Chapter 14

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"Alright, so each mob needs each other to equal out their strengths and weakness?" I asked as I skimmed through the list to make sure what I was saying was right.

"Correct. Especially until you manage to unlock high tiers of the undead." So I would need to cluster them together for maximum benefit. I nodded my head and set my pen down. Alrighty then, well, let's get these bosses made while I think this over.

I created two more chairs and made a motion for both of them to take a seat. It would have felt rude of me to make them just stand there. I like to think that I am not entirely heartless. Once everyone was settled in, I opened my menu. For the next boss, I will start off with a zombie, or whatever it will evolve into after I finish. I massed summoned ten of them and grimaced as I watched my sweet essence trickle down. It hurt watching it drain. It truly did. It was like watching your paycheck get spent just a few moments after getting it.

Once the summoning finished, I looked them all over. I was thankful that they were not carbon copies of each other; they were all unique. Some were towering giants, while others looked like they were in their early teens. It really increased the fear factor and added a bit of humanity to them. I stared at them, and I was hesitant to issue my order. I knew that I had to, it was for the greater good, yet that thought didn't make it any easier for me.

It was as if the room was holding its breath for what was to come. I gulped down some air and gave my command. "Fight to the death." In an instant, the room exploded into a flurry of activity. The zombies tore into each other, uncaring that they were allies. The harrowing moans filled the air as limbs were torn from torsos. Black ichor splattered the concrete ground on gruesome patterns, and low animalistic cries did little to cover up the sound of bodies being torn apart.

The sounds grated my nerves, and I did the best to block it out. I thought I was ready for the carnage that would ensure, but I wasn't. I was by no means squeamish about blood or gore, but this was something entirely different. It was almost primal the way the zombies tore into each other. I shifted my gaze sideways so I didn't have to see the gruesome scene unfolding and did my best to block out the sounds of flesh getting torn apart.

I kept an eye on the clock as the sounds of fighting died down. It took them close to an hour to finish one another off. I glanced back at the tiny battleground and almost threw up from the sight. Body parts lay strewn across the ground, and black ichor ran freely in small streams. Most of the bodies had been ripped to shreds beyond any recognition. However, there was one zombie left that looked utterly unscathed. Its flesh was pale grey and pulled tautly across its body, revealing black veins crisscrossing its flesh. It had small fangs that hung just over its pale grey lips, and long strands of stringy black hair hung down its head, covering its grey eyes. Blackened blood coated its face and dripped off onto the solid concrete below, giving it a monstrous visage.

Tier 2 mob Unlocked

Ghast Template


Strength:5/10 Vitality:5/10

Magical Affinity:0/10 Speed:6/10

Dexterity:5/10 Fortitude: 3/10

Intelligence:5/10 Perception: 6/10

Average Challenge Rating: 6

Key Traits

Territory Minded: This unit will not leave an area once it has been claimed.

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