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Justitia Province

Nation of Astraea

The sun was just peeking over the horizons, as a blanket of chill air that resided from the night before swept by. {Y/n} rode a lift up the side of a tall mountain. Other dolls, and dolls she attended the academy with, were on board a mountain cart lift to an isolated Academy. The reason being for this transportation was for a special occasion, which she would soon find out once at her destination. As the lift reached the station, the various young women marched up the path to a large observatory. {Y/n} was on the cable cart behind the group of young women, finding herself to be the last doll to arrive on site. At the observatory, a young man with short brown hair, and greenish-turquoise eyes, peered at the line of Automemoires Dolls hiking to their building with a telescope. "Woah! Armin, check it out!" The young man leaned forward to enhance his view. "Women from all over the continent are headed our way!" A young man, by the name of Armin, glanced over at the boisterous brunette from inside the shaded room they shared at the observatory. "They're just dolls, aren't they?" Armin said dejected, seemingly not excited about the event that would take place for the next few days. Eren, as Armin addressed the brunette, sat up straight and turned to look at him. "Oh, you mean 'Automemoires' Doll!" He turned in his seat to give his full attention to his blonde friend. Armin Arlert was a shorter male compared to his brown-haired companion, with ocean blue eyes that made the ocean itself look nothing to gaze at. Distinctive features on him were his button nose, and neck length blond hair. "They're beautiful women who come to you and compose beautiful letters- whatever the client wants!" Eren's rash voice spoke, explaining their purpose. Armin dressed in a black cloak given to him from the academy and headed towards the door. "Well, I heard that the reason Dolls dress up is because they someday dream of marrying a rich man." He said to Eren, opening the door and disappearing behind it. 

"If called, they come to you anywhere in the world, selling their ability to write. At first, that job actually disgusted me. I don't know why. And, the fact that I was confused about it, made me angry."


Inside the observatory, the scholars and the Dolls all stood opposite from each other. The left side of the foyer stood the Dolls, and the right side, the male students that attended the academy. {Y/n} stood idly on her own, until three former classmates of her's approached her. "{Y/n}! It's been a while!" "How you been?" {Y/n} brought her attention towards them, face unchanging. "Hova, Belle." She then saw another familiar face. "And Sasha." Sasha had just approached the three, smiling. "{Y/n}, it's great to see you again. I admired your work with the castle of Drossel. You did a great job!" She praised. "I know!" Hova chimed in. "I read all about that, too! I'm honored to know you, {Y/n}! You're really inspiring!" Belle added. "Hm? Is something wrong?" Sasha asked, noticing {Y/n}'s expressionless face carried a sullen aura to it. "No, nothing." {Y/n} replied. "Thank you very much." Sasha still sensed something...afar, about {Y/n}. "Hm...are you okay? You seem a little down." {Y/n}'s {e/c} orbs flickered to the floor, but found their way at Sasha's eyes again. She didn't want Sasha, who she considered a friend, to worry about her. With both hands, she tugged at her cheeks to form a goofy smile. "Oh, {Y/n}." Sasha chuckled. "Everyone! Your attention!" A booming voice echoed through the foyer. Everyone turned their attention to a pudgy man with snow white hair and beard hair, and round glasses, that stood a floor above them in the open library. "I am Darius Zackley, chief of the Shaher Astronomy HQ in Justitia Observatory. It's a pleasure to meet you all." As if on cue, all of the dolls curtsied and introduced themselves, "It's a pleasure to meet you, too, Mr. Zackley." They greeted in unison, rendering the men on the other side blushed and surprised. Armin, who stood beside his bewitched friend, kept his gaze to his feet. Not bothering to look at even a single doll. 

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