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Three days had past since Armin had requested the company of {Y/n} to observe Halle's comet with him. And each day until the observation, Armin was anxious. He was most anxious to see the comet itself more than anything. But, being reminded that she would be there as say the least, his heart skipped a beat. He was well aware that his attraction towards her must have been through personal connection. It was foolish to have any romantic feelings for her, seeing as she'd be on her way home far away from where he is to continue her work. But, with little time he had left with her, he wanted it to matter. He wanted a memory of the Automemoires Doll that stood up for him, and left his heart disarray with perplex emotions. 

On the night of the observation, Armin, along with his roommate Eren, had gotten dressed for the cold night that happened upon them. The two of them packed blankets and snacks for it as well, wanting to be prepared. 

On that clear starry night, Armin had led {Y/n} to a roofed tower, as the ledge being wide enough for the two to sit on. Armin looked throughout the sky, until he found the majestic, cosmic, beauty blazing through the illuminated heavens. "Come, sit here." He told her. {Y/n} ran her hands through the back of her dress, pressing the fabric against the back of her legs as she lowered herself seated on the roofing tiles.  

"Look there. Isn't it amazing?" He asked aloud. Due to it's distance, it moved ever so slowly from their perspectives. But, in reality, it was faster than anything recorded on Earth. Armin had taken a beige blanket from his camper bag, and wrapped it around {Y/n} from behind her. "It's most easy to see the tail of the comet when it's in the east sky before sunrise." He informed her. 

{Y/n} watched as he cloaked her. "Wait, sir aren't y-"

"I'll be just fine. No need to worry about me." He assured her. He then reached into his bag, and took out a steel container. He took the top of the container lid and filled up the cap with a hot liquid. 

Steaming chicken soup.

He gently offered it to her, as to not spill any of it on her. "Here, I made soup." 

She gently took it in both of her hands, and looked into the cap. It's contents were of cut chicken, chicken broth, cabbage, and carrots. And the aroma of the cooked food permeated her nose, allowing a warmth to envelop her. "Sir, you're very kind." {Y/n} said suddenly. 

Armin instantaneously blushed, caught of guard by her compliment. He kept his attention to the telescope he brought, setting it up carefully with all of it's tedious alignments. "W-What are you saying? I'm not that kind, really...I'm not too good with women, either." He confessed. "I act so cold with them..." His tone of voice shifted to that of a sullen one. "Do you remember the conversation you had with the guys at the library?" He asked her. 

Her brows raised for but a moment. "Yes." She answered. 

"Everything they said...was true back there. Y'know...?" Armin began. "The stuff they said about me and my mother was a wanderer- a traveling entertainer. She would tour around, to dance, sing, and perform her talents." He appeared somber. "And that was when she fell in love with a man from this town. And had a child." Armin looked to the sky, at the stars shining on him. "And that child was me...looking back, I think we were happy as a family. But, one day, my father never returned..." Armin hugged his legs close to his chest, setting his chin upon his knees. "He was in charge of gathering documents at Shahar, so he would travel the world to collect valuable books. His work involved visiting dangerous territories as well...Finally, when he was away for work one day...he disappeared. After two years, they stopped searching for him..." 

{Y/n}'s eyes were stuck on his figure, listening to every word he entrusted towards her. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2023 ⏰

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