Chapter 42.5

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A fragment of my soul rushed forwards to the dragon. It was as if time was slowing down as I watched it close the distance. A part of me thought about how I should have talked to my companion first, but there was no going back now. A few heartbeats later, my soul impacted the middle of the constellation, and a shock wave of light forced back all the other stars. The constellation lit up for a moment before it started to descend.

In the center of the constellation, a pure white flame flickered into existence before it plummeted like a comet towards my soul. My heartbeat heavily in my chest as I watched it fall. I wracked my brain for what could happen, but I came up dry. I closed my eyes as I waited for the inevitable result of the flame to touch my soul.

On the seventh heartbeat, a wave of power rushed over me. It was a feeling of freedom and overwhelming power. The fibers of my being cracked and stretch to accommodate the influx of power. Unlike my soul fracturing, this didn't hurt all that much. It just felt like my soul was just stretching to accommodate an additional force. Maybe it did hurt, but I've just grown used to the pain at this point, so I just failed to notice.

I rolled my neck and cracked my fingers, and opened my eyes. A heat rushed across my chest like I just took a shot of vodka, and I just let it simmer there for a moment. The fire spread to my limbs, and I felt them absorb some of the excess energy. I opened my eyes and glanced at my soul and saw that the white flame was just circling it like a planet in orbit. I glanced at my hands and saw that nothing really changed. Just the same hands, albeit slightly more muscular than before. I glanced at my medium and clenched it into a fist. At first, it was weird to look at. It tickled the back of my mind like something was wrong with me. But now, I hardly even realize it was there most days.

I glanced at my menu and gestured quickly for the notifications that arrived. It was time to see what changed.

You have chosen the constellation of the dragon.

Dragons are powerful creatures, seldom seen. Intelligent, fierce, and protective over their own. Some say that the dragon represents royalty, and strength, while others say they only represent destruction and death. Will you walk the same path or carve your own?

You have been granted a fragment of a dragon's soul fortifying your own. Because of this, soul-based dragon skills have been added to your overall tree. You can now change a single pre-created soul template into a dragon weapon.

Draconic Will I: Within your soul is the resolve of dragons. You get a flat increase of will and increased soul regeneration.

+2 will

-Slightly increased soul regeneration.

Draconic Strength I: Due to the presence of a nescient Ki core, you have received a minute portion of a dragon's strength.

+2 Strength

To advance further down the dragon's path, you need to further cultivate the dragon's flame.

Would you like to convert one of your soul templates?

My eyes skimmed across the notification, and my mouth dropped. I had no idea that this choice would be so strong, nor did I have any idea why I got it, but I wasn't going to argue it. Sadly, however, the excitement quickly faded as the anxiety crept in. It would only increase my workload, and I wasn't sure how to feel about that just yet. I selected the template option and then my soul claws. It was the only one that I had so far, so I might as well get it changed. I confirmed the choice and dismissed my screen. I glanced at my soul outline one last time and thought over what I was doing with myself.

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