Chapter 16 - Our New Home

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After Dad and the Flynn's collect their luggage, we head outside to try and find Noah's car. Just as we're about to hop in, we realize something.

"Oh darn. I'm sorry everyone. I just realized that my BMW doesn't have enough room for everyone. It didn't even cross my mind.", Noah says.

"I should have rented a van for while you guys are visiting."

"That's ok Noah.", dad says calmly.

"I can just meet you guys there. It's not a far walk, is it?"

"Oh don't be silly Jim!", June interjects.

"We couldn't do that to you!"

"Don't worry, we'll come up with something", Mathew says.

We all stare at each other in silence for a few seconds.

"I have a brilliant idea!", Lee says excitedly.

"Let's take a limo!"

"Lee dear, what a great idea!", June cries.

"Is everyone alright with that?"

"Yes!", we all say.

I've only been in a limo once before when Emma, a girl who I used to play soccer with, had it as apart of her birthday party.

Dad definitely wasn't the kind of person to let us go for limo rides, willy milly. We had been really tight on money every since mom died. Thank goodness for the Flynn's who gave us tons of  funds over the years to help us get by.

"This is going to be so fun!", I say to Lee.

"Don't I just have the best idea's!", Lee says proudly.

"Yes you do!", I say.

We giggle.

"Oh look! There it is!"

Dad points to a white limo coming down the road.

"Wow! It sure is bigger than I thought!", June says.

"Noah. You did tell them we only needed it for six people, right?", Mathew says laughing.

"Yes dad. I did."


"Limo for Noah Flynn?", the driver asks.

"Yep that's me."

"Alrighty then, come on in."

I slide next to Noah on one side, and Lee sits beside me. My dad & the Flynn's sit opposite us.

"I bet Brad would have loved this.", I say to myself.

"Yes, he definitely would have.", June says.

"He really misses you Elle.", dad says.

"He wanted to come see you so bad but his soccer coach wouldn't let him miss the playoffs.

"That's alright. We'll see each other on Thanksgiving and Christmas.", I say.


About 20 minutes later we pull up at a cute light blue, beach style apartment complex.

"Wow.", Noah, Lee and I say.

"How do you kids like it?", Mrs Flynn asks eagerly.

"I thought it might remind you of home a little bit."

"It sure does!", I say.

"Jeee it looks just like something you'd see in Malibu or Santa Monica", Lee adds on.

"Well, what are you guys waiting for? Go check it out!", Dad says.

Me, Noah, and Lee hop out of the limo and dash to the front door of the lobby. I haven't even walked inside yet and I can already tell I'm going to love it. Just as Noah's about to open the door for us, a girl about our age beats him too it.

"Oh sorry.", the girl says.

"Hehe no problem.", Noah reply's.

I see a cheeky smirk start to form on his face. She's super pretty, I think to myself. The kind of girl Noah always used to go for. Tall and blonde - the exact opposite of me.

"I'm Ashley.", she says.

"I'm Noah, and this is my girlfriend Elle and my brother Lee."

"Hey." Lee gives a polite wave. I follow.

At least he pointed out that I was his girlfriend, I think to myself.

"Nice to meet you!", Ashley squeals.

"Are you guys new?"

"Yeah, we're moving in today.", Lee answers.

"Oh that's cool! Welcome!"

"Thanks.", we all say.

"Well nice meeting you all!", Ashley says.

Me and Lee wave and then start to head for the elevator.

"Maybe I'll see you around?", she winks at Noah.

I turn around.

Just when I thought I was over being jealous of other girls, my old insecurities came flashing back.

I start to walk again. Noah catches up. I think he can see the sudden frown on my face.

"Hey what's the matter?", Noah asks.

"Nothing.", I say.

"Are you sure?"


"Ok, if you wanna talk to me later we can."


"Hurry up you slow pokes!", Lee calls out.

"Coming!", Noah yells.

"Come on Shelly."

I can't stop thinking about Ashley but instead, I  try to think about how I'm exited to see our new apartment. Besides, I can worry about that later. I just want to enjoy today right now. Besides, Noah did say I was his girlfriend so...


"What floor are we on again?", Lee asks.

"Hold on, I'll ask mom.", Noah says.

"Mom, what floor are we on?"

"Six!", she calls out.

"But wait for us!"

"We know.", Lee groans.

I start laughing. Lee never fails to put me in a good mood.

As we walk down the hallway, I try to imagine what it's going to look like! Ever since me and Noah got together, I've always imagined the three of us sharing an apartment together. And now that dream was coming true!


*Hi guys! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Let me know in the comments what you'd like to see happen next! I'm going to be off from school in a couple weeks for the holiday's, so I'm definitely going to have more time to write! Stay tuned until than!*

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