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"The day after tomorrow is your birthday, remember?" Her mother reminded, in which Ymir looked into her lap in disbelief. "I totally forgot..." "She said she wanted to invite a huge crowd for a big celebration this year." Ymir's Aunt chimed, mentioning to her mother. "If it's in two days, I will have to write it immediately. There is also delivery." {Y/n} said, opening the typewriter's case. After quickly and gracefully doing so, she slipped her glove off her metal hand. Unlike many others who hid their surprise upon the sight of {Y/n}'s steampunk like hand, Ymir's family gasped and gazed in awe or concern. Ymir's cousins hopped off the dinner table chair and ran up to get a closer look of the metal hands. "What happened?!" "They're so pretty!" "Leave her alone." Ymir's Aunt told the two children. "Please, do not be concerned." {Y/n} reassured. "Do you have a complete invitation list?" "Uh...Yes." Ymir's father managed to get out, somewhat still transfixed on {Y/n}'s hands. Ymir kept her gaze at her lap, not being able to find a way to be jubilant of the plans her family has decided to make. Ymir's mother slid a list of names in front of {Y/n} to see. "Here you are." "Hey, let me see it too." Ymir said, casually taking the list and looking through it. Her brows furrowed as she finished scanning. "Hm, there's a lot of men on this list..." "Well, you are at that age, y'know?" "So what?" Ymir retorted. "I think it's time you get married, don't you?" Her mother suggested, smiling cheerfully. There was a moment of silence before Ymir spoke again. "What's that supposed to mean?" "You are our only child, after all. We wanted you to come back and get married here. Quit your doll job and move back in with us." A fire was lit inside Ymir at her mother's words. With a scowl, clenched jaw, and burning ears she couldn't contain her frustration. "That's why you brought me back here?! You even lied just to do it!" She shouted, slamming the list on table aggressively. Her mother, shocked and unpleased with Ymir's bellowing, wore an upset expression with furrowing brows. "Well you lied to us, too, y'know! 'Most popular Doll in Leiden'!" Her mother retaliated. "Alright, you two, that's enough." Her father injected. Her mother huffed and ripped the list back in her possession. "Well, in any case, we will be throwing you this birthday party. {Y/n}, honey, would you please type this guess list?" With a curt nod, she readied her hands on the typewriter. "Understood." She replied. Ymir sighed heavily and looked away, defeated and...quite guilty at her behavior. Though, she wouldn't admit that. It wasn't just defeat and guilt that ate away at her, but the one name on that guest list.


"Christa Lenz...DO NOT send one to her." [Y/n} looked up at Ymir, questionably. Though, her face didn't show the expression. "Even though her name is on the list?" "That's right." That afternoon upstairs in Ymir's old bedroom, she took this chance to tell {Y/n} what she wanted her to do most, and it was to prevent this individual at all costs from arriving to the party. "But, why not?" {Y/n} asked. "Just because." "Your parents are the ones who chose these guests. They're the ones who arranged it. I don't believe you have the right to remove her from the list." {Y/n} spoke her, ever so blunt, mind. This irked a nerve in Ymir. "Just do what I say." "Yes, but..." "I'm the one who was requested, you're only my stand-in! Got it?" {Y/n} refused to argue any longer, and just do as told.


It was now late in the night, but {Y/n} had finished her work and went to deliver the invitations for Ymir's party. It was perfect outside that night. It was warm, with a slight breeze. The crickets and night cicadas chirped almost endlessly. The sky was clear, and the stars flickered with mysticality . {Y/n} put the last of the invitations in the mailbox of the neighbors in the village. "Thank you." A male voice spoke. {Y/n} looked over to see Ymir's father approaching her. "I finished delivering my share." He told her. "I have just finished as well." {Y/n} replied. He smiled, and put his calloused hands on his hips. "Well, why don't you come have dinner with us? Although, I have to say, there isn't much we can offer you out here." "I do not require much in regards to hospitality." He raised his brows in surprise to her statement. "W-What? Ah..." He chuckled, thinking it was her way of being modest. "And, while I do not have evidence to base it on..." A strong breeze blew past the two of them, making her {h/c} locks dance ever so languidly as she looked out unto the water plated fields, which now reflected the image of the moon that had made it's appearance in the longer night. The mountains, though quite difficult to see at night, have their own mysterious beauty. "I believe this view worthy of being called, 'hospitipal'." Ymir's father, too, looked out into the distance.

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