to get here so quick. Okay well you can just keep an eye on her here. I need to work."

He leaves and I pet the scared kitten.


I scratch the kittens face and it then lays on its side and plays with my hand. I giggle and play with it as well.

I then see Peyton with some kitty toys in her hand. She hands them to me and then she pets my head.

"Is that a kitty Spencer?" I nod. "What are you gonna name it?"

"Olvr." I try to say Oliver.

"What did you say?" She takes my paci out and I speak.

"Oliver." She puts it back in my mouth and I suck on it fervently. I pet the new kitten and it then starts to purr.

I then feel the need to go number two. But I wait and hold it. It's always embarrassing to go number two in a diaper.

Three hours later I'm thirsty and the kitten and I are laying on the mat next to each other. My stomach starts to hurt so I push a bit thinking I have to fart.

But I don't and it all just comes. Daddy comes in and then smells the air. "Baby Girl made a stinky?"

I turn over to feel a squishy mess that I don't like so I start to whine. Daddy lifts me up and takes me to my nursery where he changes me.

He wipes me down and puts baby powder on me. He grabs another diaper and tapes it up. I then whine again because I'm thirsty.

"What is it Princess?" He takes the pacifier out of my mouth and I whine. "Tell Daddy what you want."

"Ba-ba," I speak in baby talk.

"Oh, you're thirsty huh? Well Princess, we're gonna try something new now that we have Mommy here."

Oh God, if he's talking about what I think he's talking about then-


I will not breastfeed!

He lifts me up and I struggle. "Honey! Spencer is thirsty," he calls out.

"Okay give me a second," I hear. I still struggle to get away but he won't let me go.

"No Spencer. You will feed from Mommy. It's good for you Baby Girl. Do it or I give you spankings."

"No!" I cry out. He holds me closer hurting my already bruised arms. "Ow Daddy," I actually start to cry.

"You have to feed from Mommy okay Baby?" He tells me sweetly. I just sob.

I then am set into the lap of Peyton and her shirt and bra is undone so her breast is showing.

Peyton holds me to her tit and I scrunch my face and try to get my hands up to block her.

But then I am swatted on my butt and I immediately stop.

"So how do I do this?" Peyton asks. Daddy leans over and moves her nipple towards my mouth. I don't open for it.

He then pinches my nose with one hand and I start to cry cause it hurts. "Sh Baby. Just drink from Mommy's boob okay?" I have to open my mouth and when I do, the nipple goes into my mouth and I about gag.

My mouth is dry at this point so I start to suck just to see what would happen. And sure enough, milk came out. A sickly sweet tasting substance that was a bit gross but it was wonderful at the same time.

I close my eyes and keep sucking.

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