Chapter 6 - I Still Have No Clue

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Lee, Noah, Rachel and I had the best time last night watching movies and being goofy, crazy teenagers. It took me a while to process that this was going to be one of the last times I had fun as a "kid". Just thinking about being an adult made my head dizzy.

I still needed my dad to do my laundry. How on earth was I supposed to live on my own?? I tried not to think about College and just be in the moment, but it was pretty difficult.

I still didn't know how I was going to pick between my BFF or my boyfriend.


"Geronimo!", yelled Lee as he did a cannonball into the pool from the balcony in his room.

Noah, Rachel and I all cheered as load as we could.

Lee was the only one out of all of us who had the guts to do the trick.

One time I almost did it, but I chickened out at the last minute.

"Hey guys! Look what I've got!", said Rachel.

"Thanks baby.", said Lee.

I have to admit. Those two were pretty darn adorable together.

Just as I was about to take a sip, my phone starting vibrating.

I checked to see the caller ID.

It said "Harvard Admissions Office."

Crap. Not right now, I thought to myself.

I quickly declined. Maybe that wasn't the best idea thinking about it now.

"Is everything ok?", asked Noah.

"Yeah, fine.", I said calmly.

I knew he could sense something was wrong.

"In fact... Want to be my personal jungle gym again??", I whispered in Noah's ear. 

I figured that would distract him.

He nodded. 

"Yes I would like that very much."

" Yeah I thought you might."

"See ya."

"Were are you two going?", questioned Lee.

"Noah wants to read me poetry and tell me all about his feelings.", I said, laughing.

Lee and Rachel totally knew Noah wasn't going to read "poetry" to me. But I thought it was pretty funny.

Noah picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist.

He dropped me onto one of the sofas in the cabaña room. Yeah, the Flynn's house pretty much had anything you could think of.

We started making out.

Ahhh, I could kiss Noah Flynn all day long if I could.

After we got a bit dirty, Noah and I chatted for a while.

"So. Have you decided on where you wanna go to college?, Noah asked.

"Ummm about that.", I said, nervously.

"I have to clue where I'm gonna go."

"I mean, there's so much more to it than choosing to go to school with you or Lee."

"To be honest, I'm kinda worried about my dad."

"I don't know what he'll do if I'm not around anymore."

"I was kind of like a half sister/half mom after my mom died for Brad." 

"Who's going to drive him to soccer after school while my dad's at work?", I said, kind of sobbing.

"Oh Shelly.", Noah said softley.

"You worry too much."

"Yeah, easy for you to say.", I said.

"Hey listen, I'm sure your dad will manage while your gone.", said Noah.

"Anyways, Lee will still be around if he needs help with anything."

"Yeah, I guess your right.", I said.

"I'm just scared."

"I mean, I've lived in California my entire life."

"It's going to be so weird living on the east coast now."

"Yeah, I know. But you'll get used to it. Trust me.", said Noah.

Now that I had talked about it with Noah, I definitely was set with the idea of going to Harvard. But I still would need to talk to Dad and Lee of course. I wanted to make sure they would be alright with everything. 

***Hi guys! Thanks so much for reading this chapter! For all of you who wanted more Elle/Noah and College scenes, its coming up soon! As always, feel free to comment any suggestions or things you want me to add in the story. Have a great day!***

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