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"Beautiful, right? I've always loved this view since I was a child. We used to come here all the time." Sasha said, gazing out at the scenery. {Y/n} remained silent, as she too, was immensly captivated by the soft glow cascaded out unto the city. "{Y/n}..."

Levi stood up from the grave of a fallen soldier, who's gravestone was of his musket, and war cap that hug off the handle. "I hope that one'll be ble to see that beautiful view in Leiden."

The feeling of contentment had washed over her, remembering the day he had told her that by the creek at sundown during the war.


"Well, I'm going this way." Sasha told {Y/n} as they prepared to depart since it was now dark out. "See you tomorrow." Sasha said smiling, turning to leave. "Ms. Blouse." {Y/n} called to her. "Hm?" Sasha turned to her. "You can just call me Sasha, okay?" "Just go home already." A gruff sounding man said from a nearby tavern. Sasha looked passed {Y/n} where the man was heard. "Come on, don't be like that-just one more." A younger male's voice then said. Sasha gasped, having noticed who that young individual was. "Brother!" She exclaimed, running to him as he held unto the collar of the bar owner. He looked just like her. He was tall, had a bit of a gut, and he had a cane to support him. He was dressed in brown pants, and a white shirt with a navy blue vest over it, and he wore black dress shoes. "Were you drinking again?" She asked as she ran to him to get him under control. He turned to her and smiled a drunken smile. "What? Eh, no I wasn't." He lied as best he could. "I said go home." The older man said again. "I Haven't had a drink because he won't let..." Her brother couldn't finish his sentence as he had lost balance and fell. "Spencer!" Sasha exclaimed in worry. "Are you okay?" He winced, and an angered expression enveloped his features. "Leave." He growled. Shocked by his response, she drew her hand back from when she was going to help him up. {Y/n}'s gloved hand had picked up his cane, then looked at Sasha. "Um...Sashsa." Sasha only smiled sweetly at her. "Its okay." She said reassuringly.


"{Y/n}..." Erwin began, as Jean and Hanji continued their little dispute a bit away from where he spoke to {Y/n}. "While I'm happy for the letter, it actually feels a little more like a report." He told her. {Y/n} became tense. "My instructor also said that what I wrote, cannot be called a letter." Erwin could see her become glum. "So will able to become a admirable Doll?" She asked, doubting herself. Erwin wasn't sure what to do, as he watched her gaze drop to the floor, defeated by her negative feelings.


Sasha, with a basket of fresh vegetables, was returning from the supermarket as she entered the house she and her brother resided in. "I'm home." She chirped, entering the livingroom. "I can make dinner right away." her cheerful attitude disipated seeing her brother passed out on the couch. Not only was he asleep, there were half eaten ingredients on the table, spilt liqour on the coffee table, and the carpet under the furniture was shifted uneatly from when he must have collasped unto the couch. His cane too, laid carelessy on the floor. Sasha shut the door to the livingroom gently, it's quiet creaking not bringing even an ounce of homey comfort. She had walked over to the chair that sat next to the couch, set the basket on the coffee table, and sat down. She took out the letter that {Y/n} had written earlier, and stared at it, tears welling up in her eyes. She looked up at the wall of photos, one being of her and her family. "Mom...Dad..." She muttered sullenly.


The next day, the teacher stood behind her desk that had 9 brooches of gold in cyan blue satin cases, opened for the students of girls to see. "Bluebell Junoa." The instructor called out to, earning a 'yes' in response their presence from said student as they stood up. "Hova Ivanova." Said student stood up as well. "Yes." She called out. "Sasha Blouse." There was silence, and the intructor called her name out again. "O-Oh yes." Sasha stood up, taking herself out of her thoughts. "Here!" She called out. The instructor continued until all the names were called. "Congratulations to the nine of you for graduating our program. I hope that all of you become admirable dolls." She said to the girls. "We did it!" One student cheered. "Where are you going to work?" Another asked. Amoungst the joyful students who had passed, Sasha couldn't find it in her to celebrate. She glanced over to {Y/n}, who sat still, with a blank expression staring forward. "Where are you going to work, Sasha?" The student, Bluebell, asked her. "I actually haven't decided anything as of yet." She replied. "What? But you were the top of our class." Another student, Hannah, said. The instructor had looked over at {Y/n}, disappointed that she wasn't among the students to get a brooch. She knows what {Y/n} was lacking.

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