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"Tonight, I will wait for you in the garden, under the moon."

Mina's eyes grew wide, not at all expecting to hear that Marco would venture out all the way to the garden just to see her. Her eyes softened, and she brought a rose to her closed lips. She was more than willing, and ready, to reunite with him. Just like on that moonlit night years prior. 


The crickets chirped, and the calm breeze blew gently through the leaves of the old trees that stood vicariously around the garden maze. Mina, whilst holding the front of her dress to prevent tripping, rushed to the very spot she had met Marco once before. She breathed heavily through her nose, not noticing herself how fast she was walking just to meet him. She had reached her destination, but saw he hadn't arrived yet. Anxious, she clasped her hands together, and prayed silently to herself; praying that he'd actually arrive. Just as she had brought her head up to gaze at the moon, a familiar voice greeted her. "Hey." She jumped slightly at the sudden noise, and instantaneously turned around. "Prince Marco?" And she was right. He stood before her, dressed casually but not too threadbare. And on his face, a gentle smile. "I brought my reply for you." He told her, holding up a white envelope and a rose together in his right hand. "My future bride seems to be a smart, strong-willed, and funny person." She gazed at him in a dream-like trance. "You will make a great queen." She found herself utterly speechless, still processing the very fact that Marco stood before her in that garden. "Mina...Let's get married." He proposed. Just after he spoke, tears had filled her dark hues, which followed his frame getting down on one knee, and presenting the letter towards her. "Will you do me the honor of marrying me?" He then properly asked. Shakily, she reached her hand out and gently set it on the letter held out to her. "Yes." She replied confidently, tears spilling over her cheeks. 

Little to their knowledge, {Y/n} watched from the window of the Princess's quarters, relieved at the scene. "Their love...has a happy ending." 


The next morning, Alberta walked the halls towards the Princess's headquarters. The other maids bowed at the Royal Court Lady, showing her their upmost respect. As she arrived at Mina's door, the butler opened the door for Alberta. She took a deep breath, before entering the room of the young Princess she had raised since she was brought into the world from her mother's womb. "Princess Mina." She called out to her. "It's time for you to get ready. Please, get up now." Just before Alberta was to open the curtains to her bed, she heard giggling from nearby. "Princess?" She looked around the room of possible locations the giggling could be coming from. "Alberta." The Court Lady turned her head towards the window, seeing shuffling behind the satin red curtains. Mina had then stepped out from behind the fabric, a warm smile adorning her features. "But, I'm already awake, Alberta." She playfully teased. "Good Morning." She greeted accordingly, curtsying. Albert's once surprised expression of curious eyes turned to one that belonged to the prim and proper Court Lady. "Princess, you shouldn't be teasing adults like that." She gently reprimanded. "Oh no? But, I'm a mature adult too, you know." He soft and melodious laughter was enough for Alberta to let herself smile slightly. Alberta needed her back on track, and made a curt nod towards herself as a reminder. "Now, Princess Mina, its time to get dressed."  She informed her. 

The city celebrated with a festival throughout the streets. White and red confetti flew through the air as civilians drank to the unions of the two nations through the marriage of Mina and Marco. There wasn't a dull moment among the towns people. 

"Alberta...Where do you think {Y/n} is right now?" Mina asked, as the maids finished helping her prepared for her wedding. "She's probably out of the country already." She answered. Mina looked at herself in the mirror, absorbing her image. Her neck high princess gown was of fine silk above her chest, and from her waist to her feet the rest having a flower patterned lace. Her old head piece was replaced with a new glass blown wedding tiara, being prettier than the last; if it was possible. Her long black hair was styled ravishingly into a bun. For hair accessories, she had small pearl like beads placed intricately, and in her bun tucked neat and tight, was her train veil. She had looked up at Alberta from her seat in front of the mirror. Alberta gave a curt nod in approval. "You look beautiful." She told her. "I wish...{Y/n} could have been here to see me in my wedding dress." Mina spoke honestly. "So then, are all of your worries gone now?" Alberta asked her. "Gone?" Mina repeated the word with widened eyes. "No, of course not. I feel like I'm about to cry right now..." "You must refrain from crying." Alberta told her. "You're about to go on a new journey." Mina had looked down at her lap, a frown slowing forming on her features. Her gloved hands clutched the fabric of her dress in her lap. "It's been my dream to marry Prince Marco." She spoked. "I know." Alberta replied, holding a white camelia. "But, I hate to leave my home because of it..." "I know." "H-However, what I really hate more than that...more than anything actually..." Mina brought her gaze up at Alberta. "...Is to be separated from you!" She sounded choked up, becoming overwhelmed with emotion. Alberta's gaze at the Princess softened. "Mina..." She approached her closer with the camelia, and gingerly placed it in her hair. Once it was placed, she stood up straight and gave Mina one of her warmest smiles. "I want you to live a happy life, Princess Mina." Mina's eyes welled up with tears, almost not being able to hold them back. "Alberta..." She had stood up and approached her suddenly, taking the Royal Court Lady by surprise. Mina grasped her left hand softly and placed it at her forehead, as she bowed towards Alberta. Her grip on her hand had tightened, as she fought hard to resist crying. Being shown this much gratitude, and respect, was nothing what Alberta ever expected. Mina looked up at her, showing Alberta that she wasn't going to cry; at least not today. Alberta shook her head gently with her eyes softly shut, fighting back tears of her very own. This was their last day together, and she knew she'd miss the Princess dearly.


{Y/n} stood at a bus stop, having just returned from the kingdom. Coincidently, Hanji stood there as well. "I'll say {Y/n}, you sure do owe a gal. It was not easy convincing Prince Marco to do all of that." She said to her, earning {Y/n}'s attention. "Thank you very much." {Y/n} told her with a curt bow. Hanji smiled, and then looked to the blue sky with white feathery clouds scattered about. "I was thinking; steak sounds good." She mentioned. "Is that...what I owe you for helping me?" {Y/n} asked. Hanji, whose feet danced on their heels as Hanji leaned on her type-writing case, nodded. "It sure is." "Understood." Hanji glanced at her, and noticed a new expression adorning {Y/n}'s face. She was quite surprised, but nonetheless happy to see it. "Say, today is such a beautiful day. Isn't it?" Hanji mentioned to the great weather, as a calm breeze blew through the both of them. 

Holding a rose, and a camelia in the hand that also held her type-writer case, she looked out into the distance with Hanji. "Yes." {Y/n}'s face was relaxed, her lips were slightly curved up, and her eyes looked happy. {Y/n} looked genuinely happy. 

And she was. 

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