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The ringing of a bell tower could be heard, as though the rings were calling out to the citizens of Leiden to come out and enjoy the beautiful sunny morning. Children played, neighbors greeted one another, and {Y/n} was walking to a certain destination. She looked at the paper she held in front of her, as though...following directions to where she need be. "Leiden is such a big city!" One girl said. {Y/n} finally came upon her destination, and entered the gated community. "Yeah, I know. I got lost because it has so many more roads then where I'm from." Another said, in the class of other girls hoping to become dolls. "They say it's easier to find a job if you receive the brooch." "I just want to graduate and then go home." A shy girl said, looking down at her desk. The girl next to her smirked. "I bet you just want the brooch." The shy girl looked puzzled at first, before giggling. "I guess!" The girl exclaimed. {Y/n} listened to all the girls in the class chat amoungst themselves, whilst she stayed quiet and looked ahead. Minding herself. Suddenly the door to the classroom opened. "Quiet!" A stern, middle aged woman said as she made way to the front of the class. She was a ravnette whose hair was tied up in a tight bun. She had dark blue hues, seriousness seeping from then. Her facial features showed one of someone of age, or perhaps she was just stressed. "Hm..." She scanned the classroom, putting some girls out of ease. "I would like to welcome all of you to the Automemoirs Doll Training School." The door opened, just barely interrupting the strict looking teacher. A young girl with brown hair and brown eyes entered the room hurriedly. "I'm sorry." She said, taking her hat with a green ribbon tied around it, off her head as she went to her seat. "You will be marked absent on your second tardy." The teacher told the girl. "Yes ma'am." She bowed and went to the empty seat in the back, next to {Y/n}'s seat in her row.

"Now that the war is over, the demand for dolls has never been higher." The brunette looked stressed as she had sat down, setting her own case and hat down on the desk. "Of course, it is possible to become a Doll without attending our school. But our objective is not to train just another Doll. It's to train you to become the best doll you can be." The teacher brought her hand to a pin in the collar of the dark gray top of her dress. "Graduating from our school is proof of excellence." She let her hand drop back in front of her, and held her hands together. "However, if I do not deem you a worthy Doll, you will never be given this symbol." She looked around the quiet room of listening girls. "Are you prepared to begin?" The teacher then asked. {Y/n} suddenly stood up, letting the chair on the floor creak. She saluted, and out loud said "Affirmative, ma'am." Some of the girls, alarmed, or puzzled, looked back at her. She especially had the Brunette's attention. But instead of being baffled, she was in awe.

'{Y/n} {L/n}. I'll never forget first meeting her. In contrast to her Doll like outfit, she had the mannerisms of a military soldier.'

"A qualified doll must be able to type as fast as someone is speaking." The teacher said. The girls each had a type writer set upon their desks. "Now, you may begin." The brunette set paper into the type writer and set the mechanics so it would work properly. among the sound of the machines being used, {Y/n} sat still, unworking. Her metals hands, sat politely in her lap. "Is something wrong, Ms. {L/n}?" The teacher asked from the front of the room. The brunette looked over for a moment, but then looked back down at her type writer, minding her business. "You did not specify a speed." {Y/n} answered. Her reply had surprised the brunette, as well as other girls in the classroom. "I see...Then, you can type if it's specified?" The teacher asked her. "Alright, 200 characters per minute." "Affirmative." {Y/n} brought her gloved hand to her mouth, to remove the cloth.

The glove slid off her metal, clanking, hand. She took the glove from her mouth and removed the other the same way. The brunette, as well as others, gasped upon the sight of her exposed metal hands. The teacher, though she didn't show it, was intrigued with this particular student. "I shall begin." {Y/n} said. "Very well." The first key was pressed, then with the quickness she began typing, faster and faster. Everyone was in awe at her speed and accuracy.

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