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            "What?! Really?! I was requested?!" Ymir exclaimed in surprise. "I'm so happy for you, Ymir." Hanji said to her, smiling. "Your destination is...Kazili." Erwin said, reading off a piece of paper. "But, wait...Kazili is my hometown!" Ymir said, sounding bewildered. "Oh, that's right." Erwin said. "Um, who's the client?" Ymir asked. "It's a woman in her 40s, named Sarah Florent. Do you know her?" Erwin asked. "Hmm, no. I don't." {Y/n} had came around the corner with two teacups on a platter. Hanji saw her and clasped her hands together. "Alright! To commemorate Ymir's very first commission..." Hanji took the platter and shoved it off to Erwin. "Let's a get lunch together." She said, dragging the girls out and leaving poor Erwin idle with the platter. Ymir chuckled as they were all headed downstairs. "Did you guys know I'm the only one in my village who became a Doll? I wonder if the client heard about me from someone. I'm just happy to be able to go home and show off this uniform!" Ymir chuckled in excitement."I know all my friends and family are gonna wanna come see me!" Mikasa rolled her eyes. "Be careful not to get carried away." She warned Ymir. "Remember that you are representing the CH Postal Company." "Yeah, I know that..." "I believe what you said was a disingenuous answer." {Y/n} said. Ymir, annoyed, turned back to her. "What!? What did you just..." As Ymir turned, her ankle failed her and started sending her down backwards off the steps. {Y/n} reached out to her to catch her...but...


Hanji was writing something at the desks in the writing room. "We've had so many letters asking for votes lately." Hanji said. "I guess it is the first election since the war." Mikasa stood with her typewriter box, listening to what Hanji had to say. "With the House of Lord's making moves, I'm sure the House of Commons candidates are desperate." She said, stretching. Mikasa looked outside the window behind Hanji, pondering. "Do you think the two of them will be okay?" She asked Hanji. Hanji too looked out the window, wondering the same thing.


On the train, Ymir was just not in the best of moods. And that was a result of her casted left arm. "Ugh man, I'm so unlucky! This was going to be the one chance for me to finally show off my accomplishment in typing." Ymir complained with her elbow sitting on the rim of the train window, which supported her head. "Do not be upset, I will be typing in your place, so there is nothing to worry about." {Y/n} said, trying to be comforting or at least be reassuring. "Yes, I know but that's not the issue." {Y/n} looked down at a map she had gotten when boarding the train. "Kazili is a village half way up the mountain, who's main industries are dairy and agriculture." She said, right off the top of her head. Ymir simply listened, glancing at her. "There are no other particular characteristics, or history to mention." Ymir scoffed. "So what? Sorry we got nothing else." "There is nothing wrong with that." {Y/n} said, lowering the map and looking at Ymir. "When there is an area with something of value, it tends to attract crime and trouble. Northern Leidenschaftlich had iron and copper ore deposits, which enticed the Gardarik Empire to attack." She explained. "That's...true. And, they say that's what caused the war..." Ymir looked out the window. "My uncle said he was going to volunteer to fight, but my aunt was against it. So, he ended up not enlisting. Which kept him safe, thankfully." Ymir looked at {Y/n} smiling as she opened up a bit to her. She then looked at {Y/n}'s 'hand', and her smile faltered. Thinking it was rude having said that when {Y/n} had gone to fight, and she was a woman. "Sorry..." Ymir apologized. "I don't understand. Why are you apologizing?" {Y/n} asked confused. "Well you know...because you didn't come out of it okay..." Ymir said, avoiding eye contact as much as possible. "But I don't understand why you would feel responsible for my injuries." "I might not be responsible, but..." "An apology is admitting to a responsibility and asking for forgiveness." Ymir groaned and scratched her head annoyed. "Ugh! Okay, I get it." She set her elbow on the window sill, looking out again.

"Both now...and when I first met her, I couldn't really seem ta...understand this girl, named {Y/n} {L/n}."

Ymir glanced at {Y/n}, whom just happened to glance at her at the same time. Shy, Ymir turned away quickly looking back out the window.

Leidenschaftlich, Kazili

After a few hours, when it was now light out, they had arrived to their destination. There were vast cliffs and mountains, various types of trees not known in the city of Leiden, maybe wild species of vibrant colors. Manmade ponds with plants lined perfectly in rows were scattered vicariously yet at the same time organized as well. Bullfrogs could be heard croaking, and cicadas were singing to their hearts contents. It may have been a bit warmer down in Kazili, being able to see the heat waves, but it surely was a perfect place to be if you wanted peace. Ymir had walked up beside {Y/n} in the shade of the terminal, and inhaled deeply. "It's so much more humid here then Leiden." She said, looking at {Y/n}. "Aren't you hot in that?" She asked. {Y/n} looked at Ymir as she addressed her. "It's not a problem. I am accustomed to these temperatures." She mentioned. "Hmm...alright then." Ymir had gone down the few steps of the terminal, then unfortunately stepping in a puddle of mud. {Y/n} had followed her, with her bag held politely in front of her. Ymir stood still for a moment, convincing every inch of her being to not get angry. "Ymir!" A man's voice called out in the distance. Her and {Y/n} looked to their left and saw an ox drawn carriage arriving. "Welcome home!" The same man called out. In the back of the carriage, people who looked to be natives to the village, and look much like Ymir, waved and greeted her. "Welcome back, darling." A young looking woman said aloud. "I'm glad you made it!" The man driving the carriage said. "Mom, Dad! Uncle and Auntie, too!" The woman a moment ago, who happened to be her mother, gasped seeing her arm. "What happened to your arm?" She asked concerned. "Are you okay?" The driver, also known to be her father, asked. Ymir looked at her casted arm. "Oh, you mean this? I just tripped-I mean I've been so busy working that I strained it." She lied. And {Y/n} was very aware of that. "That is not accurate." She said to Ymir. "I get a lot of requests, y'know." Ymir, again, lied. "That is also not accurate." {Y/n} said again. "Ouch! Ow! Oh, no. It's starting to strain again!" Ymir blurted out dramatically. "It must be hard work being such a star Auto Memoirs Doll." Ymir's father said proudly. Ymir went silent. "Star? Oh, Dad! Stop exaggerating!" She said to him, chuckling a bit. "But, what then are you planning to do about this letter?" Her uncle asked. "Oh, the uh letter. Uh, that's why she's here, too." Ymir said, looking over at {Y/n} who stood as still as a Doll. {Y/n} took this moment to introduce herself. "If it is your wish..." {Y/n} began, taking the side of her dress and taking her leg back into a curtsy. "I will travel anywhere to meet you." A slight breeze had blown past them, her hair danced gracefully as she stood up straight again. "I am an Auto Memoirs Doll. My name is...{Y/n} {L/n}." Everyone, even Ymir, had found themselves captivated by her natural and radiant beauty. {Y/n}'s {e/c} hues glowed a thousands time brighter then they did any day, her complexion was perfect, like that of porcelain glass. A girl disrupted the short silence, asking if {Y/n} was a Doll. "I think, she's an Auto Memoirs Doll." The boy replied to the girl's question. "My goodness! Those city Dolls are certainly something else aren't they?" Ymir's uncle said. Ymir was taken out of her trance and turned to her uncle. "Hold on a second! I'm wearing my Doll uniform too, y'know!" Ymir exclaimed. "What? Oho, it looks good on ya, Ymir." Her uncle complimented, though it sorta lost its meaning. "You're like a fine career woman." Her dad too complimented. "What's that supposed to mean? Honestly...oh, by the way, do you know a Sarah Florent?" Ymir asked. "She's the one who requested me. She should be here." Ymir's mother gave a closed eyed smile. "That's the name of your late great-grandmother." Ymir looked confused. "I'm the one who requested you." Her mother told her. Ymir was left speechless, trying to process everything. "I thought we could see you if we hired you for a letter." Her mother explained. Ymir was boiling up. "Are you kidding me?" "So, this was a false commission?" {Y/n} asked, grabbing everyone's, even Ymir's, attention. "As it is written in our contract, we do not accept the use of aliases or making false commissions. Please, excuse me." {Y/n} gave a polite bow and went back into the terminal. "W...wait, {Y/n}!" Ymir called out, running after her to grab her.


"Now, I will accept your request. Please enter the correct name in the contract." Ymir looked over at {Y/n} from the couch of her parent's house as she had Ymir's parents sign the contract correctly. {Y/n} took back the contract when they finsihed. "What kind of invitation is it that you would like me to edit for you, ma'am?" {Y/n} asked Ymir's mother. "An invitation to the birthday party we're throwing for Ymir." Ymir sat up quickly upon hearing the words her mother just spoke. "Wait...what!?"

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