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Four years ago

Port of Stimmer,

"Cornel Kenny Ackerman of Boganvea. Someone's here to see you." Kenny's butler told him as Levi entered the building. Once he arrived to his office, he saw Kenny in his red satin chair facing the fire place. He had a white dress shirt and black dress pants with suspenders over his shoulders. "Ah, Levi. How ya been?" He asked with a smirk. "Ya look quite stoic as usual." Levi's face was stern as he stood at the door. The man who brought Levi to Kenny saluted and left as Levi entered the room completely. "You look just like yer mother." "Yes...well you resemble great grandfather. If he were here to see your hair he wouldn't have allowed it." Levi said mentioning to his long slick backed hair. A girl in the next room, scrunched up under the blanket hearing their voices. "I bet he would have cut it off with a saber." Kenny scoffed. "I wouldn't let em..." "Tch... you've always been like that." "Heh, I'm glad he died." Kenny's comment made Levi furrow his brows in disbelief. "Ah...sorry. Hey, don't look at me like that." Kenny said standing up. Her eyes remained closed as the door creaked open. "Hey, I have somethin' for 'ya. I got 'ya somethin' nice to celebrate your promotion." Her {e/c} eyes fluttered open, long lashes batting as she blinked. "Got it? Only use it as a weapon, okay?" Kenny told him, leaning against the doorframe to the room where she was. "Don' get attached." There she was scrunched up under the blanket, she couldn't be seen well but...Levi was sure he knew what he saw. His eyes widen, unsure of what to think seeing a figure on the floor wrapped unneatly in a blanket. "Open it." Kenny told him. Levi entered the room, making his way to the girl on the floor. He kneeled down and took the blanket off from above her. She wore a worn out white gown, well whatever white was left on it anyway. "Hey. Get up." Kenny ordered her. She sat up slowly, sitting on her knees and making eye contact with Levi. Her long {h/c} hair draped over her shoulders, and into her lap. {H/c} strands even fell in front of her face, but once fallen they revealed beautiful {e/c} orbs. "I found her in the Eastern warzone." Kenny said. She was quite thin, so she had a small face. She was also very small in size, being considered a child. Though she could have very likely been a teenager by now. Levi's lips parted, astounded by the girl in front of him. Her eyes fluttered, as she dozed slightly. "Her name is..."

Present day

"{Y/n} {l/n}." {Y/n} introduced herself to the girls she had met earlier. "She's going to work as an apprentice Automemoirs Doll." Erwin explained. "Starting today." He looked over to her, seeing how robotic she seemed holding nothing but a blank emotion. He smiled slightly. "Please teach her whatever you can about the job." He told the girls, who stood before him and {Y/n}. "Okay!" The lady with glasses said in a cheery voice. The ravnette gazed at {Y/n}. "She had no facial expressions...just like a doll. Just like a mechanical puppet." When {Y/n} looked over to her, she was taken out of her trance and averted her gaze to the right. "In which this profession is named after."

"Hmm, first off." The lady with glasses, Hanji, began. The sound of the freckled girl, typing away on the typewriter could be heard. She had a black dress shirt with a silver chained necklace that had an amethyst rock on it around her neck. And she had baggy white capris, and flats with string wrapping around up to her calves. The ravnette, wherever she was, wore a dress. The top was white and the bottom was purple with white curled lines and flower print on them, and black flats. They dressed nicely, like dolls. "How much do you know that automemoirs dolls do?" Hanji asked, catching the freckled girl's attention. "They write the request of other people. Lieutenant Smith- I mean, the president told me so." "Yes! That's right." Hanji beamed. "I can't say I completely understand. But I think I can perform my duties." {Y/n} concluded with her arms behind her back, and standing in military position. "Ugh." The girl with freckles groaned as she shot up from her desk. "It's not that easy." {Y/n} looked over at her. "Duties? What are you talking about?" She asked, obviously agitated. "Ymir. That's enough." Hanji scolded her as she waved her finger. With an eye roll, Ymir reluctantly sat back down. "Fine." The door to the scribing room opened, revealing the ravenette coming in with material for her typewriter. "Oh that reminds me! I have yet to introduce the other dolls to you. You see dolls refer to-" "It's an abbreviation to Automemoirs Doll. I figured that out the other day." {Y/n} interrupted, surprising Hanji. "Right again!" She praised. "That girl just now, that's Ymir." Ymir waved. "She's a new hire who completed her training course. Oh, and then that's Mikasa." She said mentioning over to the ravenette, stoic girl setting up her machine. She looked and nodded her head in greeting. "She and I have been working as dolls for a while. And you'll meet the others quite soon. The company's still pretty young so there'll be all kinds of rookies here." "That's not exactly true..." Mikasa muttered on her way over to a shelf to the far right of the room. "Hey, {Y/n}. Do you know how to use a typewriter by any chance?" Hanji asked as she presented one to her. {Y/n} looked over to Hanji for a moment, then back at the typewriter. "I've never used one before." "Then why don't you start off by practicing typing?" Hanji suggested with a cheery smile. "How can she become a doll like this...?" Ymir complained in annoyance, seeing how unfair it was to her that she had to work hard as she did to get where she was now, when it seems like a mere child is getting a position in the company as a Doll. "Ymir!" Hanji called for her. "Can we borrow your manual?" "Yeah." Ymir replied reluctantly. {Y/n} still remained standing in military position, making Hanji sort of unsure what to do. "So uh...why don't you go ahead and sit down." She told her. {Y/n} saluted. "Understood, ma'am." "O-Oh." Hanji was flustered by this as she watched {Y/n} sit down in from of the typewriter. Hanji then smiled, taking an interest in the mysterious girl. She took a seat next to her, and saw she still had her gloves on her hands, which sat politely in her lap. "Oh, it would be better to take off your gloves, sweetie." She told her again. "Okay." {Y/n} bit the tip of the glove on her middle finger and pulled it off, earning surprised looks on each of the girl's faces as they saw what was underneath. "Are you okay?" Hanji asked, concerned. "It's not a problem." {Y/n} replied.

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