Chapter Four : There Was

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I'm trapped in a prison of bars, wooden bars. I'm tied up, and it's so hot in here and I don't think I'm wearing anything. I glance down and I don't see anything on my body.

What I do see is a face above the prison bars. "Spencer, you'll be a good girl won't you Baby?" The president looks over the bars and grins. He then moves them away and they fall down around me so I'm just left on a thick mattress with the headboard still there so my arms are tied up.

The president stares at my naked body with amusement and pleasure.

"Leave me alone," I beg.

"Oh no baby girl. You are far from being left alone. No, baby girls must be taken care of." He touches me and I don't feel it.

I wake up in a sleeper and with a pacifier in my mouth. I catch my breath and realize that it was just a dream but my legs still aren't moveable and I have to go to the bathroom.

I take the pacifier out and I rub my eyes holding in my completely full bladder. I turn my head and realize I'm still in that office and the president is working at the desk quietly.

But there's a lady in here with him. "I can't believe you got another one Grant!"

"Sh Peyton. She's sleeping."

"Just because I won't call you that stupid word and I won't do that," she points to me without looking back," you do this to innocent teenagers. I am so close to telling everyone Grant! This has gone far enough."

"Peyton, she is a baby. Babies need to be taken care of."

"She is a 16 year old girl. Her parents must be worried sick."

"Everything is under control. Can you leave before she wakes up from you yelling?"

"Ben is not going to be happy."

"He already isn't happy! He is never happy. So therefore I have nothing to worry about except for my baby."

"You are so twisted Grant. Why did I even marry you?"

"Because you wanted to be the First Lady. Well whoop de do Peyton, you're the First Lady. Enjoy it."

"I hate you."

He looks over to me and notices I'm awake.

"You woke her up. Good job." He stands and she grumbles. She then crosses her arms and leaves the room before saying one last thing.

"Hi Baby," he coos.

"I am so sorry he's putting you through this." Then she slams the door shut and I jump a bit causing a little bit of pee to escape. I hold it back and look up into the president's face. He smiles at me and puts the pacifier in my mouth.

He then lifts me up and holds me. He bounces me up and down a bit and it's getting hard to hold it in without my ability to cross my legs and such.

He rubs my back and starts to speak, "It's okay Baby Girl. That's just Mommy. She'll warm up to you soon."

From what I saw . . . she was mad at him. She wanted to help me.

He rubs my back and the urge to pee is very strong. But I'm not a baby and I go to the bathroom on a toilet. Not in a diaper.

I still hold it then he jostles me around some more and I pee a little bit more. He takes me to his desk and then he picks up a paper to look at it.

He then adjusts me by bouncing me to be higher on his waist and I suddenly let it all out by accident and I mumble, "Oh God."

I start to cry and he notices of course. This is so embarrassing.

Please don't check the diaper. Please don't, please don't. Please don't, just please.

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