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"See ya tomorrow."

Erwin sighed as he rode the cable train, finishing his business he had with the bank. "We'll discuss financing after viewing your performance...right." he said to himself, looking out the window. He saw a mailman, more so a woman going about dropping letters off. "Looks like some companies do night time deliveries too. We couldn't afford that..." The cart the mailwoman was pushing showed the logo, and then his eyes widened. That was his company logo. He ran down the street after {Y/n}. "{Y/n}!" He called out to her to get her attention. She stopped abruptly and saw him jogging to her. He panted once he caught up to her, leaning over and using his knees to balance himself. "What are you doing?" He asked through small pants. "Delivering the mail." She told him. He looked at her as though she was nuts.

"Duh...I meant you could deliver the mail tomorrow." Jean said. Erwin had taken Jean and {Y/n} to a nearby restaurant. "And you need to take breaks during work." Jean told her, grabbing an egg roll with his chopsticks. "You just got out the hospital after all." He added before putting the food into his mouth. "It's not a problem." She said simply. "Alright, you know what? It is a problem." Jean spoke up annoyed. "Now listen, {Y/n}." Erwin cut in before Jean could say anything else. "Go ahead and eat." Doing as he said, she picked up her fork and knife and looked at him. "Yes sir." Then she proceeded to eat. He paused for a moment. "You can return to the office after you eat." He said as she was cutting into her fish, with salad and fried rice on the side. "We only have space in the attic, but you can sleep there. Uh, the Mongolia's have agreed to take you in and have you live with them...until you become an adult." At this point he was talking to a brick wall, because she was only focused on cutting into her food. "But...it looks like leaving you at the mansion..." He paused again. "Yeah, that's a problem." Jean blurted, earning a kick to the shin. "Ow!" "Hey, I was trying to put it nicely..." Erwin said wrestling a bit with Jean. "Well how was I supposed to know?"


"Welp, see you tomorrow." Jean said walking away from out the restaurant, leaving {Y/n} and Erwin where they were. Erwin looked over to her and gave a small, warm smile. "I'll walk you home." Many streelamps were lit as they walked, the streets were empty aside from a few people here and there. "So, what was the last order you received from Levi?" Erwin asked, trying to make conversation. "He said "You have to live, and be free". And I..." She went silent, not knowing how to put it. "You've...been in the army ever since you were a child. You've spent your life fulfilling your duties. However, you're going to learn many things in the future." He stopped walking. {Y/n} walked a few steps ahead, before stopping as well, looking back at him. "Although, it might be easier to keep living if you never learn them. You see... you don't realize it yet, but your body is on fire...and burning up because of the things you've done." She looked over herself, confused. "I'm not burning." She said to him. "Yes, you are..." "I'm not burning." She stated firmly. "I don't get it." "No...you are burning." He thought back on the days where she was held in an arena to fight soldiers. Each one...she killed mercilessly. "I saw you like that. And left you alone...that's why when Levi said for you to be here with me, it was my chance for redemption. You'll understand what I said...and then you'll realize...for the first time, that you have many burns."

The attic was a small room but big enough for her to move around. There was an open window, where a desk sat under. Her bed was in the right corner of the room. And the stuffed animal Erwin gave her...sat on the floor. The curtains moved gracefully from the wind outside blowing in. And {Y/n}...sat peacefully on the roof above the room, gazing over the city, flexing her metal hand. "Levi..."


That morning, {Y/n} was cleaning the windows, when a client had walked in. "Uh um, Miss Doll?" He asked. She looked over at him. "Um, no, my name is {Y/n}." "Oh." The man with a hat had semi long brown hair, and squinted eyes. He has a little hint of stubble as well. "Well in that case Ms. {Y/n}..." He said taking his hat off, now that he was inside. "Can I get you to write something for me?" He asked. "Write for you...?" "Y-Yeah...I don't know how to write. So, I'd like for you to write a letter for me." "What should I write?" She asked. "Uh...do you wanna talk about it here?" He asked shyly. "Do you think there's a problem with that?" "Uh...oh well I uh...I heard that a childhood friend of mine... recently received a marriage offer from another man..." He clenched his straw hat, and furrowed his brows. "I want you to tell her this!" He said in distress.

In the other room, a type writer could be heard, scribing everything he said unto the paper. "You were...the first person who was kind to me...I appreciated it..." What the man was saying were becoming {Y/n}'s own thoughts as she thought about Levi. She missed how he held her. "You were everything to me." Gun shots were being fired, men cried out as they ran head on into the battlefield. "I would have done anything for you. Anything at all..." "Go!" Levi cried out to her, she ran through easily avoiding falling bombs and bullets. "I want to know how you feel...I want to understand what's in your heart." She had beaten one man over the head with her bassinet and another with her bare leg. Another came at her, cutting her arm slightly but she retaliated by kicking him hard in the gut. Then stabbing him. "Even though...we're apart now." She looked up, making eye contact with Levi, who seemed captivated by how well she fought. They looked at one another with soft eyes. "I love you..."

"Well end with that." A messy haired brunette woman with glasses said. She had big brown eyes, and a messy ponytail. She also had a curved nose. He gasped happily. "Great!" The woman smiled, and restated the last part to the letter. "I love you." {Y/n}'s {e/c} hues glistened hearing those three words. Her curiosity to know what it meant growing inside her. The woman melted wax and stamped it into the letter. "Please come by at the reception desk on the first floor for delivery." She told him, holding her hands together in front of him. She wore dress pants and a white button up shirt, with ankle high boots. "Sir, all of us here at the Automemoir's Doll Service, wish to thank you for coming in today." She thanked him as she bowed to him. "Aha." He chuckled shyly, getting ready to leave, then coming back to bow in return, then leaving. "So, who are you?" The woman asked towards {Y/n}.

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