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"...I'm doing all this...out of love."


"'As exquisite as a Camelia, I praise your beauty, Princess Mina Carolina Drossel. You are my love story. My passionate feelings for you are overflowing from my heart like a river in a storm. My only desire is to be able to call you mine, as soon as possible'. If you'll excuse me." A royal guard concluded reading the recent letter from Marco Bott Fluegel, and withdrew himself from the room. The letter itself had {Y/n} deliberating on it. The words written where very engaging, and elegant. But, it was absent of something. It didn't feel polished. Or perhaps, it had an unresolved feeling to it somehow. Mina's Court Lady, Alberta, had expressed satisfaction, nodding her head in approval with a short hum. "His letter certainly has a beautiful ring to it." She voiced. Mina, whom was sat on the end of the bed, dressed in a sea blue dress with the cuffed sleeves a deep sea blue, clutching her stuffed animal posed as a pug close to her frame, wore an apparent disgruntled expression as her eyes became teary. She swiftly boosted herself from off the edge of the gargantuan bed, and proceeded to rush out of the room. The royal butler opened the door for her, not a soul attempting to stop her departure. {Y/n} curiously observed her from the moment the fussy expression adorned her features, to the moment she vanished through the door. "Does she feel...embarrassed about this?" She inquired aloud. "No." Alberta replied. "Those were not tears of embarrassment. They were tears of frustration." In the hallway outside the room, Mina caught glimpse of herself in a large vanity mirror, stopping to observe herself. She huffed, only seeing a foolish child in her reflection, and pulling off her tiara in an aggravated manner. "I have known the Princess ever since she was inside of our queen's womb." Alberta spoke. {Y/n} saw a glimmer in her eyes. She so very much loved the Princess- that much was imminent. The way she spoke of the Princess, could be compared to that of a mother speaking of her 'pride-and-joy'. As monotone as the madam appeared, she held an abundance of emotion in her words. 

Later in the evening, Alberta and {Y/n} set out to find the Princess. She had walked all around the building, so inquiring anyone of her whereabouts were to be inaccurate. However, suddenly, the madam led {Y/n} in a straight beeline for the Princess's headquarters. Having been in this situation before, Alberta knew just where to find her- as though it were instinct. "Princess." Alberta's voice boomed, as the two entered the bedroom. {Y/n} placed herself respectively near the wall of the room, facing the bed as the madam approached the furnishing. Alberta approached Mina's tiara on the carpeted floor away from the bed. "You know I can find you, no matter where you choose to hide." She had gently bent down to pick it up off the floor, and dusted it off with her bare hands; her skin grazing the glass perfection in such a way it gave it's own mesmerizing clamor. She then set it down on a dresser, before facing the large bed, whose red satin drapes all around were pulled closed. "Princess..." At the end of the bed, she pulled them open. Mina couldn't be seen, as a mountain of pillows masked her body under them, yet Alberta was well aware of her presence. "...If I was your mother-in-law, I would take off points for this kind of behavior." Not an indignation that the madam was heard was made from the Princess below. "When you get emotional, you tend to forget where you stand." Again, Mina was unresponsive. The Court Lady sighed through her nose, pausing for but a moment as a melancholy thought struck her. "When you marry into the Fluegel family, I will no longer be there for you." She spoke truthfully. The pillows above the Princess shifted, as she drew in a harsh breath, and sighed sullenly. "Why would you say that...?" She asked, throat tight from the wound Alberta had given her. "I am the Court Lady of the Royal Palace. I only belong to the Royal Palace. Not to you, Princess." Alberta explained. The Princess finally, and swiftly, arose from the sea of various colored cottons, with a dismayed expression. "No, you're wrong! You belong to me!" She exclaimed in tantrum. Her eyes began to water up, and her throat was closing up on her. "Y-You are the one who took me from my mother's womb! And you are the one who raised me!" Mina pressed. Alberta stood silently as Mina continued her outburst. "At least..." She sniffled, tears finally breaking the dam she fought hard to keep up. "...Tell me I belong to you!" She cried out. She buried her face into her light palms, sobbing. "I've had enough..." She spoke through her hands, muffling her voice. "The letters...and you...and everything..." Alberta, still as a statue, expression like stone, watched Mina as she had broken down. "Just get out!" Mina yelled, throwing a pillow towards the madam but missing her by a few inches. "Get out of my sight!!" 

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