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" is."

{Y/n} lit the lantern on the table in Ymir's room. "Christa...was a childhood friend of mine. She was always very kind to me...I was in love with her...and I had just assumed she had feelings for me too. So, I wondered why she had never told me already...which is why I told her, after we graduated..." Ymir thought back to the day she had confessed her feelings to Christa. Being at the top of a hill of the village during Spring. The tree at that very hill, was in full bloom, and the pink petals were blown off the tree from the wind around them. She remembered specifically, just how beautiful she was in her eyes. Her flowing blonde hair, her bright blue eyes, and her glowing porcelain skin. "...I love you." Ymir finished. {Y/n} silently gasped to herself, hearing those infamous words she still had yet to understand for herself. "But..." Ymir tried to continue. She could hear Christa's words in her head, clear as day. "I'm sorry...I have a special role here in the village. We'd cause a scandal. I understand." "I wanted to disappear..." Ymir said, bringing her hand to her face as though to be embarrassed. "I couldn't stay here anymore after that shit...So, even though I wasn't good enough at writing, I studied hard. And then, I went to Leiden to become an Automemoires Doll." Ymir finished her story. {Y/n} brought her gaze to the floor. "I guess needs a lot of courage, to say 'I love you'." Ymir looked at {Y/n}, listening to her conclusion. "So much so that it'll make them want to flee if they aren't accepted. I wonder...if it was the same for the Major." {Y/n} said, thinking about Levi. "Who's...the Major?" Ymir asked. "My superior officer. You see I...became a Doll so that I can finally understand what he meant when he said 'I love you'." Ymir stared at {Y/n} in awe. She was seeing her in a new light, a positive one at that. 

"I feel, I was able to gain a better understanding of {Y/n}. This 'major' of her's, gave his love to this girl, who only understood the military. And she's doing everything she figure out what that her own way."

Ymir finished her dinner, then sat on the edge of her bed, hugging her knees and fidgeting with her toes. She looked to {Y/n}'s typewriter against the wall by the door. "Hey...Miss Automemories Doll, can you write a letter for me?" "What kind of letter?" Ymir looked down. "An apology all of the people who attended the party." Ymir brought her gaze back up to {Y/n}, who stared back with her ever so emotionless gaze. "Of course." The two of them sat at the round wooden table. "M-Make sure it's a heartfelt and politeful letter, though." Ymir said in a slight pleading tone. "Should I send one to Christa as well?" Ymir flinched for a moment hearing Christa's name. "Wow, you don't let up...But, yeah. Send one to her too." Ymir said, looking away shyly. "And one to your parents?" {Y/n} asked. Ymir looked back at her. "What?" "Are you interested in telling them exactly how you are feeling?" Ymir wanted to say something, but couldn't get it out. "You will be able to tell them, through a letter. What you want to tell them can come through, with honesty." Ymir's toes curled at the decision to make. She had desensitized herself to in-depth talks about her feelings, after what happened that day with Christa. It had been hard for Ymir to express herself accurately without the fear of being judged. But, if what {Y/n} said about being free to express yourself openly in a letter was true...what could be the harm?


Ymir's mother had woken up in the middle of the night. This was a regular occurrence for her, nothing out of the norm. However, seeing a letter that had been slipped under her door was not a normal sight. She got the letter, woke up her husband, and together read the letter with the help of the lantern he lit. 

'Dear Mom and Dad, I'm sorry for ruining your party. I will send a letter of apology to our guests who attended it. Also, thank you for commissioning me. This was actually the first time I was requested. That's why I was very happy. Work can be hectic, but it's what I've chosen. So, I will continue to do my best. I'm sorry for always causing you to worry, but please...give me a little bit more time. And, continue to be there for me. This is the commemorative first letter, from the future number one Doll in Leiden, to the parents whom she loves very much." 

Ymir's mother became overcome with emotion, and started to cry, in which Ymir's father comforted her. 


That morning at the train station, the train that was ready to leave let out a warning whistle for the passengers to arrive for soon-to-be departure. Ymir was walking up to the steps of the station, before she stepped in the exact puddle she had stepped in when she arrived. She looked down at her dirtied shoes, but didn't complain. Instead, she let out a small hum of amusement. {Y/n} had walked up beside her, before stopping to hear Ymir's parents walk up. "You girls sure you have everything?" Ymir's father asked. The two turned to them. "Yeah." Ymir confirmed. "Just let us know if there's anything you need, alright?" Ymir's mother told them. "I'll be fine, don't worry." Ymir reassured her shyly, swinging her free arm back and forth. "And also, thank you for the letter." Her mother said to Ymir. A red tint grew on Ymir's face from shyness. "Oh uh, {Y/n} here was the one who typed it." Ymir looked over to her, who earned her attention as well. "That is right, and I'll be sure to send you an invoice for it later." {Y/n} said nonchalantly. "W-What?! You're gonna charge me?!" "Letter writing is my job." "T-Then how about lunch for three days?" "That will not be enough." "Call it a 'Company Discount'!" Ymir's parents chuckled at the girls display. The second warning whistle from the train had gone off. "The train is leaving." {Y/n} pointed out. "Before you go..." Ymir's father started. Ymir looked at him questionably. With his gentle smile adorning his features, he took a bouquet of iriss from behind his back and presented them to Ymir, who looked in awe the moment she laid eyes on them. "Happy Birthday, sweetheart." He said to her as he handed them to her. "You take care now." Ymir's mother told her. Ymir clutched the bouquet and hid her face behind them, feeling shy again.


On the train, Ymir continued to clutch her bouquet of iriss, whilst looking out the window at the scenery. {Y/n} chose to break the silence. "Do you think...the letter was able to explain to your parents how you feel?" She asked. Ymir looked surprised at her question. "Couldn't you tell by the look on their faces?" {Y/n} looked down. Ymir gasped slightly, realizing that {Y/n} didn't feel too confident in her work, much less be able to recognize whether Ymir's parents were happy with the letter or not. "I-It was a good letter, y'know." {Y/n} looked up at Ymir in disbelief. "A letter you wrote, got through to them..." Ymir looked to {Y/n} with a small smile. "Because you wrote it well." Ymir told her honestly. "You mean that I...wrote a good letter?" Ymir paused, before letting out a laugh. "Why are you talking like that?" {Y/n} looked at the bouquet, "Those flowers..." "Oh, they're Iriss'." Ymir took a double take at the window. "Look there." She instructed. {Y/n} did, and just as the train past through the trees, a large clearing came into view. A field of blue in full bloom, and with the help of the sun it made their color pop. {Y/n} was utterly mesmorized by the sight. "The day that I was born...These flowers were in full bloom. They associated me with them since then, and...I even grew to love them so much. They're my favorite flower." {Y/n} thought about the Major, and how he gave her the name she has now. It was a name he found simple, sweet, and just right for her.


The two stood outside the building where he worked after taking Her from Kenny. "What's your name?" He asked her. She stood before him, without an answer. Only because...She couldn't answer. She had no name. "I see..." Levi said, understanding the predicament. "Would it be okay if I gave you one then?" He asked. She gave a silent answer with just a blink. As he thought of a name, a common white butterfly caught his attention as it fluttered past him, and he watched it fly all over before returning over to them and flying over Her head. She stared at him with her bright {e/c} hues, waiting for the name he'd come up with for her. A breeze began to blow past the two as he finally came up with it. "{Y/n}." He dragged the name out in a wistful tone. "You're name, is {Y/n}. You'll grow into it once you're older." He said to her.

"You'll become a person fitting of that name, and not just a tool."  

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