Chapter 2 - Dinner With The Flynn's

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"Elle honey, we're so exited to hear your news!", said Mrs. Flynn excitedly. "From the way Noah and Lee said it, this must be pretty important!"

"Oh it sure is!", I answered nervously.

"I think I know what it is", Lee grinned.

"What is it than Mr. Smartie Pants", I said teasing him.

"Elle got her application letters back from Berkley & Harvard.", said Lee, very confidently.

"What! No way. Elle is this true.", questioned Noah.

I have to admit I was a bit embarrassed at that point. But I was also so confused as to how Lee knew. I mean, we were both pretty good at guessing what the other one was going to say but this was pretty specific.

"Yeah, Lee's right.", I answered quickly. My hands covering my face. "But how did you know?"

"When I was going to pick you up for convocation rehearsal last Wednesday, your dad asked me to pick the mail up on the way. I saw the letters than.", said Lee.

"Why did you tell us at grad that you had been put on the waiting list?", said Noah, almost laughing.

"Umm well, I was too afraid to open the envelope ok!! So I just make it up!", I said. Bursting into laughter.

"No way! Oh my goodness Shelley. I'm so happy for you", said Noah. He kissed me on the lips in front of everyone. Including my dad and little brother!!

My checks turned bright red.

"Haha I knew the whole time!",Lee said proudly.

"So why don't you tell us!!", said my dad. "I'm about to fall off my seat from the suspense!"

All the adults started cracking up but Noah, Lee, Brad and I all sort of did a polite fake chuckle. My dad's humor wasn't exactly the funniest thing in the world.

After everyone settled down, I told them the good news.

"Drum roll please!", I said dramatically. Lee and Noah starting knocking on the table.

"I got accepted into Harvard and Berkley!", I said excitedly!!

"Oh Elle honey, I am so proud of you.", said my dad. "You've worked so hard to get this and I knew you'd get in."

"Congratulations Elle!!!", cheered Mr & Mrs Flynn. "We knew you'd get in!"

"Wow, Elle!! I am beyond proud of you!! Yay!! Now we are definitely going to school together!", said Lee excitedly.

I put on my best cheery smile, but the truth was. I had no hot clue which school I was going to be going to next year. I didn't want to upset Lee right now, so I just grinned.

"Whooho!!! Look who's coming to Harvard with me this fall!! Miss Elle Evans!!", chanted Noah.

"Awww thanks you guys!!", I said. I tried to not focus on Noah and Lee. The look that they had on their faces reminded me of the day Lee found out that Noah and I had been secretly dating.

It looked like the two of them were about to start a fight.

"She's going to school with me, Noah.", Lee said firmly.

"What did you say.",Noah said angrily.


I tried to stop him, but Noah had completely lost it now.

"Boys, let's talk about this later. Ok?", said Mrs. Flynn. "This is Elle's special night and you wouldn't want to ruin it, right?" "Boys. Stop it. Calm down. Noah get off of Lee right this second!!"

I was in tears as I saw Noah pin Lee to the ground. I thought he had moved past his fights, but I guess not.

"NOAH GET OF OF HIM!!!!", I yelled. No use.

"Lee. Noah. ENOUGH!", cried Mrs. Flynn.

Noah got off of Lee.

"I'm leaving.", I said.

"Elle wait.", said Noah and Lee at the same time.

"I thought you guys had changed but clearly not.", I said practically crying as I ran to the car.

Noah and Lee tried to stop me but it was too late. They were eating my dust by know.

As I drove home that's when it hit me.

Shit! This isn't my car!! It's not dad's and it's not one of the Flynn cars! So whose car is it??

I pulled over, to sort this out. I reached into the cup holders to get my phone to call dad. Instead of grabbing my phone though, I grabbed an ID card.

Marco's ID card.

*Hey guys! Thanks so much for reading. As always let me know in the comments any suggestions or things you want me to add to the story! Hope you enjoyed this chapter!*

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