Chapter 15 - Misunderstandings

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Its been 3 days since I've seen or talked to Lee. I've tried calling and texting him but nothing seems to work. This is the longest we've ever been apart for without communicating. Except for the time Noah had chicken pox when we were 7, but that doesn't really count.

"Noah.", I say worriedly.

"Maybe we shouldn't have just done this to Lee."

"I feel really bad about everything."

"You know what Shelly.", Noah says boldly.

"So do I."

"Poor Lee."

"I think that we should invite him to share the apartment with us? What do you think Noah?", I ask.

"I know we wanted some alone time, but I'm sure Lee will understand if we need a couple hours to ourselves."

"I think that's a great idea Shelly!", Noah says happily.

He gets off the bed and walks over to me.

We hug for a few seconds.

"And hey! Maybe this will be a good thing for Lee to!", I say.

"What do you mean?", Noah asks.

"Well... I think that Lee needs to branch out and go on dates so he can find a new girlfriend."

"But don't you think he's still getting over Rachel, Elle?", Noah says.

"You don't think it's too soon?"

"Nah. I think this will be good for him.", I say.

"You know what. Your right Shelly!", Noah says wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Lets go find Lee now.", we both say.


As we head for the door, we hear a knock.

"Ding Dong."

"Who could that be?"

Noah goes to open the door.

It's Lee.

"Hi.", Lee says.

"Lee we are so sorry!", Noah and I say giving him a big hug.

"We should have never just ditched you and left you behind."

'We're a team. And we'll always be together, no matter what."

"Hold on.", Lee says.

I give him a confused look.

"It's not your guys' fault."

"Mom called and told me everything."

"Aww she did?", Noah says like an exited five year old.

His checks turn pink a few seconds later.

I let out a quiet chuckle.

"Yeah. She told me everything."

"Aww well we can't wait to share an apartment with you Lee."

"Me too. It's gonna be great."

We all smile.

"So, what do you say we finally get out of this stupid boarding residence and head out.", Noah says.

"You said it.", Lee and I say together.

"Alright then, let's go!"

"Oh, hold on I completely forgot! We have to go pick up mom, dad and Mr Evan's.", Lee says.

"Ohh that's right!"

"Well then we better go!"


The car ride over to the airport in pretty fun. We blast Queen and play Bohemian Rhapsody on repeat. It's the only song we all agree on. Noah likes rock & heavy metal, Lee likes country, and I'm into Taylor Swift, so I guess you can say we have a pretty different taste when it comes to music.

When we arrive at the airport, we stop at the convenience store near the arrivals terminal to get "Welcome to Boston" signs. It's kind of a tradition. Whenever any one of us is picking someone up at the airport we have to get welcome signs or balloons or something like that.

"Hey there they are!"

Lee points at Dad and the Flynn's waving as they come down the escalator.

"Hey guys!", June says excitedly.

"Its so nice to be all together again."

"I know right!", I say giving her a hug.

"Elle!", dad rushes over and gives me a huge hug.

"I've missed you kiddo."

"Me too dad."

I spend the next few minutes chatting with dad, while Noah and Lee talk with their parents.

"So, who's ready to see their new apartment!", June chirps.

"Me!", Lee, Noah, and I say.

"Then what are we waiting for! Let's go!"

*Hi guys! Hope everyone enjoyed this chapter! Thanks again for all the support! I never thought anyone was ever going to read this! Haha. Please comment any suggestions or things you'd like me add to the story! I'd be happy to accommodate your requests :) Have a great day! Ps. I'm already half way done chapter 16 so don't worry! It won't be too long until the next part's released!*

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