Chapter 18 - Poor Lee

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Its been a week since my dad and the Flynn's went back to California. So far, the boys and I have definitely adjusted to living in our new apartment. Noah and I get a lot of alone time, which is awesome. We haven't had this much time together since we started going out which was almost two years ago. And even then, we never really could enjoy the moment because we were always in fear of getting caught. 

As for Lee, things haven't been so good. His routine is always the same.

Wakes up. Cry's about Rachel. Eats breakfast. Rants to Noah and I about how much Rachel sucks. Goes to class, calls me to talk about Rachel. Comes home, and cries some more.

I feel terrible but I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do. I told Lee that if he wanted me too, I could call Rachel to figure everything out. But every time I ask, he just yells "NO". 

I guess all I can do now is continue to be a supportive bestie and hope that things will get better...


"Lee, Noah?" I shout as I'm about to open the door.

"Yeah?", Noah yells.

"I'm leaving!"

Noah rushes to the door. He gives me a huge hug and kisses me on the cheek.

"Have an awesome day, Shelly!"

I grin.

"You too. I wish I had a long weekend like you guys, but I still have classes."

"Yeah same here.", Noah replies.

"Well, take care of Lee for me."

"Will do."

"Is he still sleeping?", I ask.

"Yeah, I think so."

"Man. It's already 1:30, you'd think he'd be up by now."

"Right! I'm kind of worried about him. I think he might be depressed."

"I think he might be to, Noah."

I bit my lip.

"I think Lee needs to get out. We should take him to do something that'll take his mind off of Rachel."

"I agree.", Noah says.

"Lets come up with something later. Gotta go! Don't wanna be late!"

"See you later!"



After a long day of classes I am so ready to go home and eat some food. I'm thinking we might order pizza tonight. Noah, Lee, and I all suck at cooking so we've been pretty much living on Raman and Mac & Cheese for the past few months. Mrs. Flynn told me that when we come home for Christmas she'll teach me how to cook some of mine and the boys' favorite dishes so that way we wont have to eat the same thing for dinner every night! Luckily we only have a few more weeks until winter break because I'm not sure how much more Raman I can take!

Just as I'm about to walk into our favorite Pizza parlor, I hear a voice. 

"Hey! Is that you Elle?"

I look around and notice a familiar face... 

"Oh hi!", I say. "Ashley right?"

"Yeah!", she squeals.

"We live in the same apartment complex."

"Yes that's right" I say while nodding.

"Actually, its so funny that I ran into you! I was gonna call later today!"


"Yeah! I wanted to let you know that one of my friends is hosting a party tomorrow night and just wanted to see if you were interested in coming?"

"Thanks! That sounds like a lot of fun! I'd love to come!"

"Hey! Maybe you could bring your friend too? Noah, right? And Lee?"

"Sure but he's my boyfriend, not friend."

"Friend. Boyfriend. What's the difference, right?"

She nudges me in the shoulder.

I awkwardly chuckle.

"Well, I think Noah has my number so I'll text him the time and place, ok."

"Yep that sounds good."

"Ok great! See you tomorrow!"

I wave and walk in to pick up the pizza.


*At home*

"Hey Lee, guess what!!"


"You're going to a party tomorrow!"

*Hey everyone! Apologizes for the really long wait for a new update. Hope you really enjoy this chapter! As always, please feel free to comment suggestions of what you want to see happen! Feedback is much appreciated!😊*

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2021 ⏰

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